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yangguanglu edited this page Dec 3, 2018 · 15 revisions

UChain Testnet

What is UChain

Uchain is the first public infrastructure blockchain specifically designed for the global sharing economy. Along with other sharing economy enterprises, Uchain aims to build its underlying blockchain network to solve the current problems of trust and data abuse. Exercising API's and SDK's provided by UChain , all sharing economy enterprises are able to issue their own token and build their application on top of the UChain network, together making UChain a better global autonomous sharing economy ecosystem.

How to Join UChain Testnet

Step 1: Download UChain binary execution file on your computer and give it right to execute.

First you can download the UChain**.tar.gz file from resource to which match your OS type. Then unzip the file to get ucd and uc-cli.

$ tar zxvf UChain**.tar.gz && sudo ln -s /<path to your ucd>/ucd /usr/local/bin/ucd && ln -s /<path to your uc-cli>/uc-cli /usr/local/bin/uc-cli
$ which ucd

Second give ucd right to execute:

chmod 777 ucd
chmod 777 uc-cli

Step 2: Run a Full Node


Step 3: Start testing

Before you can start our intresting functional testing, you should create you account, that's simple, just type uc-cli ${your account name} ${your account password} in your command line and keep th mnemonic word in your mind. You can now give you address to us and we can give you ucn bits or mining privilege.

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