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o-u-p edited this page Dec 24, 2018 · 3 revisions

title: wallet

Command list

  • createwallet

    Generate a new wallet from this wallet.
    • Parameters (named)
    1. -l or [--language] Options are 'en', 'es', 'ja', 'zh_Hans', 'zh_Hant' and 'any', defaults to 'en'.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. WALLET_NAME Wallet name.
    2. WALLET_AUTH Wallet password/authorization.
    • Example
    $ uc-cli createwallet tony4 123456
    	"addresses" : 
    	"mnemonic" : "replace loud gym claim final general emotion leisure kingdom solid essence wedding walnut old surge sell bachelor brother adult creek wine unfold arrow roof",
    	"name" : "tony4"

  • checkwalletinfo

    List a brief information of the wallet.

    • Parameters (positional)
    1. "WALLET_NAME" Wallet name.
    2. "WALLET_AUTH" Wallet password/authorization.
    3. "LASTWORD" The last word of your mnemonic words.
    • Example
    $ uc-cli checkwalletinfo tony4 123456 roof
    	"address_count" : 1,
    	"mnemonic" : "replace loud gym claim final general emotion leisure kingdom solid essence wedding walnut old surge sell bachelor brother adult creek wine unfold arrow roof",
    	"name" : "tony4"

  • deletewallet

    • Parameters (positional)
    1. WALLET_NAME Wallet name.
    2. WALLET_AUTH Wallet password/authorization.
    3. LASTWORD The last word of your private-key phrase.
    • Example
    $ ./bin/uc-cli deletewallet tony4 123456 roof
    	"name" : "tony4",
    	"status" : "removed successfully"

  • importwallet

    importwallet using mnemonic word
    • Parameters (named)
    1. -i or [--hd_index] Teh HD index for the wallet.
    2. -l or [--language] The language identifier of the dictionary of the mnemonic. Options are 'en', 'es', 'ja', 'zh_Hans', 'zh_Hant' and 'any', defaults to 'any'.
    3. -n or [--walletname] Wallet name.
    4. -p or [--password] Wallet password.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. WORD The set of words that that make up the mnemonic. If not specified the words are read from STDIN.
    • Example
    $ uc-cli importwallet -n tony4 -p 123456 -i 2 replace loud gym claim final general emotion leisure kingdom solid essence wedding walnut old surge sell bachelor brother adult creek wine unfold arrow roof 
    	"addresses" : 
    	"mnemonic" : "replace loud gym claim final general emotion leisure kingdom solid essence wedding walnut old surge sell bachelor brother adult creek wine unfold arrow roof",
    	"name" : "tony4"

  • changepass

    change password of your specified wallet

    • Parameters (named)
    1. -p or [--password] New password/authorization.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. WALLET_NAME Wallet name.
    2. WALLET_AUTH Wallet password/authorization.
    • Example
    $ uc-cli changepass -p 456789 tony4 123456
    	"name" : "tony4",
    	"status" : "changed successfully"

  • addaddress

    Generate new address for this wallet.
    • Parameters (named)
    1. -n or [--number] The address count.
    2. -o or [--operation] The operation[ add|del ] to the target node address, default: add.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. WALLET_NAME Wallet name.
    2. WALLET_AUTH Wallet password/authorization.
    • Example
    $ uc-cli addaddress tony4 456789

  • validateaddress

    validate address
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. PAYMENT_ADDRESS Valid payment address. If not specified the address is read from STDIN.
    • Example
    $ uc-cli validateaddress Ud9wuztAThNroNnTRR7TFR8AiEMbWcJM48
    	"address_type" : "p2kh(main-net)",
    	"is_valid" : true,
    	"message" : "valid address",
    	"testnet" : false

  • showaddresses

    List available addresses of this wallet.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. WALLET_NAME Wallet name.
    2. WALLET_AUTH Wallet password/authorization.
    • Example
    uc-cli showaddresses tony4 456789

  • exportkeyfile

    export wallet as file
    • Parameters (named)
    1. -d or [--data] If specified, the keyfile content will be append to the report, rather than to local file specified by DESTINATION.
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. WALLET_NAME Wallet name.
    2. WALLET_AUTH Wallet password/authorization. This is also used to encrypt the keyfile.
    3. LASTWORD The last word of your master private-key phrase.
    4. DESTINATION The keyfile storage path to.
    • Example
    $ uc-cli exportkeyfile tony4 456789 roof "/home/tony/tony4.json"

  • importkeyfile

    import wallet from file
    • Parameters (positional)
    1. WALLET_NAME Wallet name.
    2. WALLET_AUTH Wallet password/authorization. This is also used to decrypt the keyfile.
    3. FILE key file path.
    4. FILECONTENT key file content. This will omit the FILE argument if specified.
    • Example
    $ uc-cli importkeyfile tony4 456789 /home/tony/tony4.json
    	"addresses" : 
    	"name" : "tony4"