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Visualization to be shown on Access All Data Page in DFP

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Access All Data Visualization in UNDP's Data Futures Platform

This project aims to provide interactive visualizations for exploring and analyzing multi dimensional data. Click here to see the interface.

Table of Contents

Link for the visualization


The Production site deployed using Azure Static Web App and work flow can be found here

Steps to Integrating the Visualization in the Data Future Platform or Any Other Page

Only editor and admins of Data Futures Platform are allowed to edit pages and embed the visualization in any page on data futures platform.

There are many type of visualization in this page:

  • Main visualization with all the data for all the country
  • Country level visualization
  • Regional level visualization
  • Signature Solution level visualization

Main Visualization

This is the parent visualization with all the data for all the countries. This visualization is used in the Access All Data page in DFP.

Main visualization Access All Data will be rendered within the following div on a static page:

<div data-bucket-embed></div>

Key Features

  • Data Explorer: For visualizing all the data for the world. Allow user to visualize all the countries together or focus on a single country.
  • Aggregated Data Explorer: For visualizing all the aggregated data at the World level. (Future development: Allowing user to create there own country grouping)
  • Datasets: List all the data used in teh visualization and allow user to download datasets in Excel format

Country Level Visualization

This is the visualization which are embedded in the country pages.

This visualization will be rendered within the following div on a static page:

<div class="country~<Use Country Alpha-3 Code Here>" data-bucket-country-embed></div>

The difference between country visualization and main visualization are as follow:

  • Country viz only uses the selected country data
  • Country viz don't have maps, scatter plot, bar charts and multi-line chart

Key Features

  • Data Explorer: For visualizing all the data for the country
  • Sub National Data: For visualizing available sub-national data for the country (This tab only appear for the countries that have sub-national data available)
  • SDG Tracker: For visualizing the SDG progress
  • SDG Data Explorer: For exploring SDG related data organized based on SDGs and targets and indicators
  • About: Description of the country and some key links if available

Regional Level Visualization

This is the visualization which are embedded in the regional pages. There four subcategories here:

Main regional level visualization

This visualization will be rendered within the following div on a static page:

<div class="region~<Use Region Code Here>" data-bucket-region-embed></div>

The difference between this visualization and main visualization are as follow:

  • Country viz only uses the aggregated region data
  • Country viz don't have maps, scatter plot, bar charts and multi-line chart

This visualization is very similar to the Country Level visualization with some key difference:

  • Users have the ability to select a country they want to focus
  • Summary visualization on the top are not categorized by signature solutions, but some key data points are used for this

Key Features

  • Data Explorer: For visualizing all the data for the region. Allow user to visualize all the countries within the region together or focus on a single country.
  • Aggregated Data Explorer: For visualizing all the aggregated data at the region level. (Future development: Allowing user to create there own country grouping)
  • Datasets: List all the data used in teh visualization and allow user to download datasets in Excel format
  • About: Description of the region and some key links if available

Available values of region code in the class element:

  • AP (for Asia and the Pacific)
  • AS (for Arab States)
  • ECA (for Europe and Central Asia)
  • LAC (for Latin America and the Caribbean)
  • SSA (for Sub Saharan Africa)

Signature Solution Level Visualization

This is the visualization which are embedded in the signature solution pages. There three subcategories here:

With the visualization data filtered by signature solutions

This visualization will be rendered within the following div on a static page:

<div class="signatureSolution~<Use Signature Solution Here>" data-bucket-ss-embed></div>

Key Features

  • Data Explorer: For visualizing all the data related to a signature solution. Allow user to visualize all the countries together or focus on a single country.
  • Datasets: List all the data used in teh visualization and allow user to download datasets in Excel format
  • About: Description of the region and some key links if available

This visualization is very similar to the Main visualization the only difference are available data sets under the selected signature solution category are shown

Available values for Signature solutions in the class element (Note: Replace with a +):

  • Poverty+and+Inequality
  • Environment
  • Gender
  • Energy
  • Resilience
  • Governance

Apart from the mentioned div above the following script and link needs to be added to the head or in the embed code

<script defer src="<Link to the Visualization Mentioned Above>/static/js/main.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

Customizing views for different countries, regions and signature solution

The code let to easily customizing certain elements based on countries, regions and signature solutions where the visualization is embedded. The section that can easily be customized for different countries, regions and signature solutions are:

  • About Section
  • Key Indicator (the cards on the top) in the Data Explorer
  • Default view of the main Data Explorer visualization
  • Header Area

Customizing 'About' section

To edit the About section for countries, regions and signature solution one needs to edit AboutText.tsx in the src folder

Data Structure for the file

Key DataType Description
title string Title of the page
id string This is used as an identifier to determine which object belong to which page. Available values: For region - AP, SSA, AS, ECA, LAC; For Signature Solutions - Poverty and Inequality, Environment, Gender, Energy,Resilience,Governance; For countries - Use the Alpha-3 ISO country codes.
bodyText HTMLDivElement This define what gets rendered in the body section. Please note: For countries, a descriptive paragraph is added by default based on key data points; and this bodyText get added to the descriptive text.
resources {source: string; link: string}[] This defines the links and resources that are shown at the end of the about text. Please note: For countries, link to the country page is added by default. If no resources need to be added please use an empty array.

About Description

Customizing 'Key Indicators' in Data Explorer

To customize the 'Key Indicators' in Data Explorer for countries, regions and signature solution one needs to edit TopCards.tsx in the src folder

Data Structure for the file

Key DataType Description
id string This is used as an identifier to determine which object belong to which page. Available values: For region - AP, SSA, AS, ECA, LAC; For Signature Solutions - Poverty and Inequality, Environment, Gender, Energy,Resilience,Governance; For countries - Use the Alpha-3 ISO country codes. Please note: id: Default is used to define the card that are shown for all the pages that are not mentioned in this file. Also the card on the country pages default to the Regional Bureau they belong to if the card for the country are not specifically defined.
cards {vizType: string; settings: Object}[] This defines the card are shown. The key value pair settings object depends on the vizType. Available value for visType are: lineChart, stackedLineChart, dotPlot, valueCard.

Key Indicator Area\

Customizing Default view of the main Data Explorer visualization

To customize the default view of the main Data Explorer visualization for countries, regions and signature solution one needs to edit DefaultViewsForDataExplorer.tsx in the src folder

Data Structure for the file

Key DataType Description
id string This is used as an identifier to determine which object belong to which page. Available values: For region - AP, SSA, AS, ECA, LAC; For Signature Solutions - Poverty and Inequality, Environment, Gender, Energy,Resilience,Governance; For countries - Use the Alpha-3 ISO country codes. Please note: id: default is used to define the card that are shown for all the pages that are not mentioned in this file. Also the card on the country pages default to the Regional Bureau they belong to if the card for the country are not specifically defined. For the topics for viva topics pages - Use the name of the topic.
firstMetric string This defines default value of the first metric. Use the dataKey value from the indicator-metadata to identify the appropriate indicator .
secondMetric string This defines default value of the secondary metric. Use the dataKey value from the indicator-metadata to identify the appropriate indicator. Can be undefined if the graphType is map, barGraph, trendLine, multiCountryTrendLine, or dataList.
colorMetric string This defines default value of the color metric. Use the dataKey value from the indicator-metadata to identify the appropriate indicator. Can be undefined.This is only applicable if the graphType is barGraph, or scatterPlot.
graphType string This defines default graph. Available values - map, scatterPlot, barGraph, trendLine, multiCountryTrendLine, or dataList.

Main Viz

Customizing Header Area

To customize Header Area for regions and signature solution one needs to edit IntroductionText.tsx in the src folder. Please note: The header of Countries cannot be edited.

Data Structure for the file

Key DataType Description
title string Title of the page
id string This is used as an identifier to determine which object belong to which page. Available values: For region - AP, SSA, AS, ECA, LAC; For Signature Solutions - Poverty and Inequality, Environment, Gender, Energy,Resilience,Governance.
bodyText HTMLDivElement This define what gets rendered in the body section.


Pages on DFP Where the Visualization is Used

Related Repos

Global CSS for UI and Graphs

Git Repo:

Link for stylesheets

Build with

  • React: Used as MVC framework.
  • styled-components: Utilizes tagged template literals and the power of CSS, allows to write actual CSS code to style the components in JS/TS.
  • Various D3 Libraries: Used for visualizations, adding interaction and reading the csv data file.
  • MapLibre: This is package for creating sub-national maps.
  • AntD: For UI elements like dropdown, buttons, checkbox, and slider.
  • dom-to-image: Used to allow users to download images of various visualization views they create.
  • lodash: Used for manipulating and iterating arrays and objects.
  • xlsx: Used to allow users download xlsx format for data.
  • react-csv: Used to allow users download csv format for data.
  • undp-viz-colors: This is package for defining the visualization color palette.


This project uses npm. For installation you will need to install node and npm, if you don't already have it. node and npm can be installed from here.

To install the project, simply clone the the repo and them run npm install in the project folder. You can use terminal on Mac and Command Prompt on Windows.

This project is bootstrapped with Vite and was created using npm create vite@latest command.

Run the terminal or command prompt and then run the following

git clone
cd Access-All-Data-Viz
npm install

Local Development

To start the project locally, you can run npm run dev in the project folder in terminal or command prompt.

This is run the app in development mode. Open http://localhost:5173/ to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.

Available Scripts

  • npm run dev: Executes vite and start the local server for local deployment.
  • npm run build: Executes tsc && vite build and builds the app for production and deployment.

Tooling Setup

This project uses ESLint integrated with prettier, which verifies and formats your code so you don't have to do it manually. You should have your editor set up to display lint errors and automatically fix those which it is possible to fix. See

This project is build in Visual Studio Code, therefore the project is already set up to work with. Install it from here and then install this eslint plugin and you should be good to go.


Visualization to be shown on Access All Data Page in DFP






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