Example Shiny applications using polished for authentication & user management. All demo apps below have been deployed with Polished Hosting.
You can sign into each of the apps linked below using:
- email: demo@tychobra.com
- password: polished
Additionally, the code for each app is available in this repo. To run the apps locally, you will need to set up polished
. Set up instructions are available at the Polished documentation
All polished
apps use the API available at auth-api.polished.tech/v1. All you need is a copy of your secret API key provided at dashboard.polished.tech and your provided app name, then the polished
API handles the rest. You can find more information about the polished
API here.
Companies & developers often want to add custom logos and branding to the Sign In and Registration pages. With polished
, you can easily customize these pages. Just pass your custom UI to the sign_in_page_ui
argument of secure_ui()
Allow anyone to register and sign in to your app (i.e. no invite required to register and sign in) by setting the is_invite_required
argument of polished_config()
With polished
, users can sign in to multiple Shiny apps using the same email/password sign in credentials. This allows you to make a dashboard of Shiny apps. Users who sign into the dashboard of Shiny apps (or any Shiny app hosted in the same polished
project) will then not have to reenter their credentials to switch between the Shiny apps they are authorized to access. You can set user access at a per Shiny application level. These are the example Shiny apps we included in the example Shiny Apps Dashboard
Secure .Rmd
documents. You can even use Shiny runtime. Flexdashboards are frequently used with Shiny runtime.
Allow your users to sign in with social sign in providers.
Use an alternate default sign in UI provided by Tychobra. Update this UI with your brand colors, logos, and company name in minutes.
Use golem with polished