Lightweight cross-platform OpenGL-based framerate demonstration and assessment tool. The purpose of FrameRater is to test and demonstrate color displays, as well as offer a clear example of different framerates. FrameRater will be especially beneficial to software developers who claim arbitrarily low framerates are "good enough", as well as their soon-to-not-be customers and financial supporters.
- Cross-platform: Compatible with Linux, Windows, and OSX
- Large selection of pre-made looping "scenes"
- User-created scenes
- Ability to split-screen and have multiple simultaneous instances of the same scene running at different framerates
- Ability to cycle, split, and 'lerp' framerates
- Portable - no registry tinkering, FrameRater will be able to run from removable media without being installed to the machine
- 'Simple' scenes for even the weakest of machines, 'benchmark' scenes that intentionally stress the computer
- Ability to simulate stress. This would randomly add a handful of random milliseconds to given frames. This feature would be useful for demonstrating the difference between a simple framerate cap and an actual struggle to reach and maintain a certain framerate.
- Windows port 1.0: 1%
- Linux port 1.0: 0%
- OSX port 1.0: 0%
- HTML5 port 1.0: 0%
- Concept: 50%