This repo contains an opinionated installation of MediaWiki. It has all the semantic wiki extensions installed and configured and is configured with visualeditor support (aka the works).
docker-compose pull
Configuration is done through environmaent variables. Most configurable aspects may be found in the docker-compose yaml files.
The file docker-compose.example.yml
describes some of the variables. You can copy it to docker-composer.override.yml
as is to get started.
cp docker-compose.example.yml docker-compose.override.yml
$EDITOR docker-compose.override.yml
I'll add a table here when I'm not lazy.
docker-compose up -d
You need to run the migrations after the initial start of the containers so the tables needed by the semantic extensions are installed.
You can also choose to import old data (see below) and run the migration after that.
docker-compose exec wiki php maintenance/update.php --skip-external-dependencies --quick
docker-compose exec mysql mysqldump -uroot -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD mediawiki > backup.sql
# TODO image volume backup
You can SQL file containing a mysqldump
in ./data.sql
and then run the following commands.
cat docker-composer.override.yml <<<EOD
- ./data.sql:/tmp/data.sql
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec mysql mysql -uroot -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD mediawiki -e "source /tmp/data.sql"
docker-compose exec wiki php maintenance/update.php --skip-external-dependencies --quick
If you used <code><pre>
instead of <syntaxhighlight>
you can do this:
docker-compose exec wiki php extensions/ReplaceText/maintenance/replaceAll.php --nsall '<code><pre>' '<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">'
docker-compose exec wiki php extensions/ReplaceText/maintenance/replaceAll.php --nsall '</pre></code>' '</syntaxhighlight>'
Now is also the time to do some final cleanup and optimization after having migrated your wiki to this stack.
docker-compose exec wiki php maintenance/runJobs.php
If you had to wait a long time for the jobs to run you might want to run the updater again so it can optimize the db tables after the jobs have run.
docker-compose exec wiki php maintenance/update.php --skip-external-dependencies --quick