An awesome list of resources for designing, building, and using account abstraction wallets on Ethereum and EVM blockchains.
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Account Abstraction (AA) is the movement within Ethereum and EVM-compatible chains to improve transaction user experience by using smart contract wallets as primary accounts as opposed to externally-owned accounts (EOAs). EIP-4337 is the leading standard for implementing AA wallets, which has the benefit of not needing consensus-layer protocol changes, improves UX through bundled transactions, allows free/subsidized/token-paid gas costs, and supports optional privacy and signature enchancing features.
- What is an Ethereum Account? - EF documentation on Ethereum accounts
- EIP-4337 - The latest and most-likely-to-be-adopted EIP for account abstraction
- Vitalik's Road to Account Abstraction - Account abstraction history on Ethereum and reasoning how we got to EIP-4337
- Patch Wallet - An AA wallet that's automatically attached to every Twitter, Email, or Github
- Avocado - Next-gen AA wallet with network abstraction and seamless cross-chain experience
- Ambire Wallet - General-purpose AA wallet live on Ethereum and other EVM chains
- Etherspot - Account Abstraction SDK since 2019
- Biconomy - SDK for creating AA wallets and submitting txs
- StackUp - Account abstraction infrastructure and bundler services
- Candide Wallet - Consumer wallet built on account abstraction and Safe DAO (prev Gnosis Safe)
- Soul Wallet - Consumer wallet launched at ETHBogotá
- Safe - Smart contract accounts with AA support
- TrueWallet - Consumer wallet built on account abstraction with MPC-TSS
- Biconomy's 4337 implementation
- Soul Wallet's 4337 implementation
- Candide Wallet's 4337 implementation
- Eth Inifitism's 4337 implementation
- Safe's 4337 implementation
- TrueWallet's 4337 implementation
- Smart Contract Wallet Overview from 1kx
- Open Zeppelin's EIP-4337 – Ethereum Account Abstraction Audit
- WTF is Account Abstraction from Argent
- The History and Future of Account Abstraction from Nethermind
- The current state of Account Abstraction from Garvit Khatri
- Unpacking 4337 from Ankit Chiplunkar
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