Passo 1: Abra o local do arquivo do Muse Dash pela Steam, que geralmente é encontrado em: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Muse Dash
Passo 2: Localize o arquivo GameAssembly.dll nesta pasta.
Passo 3: Arraste o arquivo GameAssembly.dll para dentro da pasta do app nosso.
Passo 4: Após mover o arquivo, execute o termux.exe.
Passo 5: Aguarde enquanto o Termux carrega e faz as alterações necessárias. Isso pode levar um tempo.
Passo 6: Quando as alterações estiverem concluídas, o CMD será fechado automaticamente e um novo arquivo chamado GameAssembly_termux.dll será criado na pasta.
Passo 7: Você pode excluir o arquivo GameAssembly.dll original do Muse Dash. Mova o novo arquivo DLL criado pelo Termux para a pasta do Muse Dash.
Passo 8: Renomeie o arquivo GameAssembly_termux.dll para GameAssembly.dll.
Passo 9: Abra o Muse Dash e verifique se está funcionando corretamente.
Créditos: Termux & Termax
Espero que isso ajude!
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Step 1: Open the file location of Muse Dash via Steam, which is usually found at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Muse Dash
Step 2: Locate the GameAssembly.dll file in this folder.
Step 3: Drag the GameAssembly.dll file into our app’s folder.
Step 4: After moving the file, run termux.exe.
Step 5: Wait while Termux loads and makes the necessary changes. This may take some time.
Step 6: When the changes are complete, the CMD will close automatically and a new file called GameAssembly_termux.dll will be created in the folder.
Step 7: You can delete the original GameAssembly.dll file from Muse Dash. Move the new DLL file created by Termux to the Muse Dash folder.
Step 8: Rename the GameAssembly_termux.dll file to GameAssembly.dll.
Step 9: Open Muse Dash and check if it is working correctly.
Credits: Termux & Termax
I hope this helps!
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