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Deployment Guide


Before you deploy, you must have the following in place:

Step 1: Clone The Repository

First, clone the github repository onto your machine. To do this:

  1. Create a folder on your desktop to contain the code, for example: harm-reduction.
  2. Open terminal (or command prompt if on windows) and cd into the above folder.
cd harm-reduction
  1. Clone the github repository by entering the following:
git clone

Step 2: Frontend Deployment

  1. Fork this repository into your GitHub account. alt text

  2. The Deploy to Amplify Console button will take you to your AWS console to deploy the front-end solution.


  1. On the AWS console. select your region on the top right, then select Github as your code source alt text
  2. Select the repository named harm-reduction, then select the branch main, you may be prompted to authorize amplify to access your github accountalt text
  1. Finally, click save and deploy to deploy the front end.alt text

Congratulations, your front end is now deployed!

Step 3: Backend Deployment

Configure AWS CLI

Before deploying your backend, we must configure your command line with the proper credentials to access your AWS account.

Begin by navigating to the IAM Console, in the tab labled Access Management, select Users.

We will create a user with the proper authorization to deploy all of our backend resources.

  1. Click the button labeled Add Users.

  2. Name this user harmreduction-backenddeploy, then click next to proceed.

  3. Select the option attach policies directly, then select the policy labeled AdministratorAccess. Click next to proceed.

  4. Finish creating the user by clicking create user, you should be taken back to the previous menu where all users are displayed. Click on the user you just created.

  5. Select the tab Security Credentials, then scroll down to the box Access Keys, press the button Create access key.

  6. For use case, select Command Line Interface, check the confirmation box, then click next to proceed.

  7. For the description tag, enter harmreduction-backenddeploy, then click create access key to proceed.

  8. Click the outlined button download .csv file, store this file in a secure locations as it contains the credentials that provide admin-level access to your AWS account.

Next, begin configuring the AWS credentials by typing the following line in the CLI

aws configure

The command line interface will prompt you to enter your Access Key ID, then your Secret Access Key, both values can be found in the .csv file you downloaded in the section above.

For your default region name, enter the region in which you are deploying your project. As for the default output format, press enter to leave it as the default value (None).

Deploy Backend

Once the AWS CLI has been configured with the credentials, navigate to the directory named 'cdk'

cd cdk

The 'cdk' directory contains the python files that describe how the AWS resources should be deployed using the CDK.

Subdirectories under the directory '/cdk/lambda' each contain the code for the lambda functions that make up the majority of the backend

Run the following command in the CLI to install the dependencies required for the CDK deployment

npm install

The next two commands will provision resources required to deploy the full stack (backend), and begin the deployment process.

cdk bootstrap
cdk deploy

Output Values

Once the cdk deployment is complete, you should see five values in the terminal under the line Outputs, copy these values into a text file, as they will be important in the next step of the deployment. alt text

Step 4: Configure Environment Variables

Now that the back end has been deployed, we can configure the environmental variables on amplify in order to point the frontend to the correct resources to access.

On the AWS console, Navigate back to the amplify console by entering Amplify. Under the App Settings heading on the left hand sidebar, click Environment Variables, then click Manage variables

Then, add the following variables

Name Value
REACT_APP_API_KEY paste ApiKeyOutput here
REACT_APP_AWS_REGION paste name of your AWS region
REACT_APP_COGCLIENT paste CognitoClientID here
REACT_APP_DB_API_URL paste name of the DB API url here
REACT_APP_OTP_API_URL paste name of the OTP API url here
REACT_APP_USER_POOL_ID paste CognitoUserPoolID here

Once you have added the variables, your screen should look something like the image below, click save to save your changes alt text

Finally, go back to the tab labled harm reduction, under the hosting environments tab, select the deployment named main. Click the button Redeploy this version to allow for your changes to take place.

Step 5: Configure Admin User & Admin Email

Now the web app has been deployed, we will configure the admin user, and the email from which notifications will be sent to the user. The admin user will be provisioned through cognito, and the admin email address will be verified through SES.

Provision Admin User

An admin user is needed in order to access the admin table feature, more information on this feature can be found in the user guide. As the AWS user who deploys this project, you can create as many admin users as needed.

First, go to the cognito console, ensure you are in the region in which your back end was deployed, you should see a user pool named harmreduction-adminpool

Enter the user pool by clicking on the name, then scroll down to the users section and click the button labeled create user.

Select the options don't send an invitation and generate a password, and enter the desired username for your admin user. Then click create user to create the user. creating a user

To finalize the creation of this user, we will use AWS CLI to set a permanent password for this user. Listed below are the password requirements for a permanent password, once you have a permanent password for the user, it is recommended you keep this infromation in a secure location.

password must:
    - be 8 characters or more in length
    - contain at least one lower case character
    - contain at least one upper case character
    - contain at least one number
    - contain at least one special character

Copy the userpool id found in the box labeled user pool overview, this value will be used in the step below.

Then, in the same command line where you executed aws configure during Step 3, enter the command shown below to set a permanent password for your user.

aws cognito-idp admin-set-user-password --user-pool-id "PASTE_USER_POOL_ID_HERE" --username "PASTE_USERNAME_HERE" --password "ENTER_NEW_PASSWORD_HERE" --permanent

To check if the password has been successfully set, navigate back to the cognito console, the user that was created should appear like the image below. confirm user has been created

Set Administrator Email

In order to send email notifications to users and lab admins, we must set up and verify an email address to send emails from.

First, to verify the email address, go to the SES console. Again, please ensure the region displayed in the top right of the screen is the region in which you have deployed the project.

Under the configuration tab on the left, click on the verified identities tab, then click the create identity button on the right side of the screen.

Select the option email address, and enter your email of choice in the box labeled email address. Your screen should appear like the image below. Click create identity to finish. verify email

Navigate to your email inbox, you should have received an email from Amazon Web Services, click on the blue link to verify your email address. verify email pt 2

The link should take you to a page that confirms your email has been verified, no further action is required on that page.

Then, navigate to the Lambda console, once again, ensure the region shown at the top right of the screen is the region in which your app is deployed. Click on the tab labeled function, then take note of two functions, one should contained the name 'otpapihandler', the other should contain the name 'sendnotif'. We will configure these two lambda functions to user your verified email address with the following steps.

  1. Click on the function name to open it and navigate to the tab labeled configuration. Then, in the bar that opens on the left, select the tab environment variables and click on the button edit.

  2. In the page that opens, for Key, type in EMAIL_ADDRESS, and for Value, type in the email verified in the step above. The screen should appear like so: add email env variable

  3. Click save to save your changes

Follow the 3 steps listed for both of the functions. If at anytime you wish to change the email address, repeat this section with the new email address.

Step 6: Request Production Access in SES and SNS

By default, AWS will limit your access to SES and SNS services to prevent spam and unrestricting spending, as each text/email has an associated cost. For this project, we will want to gain production access in order to be able to send notification to any user that opts in for text/email notification.

Production Access For SES

Begin by navigating to the SES Console, as usual, ensure the region indicated in the top right is the region in which the app is deployed.

A dialogue should be seen at the top of the screen that reads: Your Amazon SES account is in the sandbox in [AWS REGION]. Click the button on the right side of this box labeled: Request Production Access

On the subsequent page, take the following action:

  1. Check the box labeled transactional

  2. For website URL, enter the URL of your amplify deployment. This URL can be found on the Amplify console under Harm Reduction >> Hosting Environments >> main

  3. Paste the following text into the box labeled use case description

This web application is a sample-tracking application, users can query for a sample given a specific sample-id, a user can then choose to associate their email to a sample, only one email can be associated with a sample, a text will be sent to a sample's associated email when the status of a sample changes.

Two types of emails will be sent through the application:
    OTP -> this is for verifying the email address a user provides, it is rate limited so a user can only request for a new OTP text every 5 mins 

    Status Update -> a status update will be sent to a user in the form of an email if there is a verified email address associated with the user, a status update is sent when the sample completes processing. Once this status update is sent, the email is removed from the mailing list. 

Assuming the rate of 100 users/month, an estimated maximum of 10 emails will be sent per day

One recipient is expected to be sent 3-4 emails over the course of their time interacting with the application

An invalid email address will result in no email being sent

There is no option to unsubscribe, but an authentication process ensures subscription is intentional
  1. In the box additional contacts, add any emails you may wish to receive notifications on the status of this request for production access.

  2. Finally, check the box for terms and conditions, and click the button submit request

Production Access for SNS

Begin by navigating to the SNS Console, ensure that the region in the top right is the region in which the app is deployed. In the tab on the left, select Test Messaging (SMS).

A box labeled Account Information should include the dialogue that reads: This account is in the SMS sandbox in [AWS REGION]. Click the button on the right side of this box labeled: Exit SMS Sandbox.

On the subsequent page, take the following actions:

  1. For limit type, select SNS Text Messaging

  2. For the link to site/app which will be sending text messages, enter the URL of your amplify deployment. This URL can be found on the Amplify console under Harm Reduction >> Hosting Environments >> main

  3. For What type of messages do you plan to send, select transactional

  4. For Which AWS Region you will be sending messages from, select the region in which your application is deployed in

  5. For Which countries do you plan to send messages to, fill according to the use case of your application

  6. For How do your customers opt in to receive messages from you, paste in the following sentence:

Users can opt in to receive messages on the web app. Users who choose to opt in will receive an OTP message to verify their phone number, this process is rate limited so a user cannot spam themselves with OTP messages.
  1. For Please provide the message template that you plan to use to send messages, leave the box empty

  2. In the box Requests, you will only need to make 1 request. For Region, select the region in which your application is deployed.

  3. For Resource Type, select General Limits

  4. For Limit, select Exit SMS Sandbox

  5. For New Limit Value, enter 100, this value can be changed at a later date.

  6. In the box Case Description, paste the following text:

This web application is a sample-tracking application, users can query for a sample given a specific sample-id, a user can then choose to associate their phone number to a sample, only one phone number can be associated with a sample, a text will be sent to a sample's associated phone number when the status of a sample changes.

Two types of messages will be sent:
    OTP -> this is for verifying the phone number a user provides, its currently rate limited so a user cannot spam themselves with OTP messages
    Status update-> a status update will be sent to a user in the form of an text if there is a verified phone number associated with the user, a status update is sent when the sample completes processing. Once this status update is sent, the phone number is removed from the texting list.

Assuming the rate of 100 users/month, an estimated maximum of 10 texts will be sent per day

One recipient is expected to be sent 3-4 texts over the course of their time interacting with the application

An invalid phone number will result in no text being sent

There is no option to unsubscribe, but an authentication process ensures subscription is intentional

Production access is necessary to be able to send texts to any phone number and not just the 10 verified phone numbers.

Viewing Support Cases

After submitting the requests for production access, the status of these requests can be viewed at the AWS Support Center. Ensure the region on the top right is the region in which the app is deployed. Go to the section your support cases to view your support cases.

Adding Sample Data to API endpoint

Below is an example cURL command that can be used to create a sample item in the backend. Please use the DB API endpoint and API key you obtained during Deployment.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "x-api-key: <API_KEY>" -d '{"sample-id": "ABC123", "color": "White", "date-received": "2023-06-01", "expected-content": "Cocaine","is-used": "True", "location": "Vancouver, BC", "notes": "N/A", "status": "Manual Testing Required", "test-results": "Cocaine 95%, Uncertain Match 5%", "testing-method": "HPLC"}' <DB_API_URL>samples?tableName=harm-reduction-samples

The values for API_KEY and DB_API_URL can be found here at the end of step 3.

Data sent through the API should be organized using the following database schema:

database schema

An example of a JSON object sent via the API is shown below:

    "sample-id": "A1B2C3",
    "color": "White",
    "date-received": "2023-06-01",
    "expected-content": "Methamphetamine",
    "is-used": "N/A",
    "location": "Vancouver, BC",
    "notes": "N/A",
    "status": "Pending",
    "test-results": "Methamphetamine 90-95%, Fentanyl 5-10%",
    "testing-method": "HPLC"

Optional: Configure Domain Name

To congifure a custom domain name, please refer to the following AWS documentation