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File metadata and controls

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Application Builder

A generic builder for application construction based on various server environment.


MIT License


PSR-1, PSR-2, and PSR-4.


composer require "tuum/builder: ^1.0.0"

Sample Code

use WScore\Builder\Builder;

$builder  = Builder::forge(
    __DIR__ . '/config,  // app directory
    __DIR__ . '/var',    // var directory
    true                 // debug
if ($builder->isEnv('local')) {

$app = $builder->getApp(); // <- must set an app using setApp()!

Basic Usage

Directory Structure

Tuum/Builder assumes there are two directories to build an application:

  • APP_DIR: directory for application settings, and
  • VAR_DIR: directory for files not under version control.

For instance,

+ config/          // <- APP_DIR
   + setup.php
   + routes.php
+ var/             // <- VAR_DIR
   + .env
   + cache/


Construct the application builder with two directories:

use WScore\Builder\Builder;

$builder  = new Builder([
    Builder::APP_DIR => __DIR__ . '/config,  // app directory
    Builder::VAR_DIR => __DIR__ . '/var',    // var directory
    Builder::DEBUG   => true                 // debug

Or, simply use forge method as shown in the Sample Code Section.

Loading PHP File

To load configuration files under the APP_DIR, use load method as;


In setup.php file, set up the application, such as:

/** @var Tuum\Builder\Builder $builder */
$builder->set(Builder::APP_KEY, 'ENV');  // set value
$builder->setApp(new YourApp()); // set your application

return [
    'db-name' => $builder->get('DB_NAME', 'demo'),
]; // may return some value
  • The builder has has, get, and set methods as expected.
  • There are setApp() and getApp() methods to store your application.
  • The returned value from the PHP files are stored in the builder using its load name, which can be accessed by: $builder->get('setup');.

Getting Values

The get method tries to get value from:

  1. environment value,
  2. $builder's internal value
  3. default value.
$builder->get('DB_NAME', 'my_db');

Environment File

Loads .env file using vlucas's dotenv component. The default location of the .env file is at VAR_DIR.

The .env file contains APP_ENV key to specify the environment as such;

APP_ENV = local

Then, you can access the environment as,

$builder->loadEnv(); // load the .env file

$env = $builder->getEnv();

The builder considers the environment as prod if no environment is set, or no environment file to load.

To change the key string used to specify the environment, set Builder::APP_KEY value to the new key name, such as;

$builder->set(Builder::APP_KEY, 'ENV');  // set value