Lithnet Password Protection for Active Directory Manager,
It is a PowerShell script made for SysAdmins who want to use Lithnet Password Protection more easily !
Most of the Lithnet Password Protection commands are simplified by using them in a row thanks to an option system.
We have also added a log file wich contains all banned words that you will add.
It's impossible to check the content of stores, and it can be annoying to remember all the banned words you added,
so we decided to make a log file only for banned words because we think that is the most important feature in LPP.
You simply have to install our code, and then follow these steps :
- Unzip the LPPADManager directory
- Get into it
- Manually run "LPPADManagerOptions.ps1" for the first time. (Usefull for authorizations)
- Now you can use "LPPADManager.ps1" (main script) !