We provide installation instructions here.
The simplest way to use SwinMM is to use our docker image swinmm
, which has contained all the needed dependencies. Download the swinmm.tar
into the SwinMM
directory and try the following scripts:
cd SwinMM
docker import - swinmm < swinmm.tar
docker run --runtime=nvidia --gpus=all -m="800g" --shm-size="32g" -itd -v ./:/volume swinmm /bin/bash
docker exec -it swinmm /bin/bash
conda activate SwinMM
To use docker, make sure you have installed docker
and nvidia-docker
For fast dataset loading, we required the users to install the Redis database, for example, on Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install redis
We also recommend the users install the PyTorch-based version from the official website.
Two packages are recommended to install manually according to their complicated dependencies: bagua==0.9.2, monai==0.9.0
The others can be installed through pip install -r requirements.txt
Our pre-training dataset includes 5833 volumes from 8 public datasets:
We choose two popular datasets to test the downstream segmentation performance:
The dataset is organized as below:
├── WORD
│ └── dataset
│ └── dataset12_WORD
│ ├── imagesTr
│ ├── imagesTs
│ ├── imagesVal
│ ├── labelsTr
│ ├── labelsTs
│ ├── labelsVal
│ └── dataset12_WORD.json
└── Pretrain
├── dataset
│ ├── dataset00_BTCV
│ ├── dataset02_Heart
│ ├── dataset03_Liver
│ ├── dataset04_Hippocampus
│ ├── dataset06_Lung
│ ├── dataset07_Pancreas
│ ├── dataset08_HepaticVessel
│ ├── dataset09_Spleen
│ ├── dataset10_Colon
│ ├── dataset11_TCIAcovid19
│ ├── dataset12_WORD
│ ├── dataset13_AbdomenCT-1K
│ ├── dataset_HNSCC
│ ├── dataset_TCIAcolon
│ └── dataset_LIDC
└── jsons
├── dataset00_BTCV.json
├── dataset01_BrainTumour.json
├── dataset02_Heart.json
├── dataset03_Liver.json
├── dataset04_Hippocampus.json
├── dataset05_Prostate.json
├── dataset06_Lung.json
├── dataset07_Pancreas.json
├── dataset08_HepaticVessel.json
├── dataset09_Spleen.json
├── dataset10_Colon.json
├── dataset11_TCIAcovid19.json
├── dataset12_WORD.json
├── dataset13_AbdomenCT-1K.json
├── dataset_HNSCC.json
├── dataset_TCIAcolon.json
└── dataset_LIDC.json