An arcade type game where the user can play as the controller of the ship and shoot down alien ships and earn points.This project completely uses Object-Oriented Approach and is also well documented . Suggestions are welcome 😄
- 👉 The Normal Play Mode 🚲 with 2 extra ships to fight and other variable game speeds
- 👉 The Intermediate Voyager Play Mode 🚗 with 1 extra ships to fight and other variable game speeds
- 👉 The Expert Voyager Play Mode 🚄 with 0 extra ships to fight and other variable game speeds
- 👉 D/d for moving the ship right
- 👉 A/a for moving the ship left
- 👉 spacebar for firing bullets
- 👉 Q/q for quitting the game
- 👉 python (3.x+)
- 👉 pygame(2.0.1)
First create your fork of the repository, then clone using:
cd path/to/folder
git clone
To run the game, ensure that you have python and pygame library installed in
your system.
$ python -m pip install --user pygame
$ python3 -m pip install --user pygame