With the DeidentiFHIR-Pipeline, you can transfer FHIR based data from one source (e.g. a FHIR server) to a target (e.g. a FHIR server) and pseudonymize the data in between. Pseudonymization is based on the DeidentiFHIR library. The transfer consists of four steps:
- Cohort selection: Select the IDs of FHIR resources (e.g. Patients) that should be transfered
- Data selection: Fetch FHIR data that belongs to the selected cohort IDs
- Pseudonymization: Pseudonymize the FHIR data based on DeidentiFHIR profiles
- Data storing: Store the data in a target system
There can be multiple implementations for each step, e.g. a cohort selection could be based on consent policies stored
in gICS or based on a list of IDs (e.g. Patient Identifiers).
Which implementation should be used, can be configured in the application.yaml.
Available implementations can be found in the transfer folder.
Log in to Github Container Registry:
docker login ghcr.io
Start with:
docker compose up -d
Post testbundles to FHIR server:
Start transfer:
Check if transfer was completed:
curl http://localhost:8042/transfer/all
Check if bundle was transfered to the other FHIR server and a pseudonymized Patient resource exists:
curl http://localhost:8083/fhir/Patient
In application.yaml
, see example in src/main/resources/application.yaml:
parallelism: 16
ids: ["1234"]
url: http://localhost:8082/fhir
fhirIdQueryPlaceholder: <id>
fhirIdQuery: Patient?identifier=<id>
bundleQueryPlaceholder: <fhir-id>
bundleQuery: Patient/<fhir-id>/$everything?_count=100000
scraperConfigFile: <path/to/deidentiFHIR.profile>
pseudonymizationConfigFile: <path/to/deidentiFHIR.profile>
generateIDScraperConfig: true
dateShiftingInMillis: 2419200000 # equals +/-14 days
hashmap: # Pseudonyms are stored in local hashmap
domain: test-project-domain
# gpas: # Alternative: Pseudonyms are stored in gPAS
# domain: test-project1-gpas-domain
# gpasServiceWsdlUrl: http://localhost:8081/gpas/gpasService?wsdl
# domainServiceWsdlUrl: http://localhost:8081/gpas/DomainService?wsdl
url: http://localhost:8083/fhir
java 23
(tested with3.9.9
docker compose
Generate a Github classic token with read:packages
permissions and add this to your .m2/settings.xml
Docs and details can be found here: https://docs.github.com/en/packages/working-with-a-github-packages-registry/working-with-the-apache-maven-registry
mvn spring-boot:run
Compile project with:
Run with:
Create docker image with:
See start-configured-process.sh.
You get back a UUID which you can use to get the status of the transfer via GET requests.
- http://localhost:8042/transfer
- http://localhost:8042/transfer/all
- http://localhost:8042/transfer/{insert-uuid-here}
- http://localhost:8042/transfer/{insert-uuid-here}/failed
- http://localhost:8042/transfer/{insert-uuid-here}/completed
- http://localhost:8042/transfer/{insert-uuid-here}/pending
Endpoint documentation is also available as swagger-ui under localhost:8042/swagger-ui/index.html.
See integrationtests/docker-compose.yml
Integrationtests are executed with hurl.
Run with:
cd integrationtests && ./start-integrationtests.sh
Post bundles to FHIR server:
Start transfer:
Check transfer with: