diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b421122..47456d0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,25 +1,11 @@
-Installation information
+# NeoForge Modding Tutorials For Minecraft 1.21.X
+This is the GitHub Repository for Kaupenjoe's NeoForge Modding Tutorials For Minecraft 1.21.X
-This template repository can be directly cloned to get you started with a new
-mod. Simply create a new repository cloned from this one, by following the
-instructions provided by [GitHub](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/creating-and-managing-repositories/creating-a-repository-from-a-template).
+The Individual Tutorials are seperated into Branches for ease of access.
-Once you have your clone, simply open the repository in the IDE of your choice. The usual recommendation for an IDE is either IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse.
-If at any point you are missing libraries in your IDE, or you've run into problems you can
-run `gradlew --refresh-dependencies` to refresh the local cache. `gradlew clean` to reset everything
-{this does not affect your code} and then start the process again.
-Mapping Names:
-By default, the MDK is configured to use the official mapping names from Mojang for methods and fields
-in the Minecraft codebase. These names are covered by a specific license. All modders should be aware of this
-license. For the latest license text, refer to the mapping file itself, or the reference copy here:
-Additional Resources:
-Community Documentation: https://docs.neoforged.net/
-NeoForged Discord: https://discord.neoforged.net/
+Watch the Tutorials here: YouTube Playlist