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#morePVs model morePVs Copyright (C) 2018 Mike B Roberts

multi-occupancy residential electricity with PV and storage model

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see Contact:

###Setup Instructions

All input parameters for each study are contained or referenced in study_xxxxxxx.csv file.

scenario : Scenario identifier (integer)

output_type: This column lists output formats required, applied to the whole study, not individual scenarios. All other parameters are given per scenario i.e. per line of .csv file.


Name of pv file - 1 year's output within DATA_EN_3\pv_profiles

For en or cp arrangement, pv file has single column, must be 'cp'

For btm_i : btm individual: en has column for each unit, or if not, single 'cp' or 'total' column that is split equally

For btm_i_c : en has column for each unit and cp. Or, single column: cp gets share according to load share; units get equal share of remainder

For Shared btm inc cp: btm_s_c A single total or 'cp' column that is split according to instantaneous load between all units AND cp

For Shared btm Units only:btm_s_u single total or 'cp' column that is split according to instantaneous load between all units EXCLUDING cp

btm_p_c and btm_p_u are similar, but generation is paid for under a ppa to a solar retailer For en_external scenario: cp tariff != TIDNULL

Scaleable PV:

filename of 1kWp PV output is pv_filename column

pv_scaleable = TRUE

pv_kW_peak = value to scaleby, eg 50 for 50kWp If pv_capex_scaleable is True or absent (ie default setting = True), pv_cap_id refers to a scaleable capex scenario with capex and repayments also scaled by pv_kW_peak (NB - use of this should be restricted to system sizes with equal $/kWp capex).

if pv_capex_scaleable is False then pv_cap_id has absolute capex values


load_folder contains the name of sub-folder within base_path\load_profiles that contains the load profile(s) Can be a single file or multiple files for multiple iterations Load files contain: timestamp (first column) in format d/mm/yyyy h:mm 30 minute timestamps assumed. Up to 1 year (17520) but can be less. customer load columns (in kWh) 'cp' (optional) common property load (kWh) NB: timestamp refers to start of time period

i.e 1/01/2013 00:00 timestamp is attached to the period 00:00 - 00:30.

this is to align with the PV output files produced by NREL SAM. It is likely that interval data will need adjusting to align with this.

If there are multiple loads for each scenario, they must all have the same list of customers within the folder, BUT each scenario can have different number of residents, etc.


capex scenarios for en and pv are included in reference file amortization a_term (years) and a_rate (%) are included in study_....csv file a_rate is decimal e.g. 0.06 NOT 6% or 6 NB if capex_en_lookup has duplicate capex ids, it all goes to cock. (read_csv retrns series instead of single value).

pv_capex is full system cost (*including inverter cost * ), after rebates and including GST inverter_cost is only required if inverter_life > amortization period

N.B. Different pv_capex_id ids required for individual systems (btm_i_u and btm_i_c) to allow for higher $/W costs for smaller systems:


If all_residents has a tariff, it applies to all households (not cp) either internally for en arrangement or externally for bau btm etc. If all_residents tariff is not given, each houshold can have its own tariff code 'Static tariffs' are calculated independent of energy flows; 'dynamic' tariffs calculated for each timestep dependent on network status (e.g. cumulative load, pv generation, battery state). Dynamic tariffs are identified by having Block or Dynamic in the the tariff_type

'cp' tariff:

In en scenarios, If ENO is the strata body, cp tariff = TIDNULL, If ENO is not the strata cp tariff is what strata pays ENO for cp load

Daylight Savings

All load and generation profiles are given in local standard time (no DST)

If the tariff is adjusted for DST (i.e. periods applied to DST-shifted times) then in study_.....csv file :

Set dst = NSW (e.g.)

NB Default is nsw

NB dst must be the same for the whole study

Then dst_lookup.csv has start and end timestamps (nsw_start and nsw_end ) for each year. NB Timestamps given as local standard time (e.g 2am for start and end)


% discount applied to fixed and volumetric charges

Block Tariffs

Tariff type: block_dailyhas upto three rates for daily usage. Parameters are: block_rate_1,high_1,block_rate_2,high_2,block_rate_3. high_1 and high_2 are daily thresholds in kWh. If high_1 is provided, block_rate_2 is required.

Tariff type: block_quarterly as above but quarterly thresholds, also in kWh. 1st Quarter starts at start of time period.

Solar Tariffs

STS_xx Solar TOU Tariff based on peak, shoulder and off-peak solar periods with rates at xx% discount from EASO TOU rates STC_xx Solar TOU Combined tariff based on EASO TOU periods, with additional off-peak solar period and xx% off EASO TOU rates

SOLAR BLOCK TARIFF NOT IMPLEMENTED - NEEDS REDESIGN SBTd_xx_yy_zz Solar block TOU tariff (daily): Based on TOU with xx% discount and each customer having a fixed daily quota of solar energy (charged at zz c/kWh) , based on total annual generation during solar period (single solar period is defined in tariff_lookup.csv as constant all year, and the script handles DST shift) cp allocated a fixed % (cp_solar_allocation given as decimal (0.yy)in tariff_lookup.csv) and the remainder shared equally between units. tariff_type = Solar_Block_Daily

  • daily quota applied to solar tariff If residents have Solar_Block_daily and strata body is ENO, CP must have a Solar_Block_Daily_Null with same period and allocation but zero rates

SIT_xx Solar Instantaneous TOU tariff : Based on TOU with xx% discount and each customer having a quota of solar energy, based on % of instantaneous generation at that timestamp after cp load has been satisfied. Intended for use with btm_s arrangements (e.g. Allum) This is not a block tariff. local_import is calculated statically, Currently doesn't allow for individual battery.

tariff_type = Solar_Instantaneous

  • generation allocated according to load and charged at solar_rate,
  • with underlying (Flat_Rate or TOU) tariff for grid consumption.

If name_x is solar_sc: solar tariff applied within solar period but only to self-consumed solar generation. Export is passed through at FiT rate Solar rate must have details for solar period (even if it is 00:00 to 23:59)

For btm_p arrangements, ..... e.g. Allume: tariff_type = Solar_Inst_SC_only

  • solar instantaneous tariff (solar_sc)applied only to self-consumed solar,
  • exported solar charged at FiT rate, so passed through
  • Tariff is a combination of retailer tariff and solar tariff paid to third party
    • i.e. underlying (Flat_Rate or TOU) tariff for grid consumption.

for btm_s (eg upfront). btm capex and opex are treated as en capex and opex and shared between customers. PV is treated as if owned individually, with instantaneous generation allocated equally

##Other EN Tariffs

CostPlus_xx Based on bills paid at parent tariff + xx%. Fixed costs (and CP?) shared evenly; Volumetric costs shared by usage; How best to deal with demand charges?

parent tariff

Tariff paid at the parent meter for en arrangement. For Non EN scenarios (bau, btm, cp_only, etc.), parent tariff must be TIDNULL, while cp tariff is paid by strata.


For central Battery In study_xxxxxxx.csv file, battery is identified by central_battery_id and battery control strategy by central_battery_strategy If central_battery_id and central_battery_strategy are in the headers, then both must be supplied; If central_battery_id and central_battery_strategy are NOT BOTH in the headers, then battery is not included.

For Individual Batteries Batteries are identified by x_battery_id and battery control strategy by x_battery_strategy where x = customer id from load file

OR all_battery_id and all_battery_strategy for all households having the same battery arrangement, plus cp_battery_id and cp_battery_stratagey (this overrides individual settings).

N.B. (all _ids require _strategy too.)

Arrangement Battery Set-up
bau No battery, by definition
bau_bat - no pv, individual bats all_battery_id (or multiple x_bat....)cp_battery_id
en or en_pv - with central battery central_battery_id
This isn't allowed currently:
en or en_pv with individual batteries
all_battery_id (or multiple x_bat....)cp_battery_id
en... with central and individual ?? central_ and all_ and cp_ ??
cp_only - cp bat only cp_battery_id
btm_i_c btm_i_u- only ind batteries all_battery_id (or multiple x_bat....)cp_battery_id
btm_s_c btm_s_u - only ind batteries all_battery_id (or multiple x_bat....)cp_battery_id

Battery Characteristics

All battery technical data is kept in reference\battery_lookup.csv battery_id - identifier unique to battery characteristics capacity_kWh - Single capacity figure: Useful discharge energy efficiency_cycle - for charge and discharge (MAX = 1.0) (default 0.95) charge_kW - for charge and discharge. Max charge rate constrained by inverter power and/or max ~0.8C for charging. Defaults to 0.5C maxDOD (default 0.8 maxSOC (default 0.9) max_cycles(default 2000)

battery_cost: Installed battery cost excluding inverter (if inverter cost is given) , including GST battery_inv_cost : Installed cost of battery inverter, inc GST (If = zero, inverter and battery treated as single unit).

N.B. If battery_capex_per_kWh is given in the study_ parameter file, it overrides capital costs given in battery_lookup.csv

life_bat_inv : lifetime of battery inverter (years)) (Defaults to capital amortization period a_term )

Scalable Battery

If battery_id includes scale and x.....battery_capacity_kWh is in the study....csv file (for x = central or cp or all or customer_id) this capacity is used to scale the capacity and max_charge_kW in the battery_lookup.csv file

Battery Control Strategies

kept in reference/battery_control_strategies

Discharge periods:

discharge_start1 and discharge_end1 (optional) Discharge only allowed between these hours or these hours: discharge_start2 and discharge_end2 . If there is no period, specified, battery is discharged whenever load > generation.

discharge_day1 , discharge_day2 = week, end or both : days to discharge

Charge Periods:

Battery is charged whenever generation > load,

plus Optional additional grid-charging periods (charge_start1 to charge_end1),

(charge_start2 tocharge_end2 )

If there is no charge period specified, battery is never charged from grid.

charge_day1 and charge_day2 = week, end or both : days to charge from grid

If seasonal_strategy = True then the model shifts all charge and discharge periods an hour EARLIER in summer. If False then winter and summer periods are the same.

Charge / Discharge Rate:

charge_c_rate and discharge_c_rate given in battery_control_strategies.csv as C-rate fraction of capacity to charge / discharge in 1 hour. e.g 0.5C takes 2 hours to charge / discharge

i.e. charging power = battery.charge_c_rate * battery.capacity_kWh

If omitted, charge and discharge rate default to max_charge_kW in battery_lookup.csv

Priority Charging

If prioritise_battery is True: PV generation is applied to charge battery before applying to net load.

Peak demand Strategy

If peak_demand_percentage is present (0 <= x <=100), it is applied as a percentage to the maximum 30-minute demand in the timeseries to calculate a peak_demand_threshold. Battery is discharged only if net import is above this threshold and timestep is within discharge_period. Default is 0 - i.e. discharge is regardless of load value. i.e. to discharge battery to meet peak demand, regardless of time, discharge_period should be set to 24 hours.


Column output_type in 'study_...csv

output_types Fields
log_timeseries_brief timeseries .csv for each scenario and load profile total load , total building import, sum_of_customer_imports
log_timeseries_detailed timeseries .csv for each scenario and load profile total load , total building import, total building export,total generation,battery saved charge, etc.

the following are no longer functional:

| -------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | | csv_total_vs_type | Summary .csv | scenario_label,load_folder, arrangement, number_of_households,total$_building_costs_mean,cp_ratio_mean,pv_ratio_mean | | csv_total_vs_bat | summary .csv | scenario_label,load_folder, arrangement, number_of_households,total$_building_costs_mean,self-consumption_mean,pv_ratio_mean, battery_id battery_strategy | | | | | | | | |