A collection of snippets for various programming language. Some snippets are highly inspired by Jetbrain's IDEs.
dependencies = { "L3MON4D3/LuaSnip" },
event = { "InsertEnter" },
config = function()
-- register all snippets into LuaSnip
feature should be enabled in LuaSnip
local ls = require('luasnip')
enable_autosnippets = true,
Config Example:
---@type LSSnippets.Config
user = {
-- user's name, used in todo-related snippets now
name = nil,
snippet = {
lua = {
-- enable neovim related snippets in lua
vim_snippet = false,
cpp = {
quick_type = {
-- use `std::unordered_map` instead of `absl::flat_hash_map`
extra_trig = {
{ trig = 'm', params = 2, template = 'std::unordered_map<%s, %s>' }
-- enable qt-related snippets
qt = true,
rust = {
-- add `#[rstest]` to test function's attribute choices, if the test mod has already use `rstest` directly
rstest_support = false,
disable_auto_expansion = {
-- disable these snippets' auto expansion
cpp = { "i32", "i64" },
disable_langs = {
-- disable these language's snippets
-- "dart"
Trig | Desc |
todo |
Expand to linewise TODO comment |
fixme |
Expand to linewise FIXME comment |
note |
Expand to linewise NOTE comment |
Snippets with *
are available only when vim_snippet
is enabled.
Trig | Desc | Context Required |
fn |
Expands to function definition. | No |
req |
Expands to require(...) statement. |
No |
ifn * |
Expand to vim.F.if_nil(...) expresstion. |
No |
] @any_expr
] @index_expr
Trig | Desc (placehoder: ? ) |
Expr before cursor |
.ipairs |
Expands to ipairs(?) for-loop. |
any_expr |
.pairs |
Expands to pairs(?) for-loop. |
any_expr |
.isnil |
Expands to if ? == nil then statement. |
any_expr |
.tget * |
Expands to vim.tbl_get(...) expression. |
index_expr |
Trig | Desc | Context Required | Could Disable AutoExpansion |
#i |
Expands to require(...) statement with type hinting. |
No | No |
Trig | Desc | Context Required | Qt |
fn |
Expands to lambda function in argument list or function body, otherwise expand to normal function. | No | |
|trans |
Expands to ranges::views::transform pipe. | No | |
|filter |
Expands to ranges::views::filter pipe. | No | |
cpo |
Expands to customize point object. | No | |
ns%s(%S+) |
Expands to namespace block (including comments). | No | |
itf |
Expands to a struct with default virtual destruction. | No | |
pvf |
Expands to a pure virtual function declaration. | No | |
qcls |
Expands to a class inherts from QObject. | No | Yes |
Trig | Desc | Context Required | Could Disable AutoExpansion | Qt |
ctor! |
Expands to default constructor. | In Class | No | |
dtor! |
Expands to default destructor. | In Class | No | |
cc! |
Expands to default copy constructor. | In Class | No | |
mv! |
Expands to default move constructor. | In Class | No | |
ncc! |
Expands to delete copy constructor. | In Class | No | |
nmv! |
Expands to delete move constructor. | In Class | No | |
ncm! |
Expands to delete copy and move constructor. | In Class | No | |
once |
Expands to pragma once marker at the front of the file. |
All lines before are comments | Yes | |
u8 |
Expands to uint8_t . |
No | Yes | |
u16 |
Expands to uint16_t . |
No | Yes | |
u32 |
Expands to uint32_t . |
No | Yes | |
u64 |
Expands to uint64_t . |
No | Yes | |
i8 |
Expands to int8_t . |
No | Yes | |
i16 |
Expands to int16_t . |
No | Yes | |
i32 |
Expands to int32_t . |
No | Yes | |
i64 |
Expands to int64_t . |
No | Yes | |
t(%s)! |
Evaluates (QET) marker, and expand to typename. | No | No | |
#" |
Expands to include statement with quotes. #include "" . |
No | Yes | |
#< |
Expands to include statement with <> . #include <> . |
No | Yes | |
#q |
Expands to include qt generated moc file. | No | Yes | Yes |
Marker | Expand Type | Parameter |
v |
std::vector |
1 |
i |
int32_t |
0 |
u |
uint32_t |
0 |
s |
std::string |
0 |
m |
absl::flat_hash_map |
2 |
t |
std::tuple |
* |
tvi! -> std::vector<int32_t>
tmss! -> absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, std::string>
] @indent
] @any_expr
Trig | Desc (placehoder: ? ) |
Expr before cursor |
.be |
Expands to begin and end exprs. | any_expr |
.cbe |
Expands to cbegin and cend exprs. | any_expr |
.mv |
Wraps with std::move(?) . |
any_expr |
.fwd |
Wraps with std::forward<decltype(?)>(?) . |
any_expr |
.val |
Wraps with std::declval<?>() . |
any_expr |
.dt |
Wraps with decltype(?) . |
any_expr |
.uu |
Wraps with (void)? . |
any_expr |
.ts |
Switches indent's coding style between CamelCase and snake_case . |
indent |
.sc |
Wraps with static_cast<>(?) . |
any_expr |
.rc |
Wraps with reinterpret_cast<>(?) . |
any_expr |
.single |
Wraps with ranges::views::single(?) . |
any_expr |
.await |
Expands to co_await ? . |
any_expr |
.in |
Expands to if (...find) statements. |
any_expr |
Trig | Desc | Context Required |
fn |
Expands to lambda function in argument list or function body, otherwise expand to normal function. | No |
pc |
Expands to pub(crate) . |
No |
ps |
Expands to pub(super) . |
No |
ii |
Expands to #[inline] . |
No |
ia |
Expands to #[inline(always)] . |
No |
tfn |
Expands to a test function. #[test] or #[tokio::test] supported. With snippet.rust.rstest_support enabled, #[rstest] also supported. |
No |
pm |
Expands to a public method definition. | In impl block |
] @expr
] @expr_or_type
Trig | Desc (placehoder: ? ) |
Expr before cursor |
.rc |
Wraps with Rc::new(?) if expr, Rc<?> if type. |
expr_or_type |
.arc |
Wraps with Arc::new(?) if expr, Arc<?> if type. |
expr_or_type |
.box |
Wraps with Box::new(?) if expr, Box<?> if type. |
expr_or_type |
.mu |
Wraps with Mutex::new(?) if expr, Mutex<?> if type. |
expr_or_type |
.rw |
Wraps with RwLock::new(?) if expr, RwLock<?> if type. |
expr_or_type |
.cell |
Wraps with Cell::new(?) if expr, Cell<?> if type. |
expr_or_type |
.refcell |
Wraps with RefCell::new(?) if expr, RefCell<?> if type. |
expr_or_type |
.ref |
Wraps with &? . |
expr_or_type |
.refm |
Wraps with &mut ? . |
expr_or_type |
.ok |
Wraps with Ok(?) . |
expr |
.err |
Wraps with Err(?) . |
expr |
.some |
Wraps with Some(?) . |
expr |
.println |
Wraps with println!("{:?}", ?) . |
expr |
.match |
Wraps with match ? {} . |
expr |
Trig | Desc | Context Required |
fn |
Expands to function definition. | No |
wfn |
Expands to function definition returns a widget. | No |
afn |
Expands to an async function definition. | No |
Trig | Desc | Context Required |
ctor! |
Expands to class constructor function. | In Class |
js! |
Expands to json-related methods. | In Class |
init! |
Expands to initState override function. |
No |
dis! |
Expands to dispose override function. |
No |
for! |
Expands to for-loop. | No |
sfw! |
Expands to StatefulWidget class. |
No |
slw! |
Expands to StatelessWidget class. |
No |
Trig | Desc | Context Required |
@module |
Expands to a nix module declare. | No |
] @identifier
expression: (_) @expr
] @binding
Trig | Desc (placehoder: ? ) |
Expr before cursor |
.on |
Expands to enable option statement. | identifier |
.split |
Expands bindings to full attrset style. | binding |