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This is a place to submit ideas for the Commander 16 Computer by David Murray aka 8-bit guy. BE CIVIL, CONSTRUCTIVE, AND UNDERSTANDING. No griefing, aggression, harassment, or astro-turfing. There will be zero tolerance. This issue tracker is open to everyone. There is also a wiki here which we can use.

David Murray doesn't know anything about this bug tracker (surprise, David!). I have created it so that conversation that currently happens in the Facebook group can be done in a more orderly fashion. If David wants I'll shut this down, but I thought this would be of great use to other people and would make it simpler for everyone to see what ideas people are voicing and who can provide technical support as developers and substantial contributors to this project. Once we have a nice "database" of issues the team can look through the issues and gather an understanding of what the people think.

If you are a user who would just like to see what's going on, feel free to browse the issues in this repository. But bear in mind: this is not a chat forum! Only post comments if they add something substantial to the topic of conversation, if you would like to share knowledge about the topic at hand that will help in creating the Commander 16. You can support existing feature requests by using emoji reactions in the upper right corner of every post. Just don't use the thumbs down one, let's not be negative here!

If you would like to work on this project and can do anything that this project requires, meaning:

  • development of Verilog or VHDL for FPGAs
  • layout of digital boards
  • able to write firmware for the digital parts of the board
  • software engineer who knows the 6502 and could implement BASIC
  • software engineer to develop supporting toolchain
  • you want to write a tracker software for a new system
  • you want to write games for a new 6502 based system
  • you want to write or adapt a compiler, know LLVM, etc
  • industrial design
  • something else to that effect

...then first of all, thanks for wanting to help this project! Please create a new issue saying what you could do and add the "help offer" label to the issue. Please include some form of contact (twitter, email), what your exact skills are and what experience you have, what you would like to do (it's OK to be very specific, eg "I'd like to implement an FM synth chip in Verilog, but just the digital part") and how much time you could dedicate to this. Are you swamped with other projects? If you join up, what's the chance (0% - 100%) you would be able to complete your part of the project within a few months or half a year? Anything else you would like to add? Again, thank you for wanting to help, you own!

If you are a user who would like to voice their support for using or emulating some specific vintage chip, or would like to request a specific functionality, please find an existing issue and upvote that. Don't comment if you just want to show support, upvote only! You upvote by clicking on the "smiley face" with a plus in the upper right corner of the issue, and selecting the thumbs up emoji. Don't use the thumbs down emoji, no one needs to be negative here, if you think something is amiss then please report it to the mods. If you can't see the issue for the specific thing, please search the issues first, and if you haven't found one that exists already, only then add a new one. Make sure to add the label "enhancement", and if you'd like to suggest a chip, please use the label "chip suggestion" as well.
