- 新增功能
Bug fixed
- New Feature
- New guest user login mode
- Support new lightning active device
- Bug fixed
- 新增功能
- 全新定时接口功能
- 房间支持更换自定义图片
- 设备属性新增设备 dps 时间,可记录对应 dp 就近变化的时间
- Bug fixed
- New Feature
- New timing interface function
- The room supports changing custom pictures
- Added device dps time for device attributes, which can record the time corresponding to the nearest change of dp
- Bug fixed
- 新增功能
- 新增场景日出日落相关的定时条件创建方式
- Bug fixed
- New Feature
- Smart scene of timing conditions related to sunrise and sunset
- Bug fixed
- 新增功能
- 新增场景支持地理围栏条件触发
- 新增固件升级状态提示
- 新增三方扫码登录
- 新增 Mesh 快速配网
- 新增 Wi-Fi 子设备群组
- Bug fixed
- New Feature
- Smart scene support for geofence condition trigger
- Firmware upgrade status prompt
- QR code login
- Mesh support fast active
- Support Wi-Fi sub-device group
- Bug fixed
- 新增功能
- 群组自定义 icon 功能
- Bug fixed
- New Feature
- Group support set custom icon
- Bug fixed
- 新增功能
版本- HTTP 请求和响应数据加密
- 新增家庭角色权限管理
- 场景 SDK 增加缓存
- 增加创建场景条件和场景动作的便捷工具类
- bug fixed
- New Feature
- HTTP request and response data encryption
- Manager more family member role
- Add scene cache
- Add scene conditions and actions class
- Bug fixed
- 新增功能
- 支持标准DPCode 控制
- 家庭权限角色支持多样性
- New Feature
- Support DP Code Control
- Support more family member role
- 设备支持更新头像
- 支持wifi和蓝牙双模设备
- 支持子设备OTA
- 固件升级添加升级中的代理回调
- AP 配网优化
- 定时支持备注和推送功能
- 支持 SigMesh 设备
- bug 修复
Functional change
Device Support Update Head Image
Support Wifi and Bluetooth Dual-mode Devices
Support sub device OTA
firmware upgrade to add callbacks in upgrading
AP Distribution Network Optimization
Timing support annotation and push function
Support SigMesh Devices
bug fixed
- bug 修复,推送消息可分类开启
- bug fixed, Push Notification was classified.
- 兼容新版本Cocoapods (>=1.6.0)
- Support CocoaPods (>= 1.6.0)
- bug 修复,新增免密码配网,新增消息推送的开启和关闭,新增开发环境推送支持
- bug fixed, add device network configuration without password, add push notification to open or close, add development environment push support
- 修复 Wi-Fi 子设备在线异常问题
- Fixed an online problem with Wi-Fi subdevices
新的加密方式:需要在涂鸦开发者平台申请应用的 Appkey,AppSecret,iOS安全图片,bundleId
New encryption: Appkey, AppSecret, iOS security images, bundleId for application on Tuya Developer Platform
bug fixed
TuyaSmartHomeKit iOS SDK functions split:
- TuyaSmartUtil
- Utility classes, including category etc
- TuyaSmartBaseKit
- Account system (phone number, email registration, login, password reset)
- HTTP API interface
- TuyaSmartDeviceKit
- Home, room, group, device manager
- network configuration
- Device control
- Shared devices
- TuyaSmartTimerKit
- Timer task
- TuyaSmartSceneKit
- Smart scene
- TuyaSmartFeedbackKit
- Feedback
- TuyaSmartMessageKit
- Message center
- TYBluetooth
- Bluetooth base
- TuyaSmartBLEKit
- single bluetooth
- TuyaSmartBLEMeshKit
- Ble mesh
- bug fixed : Time zoneId update
- add : Low power consumption wake up method
- bug fixed : TuyaSmartUser Avatars url updated, no update local cache
- 添加更新用户时区接口
- 控制台日志输出问题
- 添加设备的数据流通道
- 文档更新
- add api merger service
- 去掉依赖 SDVersion'
- 新的群组控制
- MQTT控制优化
- 群组分享更新
- 新增获取设备的信号强度
- 群组功能更新
- bug fixed
- ble mesh 更新
- 固件升级 bug fixed
- 智能场景接口更新
- 固件升级接口更新
- MQTTClient 版本指定为 0.14.0
- add Demo
- 添加 邮箱注册 2.0
- 添加 停用账号
- 添加 zigbee子设备激活
- 添加邀请分享接口
- 更新 uid 登录注册接口
- 文档更新