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A stream is a window to the world outside: a source of data or a sink. It can be a connection to a file, a pipe, a socket, or even a text. Some methods work on both stream types; others make sense only for one or the other.
(stream? x)
x.type -> stream
x.to-bool -> true
x.input? -> true if input stream, false otherwise
x.output? -> true if output stream, false otherwise
x.open? -> true if the stream is open, false if it has been closed
x.close -> closes the stream
x.ready? -> returns true if there are runes waiting to be read
x.read -> reads a Vaquero object
(def sexprs "(foo (bar baz)) (quux 2 3)")
-> (foo (bar baz))
x.read-rune -> reads a single character
x.peek-rune -> looks at the next character on the stream without removing it
(def fb "foonballardy!!!")
(let (p fb.to-stream)
p.peek-rune -> "f"
p.read-rune -> "f"
p.peek-rune -> "o"
p.peek-rune -> "o"
x.read-line -> reads runes up to the next newline and returns a text
(def lines "uno\ndos\ntres")
(let (p lines.to-stream)
-> "uno"
x.to-list -> reads all lines until EOF and returns a list of texts
(def lines "uno\ndos\ntres")
(let (p lines.to-stream)
-> ("uno" "dos" "tres")
x.to-text -> reads all characters until EOF and returns a single text
x.to-seq -> reads all Vaquero objects until EOF and returns a list of them
(def sexprs "(foo (bar baz)) (quux 2 3)")
-> ((foo (bar baz)) (quux 2 3))
(x.read-n n) -> reads n runes and returns a text
(def fb "foonballardy!!!")
(let (p fb.to-stream)
(p.read-token 6)) -> "foonba"
(x.read-while "runes") -> reads runes as like as they are found in the given text and returns a text of the read runes
(def fb "foonballardy!!!")
(let (p fb.to-stream)
(p.read-token-while "fon")) -> "foon"
(x.read-until "runes") -> reads runes until one is found from the given text and returns a text of the read runes
(def fb "foonballardy!!!")
(let (p fb.to-stream)
(p.read-token-until "!")) -> "foonballardy"
(x.skip n) -> discards n runes from the stream
(def fb "foonballardy!!!")
(let (p fb.to-stream)
(p.skip 4)
p.peek-rune) -> "b"
(x.skip-while "runes") -> discards runes as long as the rune is found in the given text
(def fb "foonballardy!!!")
(let (p fb.to-stream)
(p.skip-while "fo")
p.peek-rune) -> "n"
(x.skip-until "runes") -> discards runes until it finds one from the given text
(def fb "foonballardy!!!")
(let (p fb.to-stream)
(p.skip-until "b")
p.peek-rune) -> "b"
(x.write object) -> Calls the view method of the object and prints the result in a way that can be read back in by the input stream method read.
(x.print object) -> Prints the object. Differs from write primarily for text objects.
(x.say object) -> Like print, but adds a newline to the end.
x.nl -> prints a newline
x.flush -> flushes any buffered output.