Extension that emulates some basic operations to get, create and modify issues.
gh extension install ULL-MII-SYTWS-2122/gh-issues
npm install @alu0101106335/gh-issues
Usage: gh issues [options]
gh extension for issues
-V, --version output the version number
-n, --repo <name> specify repo name
-org, --organization <name> specify organization name
-s, --state <state> specify issue state [open|closed|all], default state is open (default: "open")
-a, --assigned get issues assigned to user (default: false)
-i, --issue <number> specify an issue
-o, --open open an issue
-r, --reopen <number> reopen an issue
-c, --close <number> close an issue
-t, --title <title> set title
-b, --body <body> set body (default: "")
-m, --modify <number> modify issue data
-h, --help display help for command
* Option '-a' do not accept other options
* Options '-o', '-r', '-c' are only available for current repository
npm run test
Extension without options will get current repository issues:
$ gh issues
5 - other title (created 13 hours ago)
4 - i3 (created 14 hours ago)
3 - i1 (created 14 hours ago)
2 - Issue 2 (created 17 hours ago)
1 - Issue 1 (created 17 hours ago)
Get user repo issues
$ gh issues -n SYTW_Cliente
1 - Issue SYTW_Cliente (created 16 hours ago)
Get repo issues in an organization
gh issues -org ULL-MII-SYTWS-2122 -n gh-cli-PaulaExposito
1 - Prueba (created 7 days ago)
Get assigned issues
$ gh issues -a
Title: Issue SYTW_Cliente
Body: other repo
Assignee: PaulaExposito
Repository: PaulaExposito/SYTW_Cliente
Title: Issue 2
Body: comment 2
Assignee: crguezl PaulaExposito
Repository: ULL-MII-SYTWS-2122/gh-issues
Get issues assigned in an organization
$ gh issues -org ULL-MII-SYTWS-2122
Title: Issue 2
Body: comment 2
Assignee: PaulaExposito
Get one issue with details
$ gh issues --issue 2
Title: Issue 2
Number of issue: 2
State: open
Body: comment 2
Assignees: PaulaExposito
Issue created by PaulaExposito 18 hours ago
Create new issue
$ gh issues --open -t "new issue" -b "another one"
A new issue has been created
Close issue
$ gh issues --close 7
Issue 7 is now close
Reopen issue
$ gh issues --reopen 7
Issue 7 is now open
Change issue data
$ gh issues --modify 6 --title "new title" --body "Hello"
Issue 6 updated
Filter issues by state:
$ gh issues --state closed -n TFG-TrackYourTrails
11 - Ubicación (created 4 months ago)
10 - Resumen y conclusiones (created 4 months ago)
9 - Vue app (created 5 months ago)
8 - Integración de mapas (created 5 months ago)
7 - Postman coverage (created 5 months ago)
6 - Codecov Setup (created 6 months ago)
5 - Quasar setup (created 6 months ago)
4 - API (created 6 months ago)
3 - Docker (created 6 months ago)
2 - Setup de remote en organizacion ULL-TFGyMs-vblanco y submodule para memoria (created 6 months ago)
1 - Create main.yml (created 7 months ago)
- 0.1.0 - Requests to gh
- 0.2.0 - Using JS Modules
- 1.0.0 - First release
- 1.0.1 - Bug ejecutable en .bin