Pre-release💡 Key highlights
The launcher bar can now be placed at the top instead of the left of the screen, with a full-width tab bar. See #654 for more information.
A new theme is introduced called “TriliumNext" by @adoriandoran and @eliandoran. Settings on this theme are now displayed in a card layout. Redesigned tree action buttons.
Native title bar buttons when native title bar is off for Windows and macOS.
On Windows, on the TriliumNext theme there are window transparency effects if running under Windows, see Mica (Windows transparency effects) for screenshots. Unfortunately, it is plagued by a few bugs with Electron (the library we are using for the desktop application), see the link for more information.
Updated Docker builds to Node 22. Be on the lookout for any potential issues, especially for less-tested platforms such as ARM.
🐞 Bugfixes
To do lists not preserved on safe import.
✨ Improvements
Use CodeMirror for backend log
Support for ELK layout in Mermaid diagrams (sponsored by @perfectra1n). See the relevant “ELK layout engine” in Mermaid diagrams for more information.
Importing single HTML file: prefer html title over filename by @maphew
user configurable list of allowed html tags in import by @maphew
General HTML support; now the editor supports more HTML tags and displays them appropriately.
- Currently the import function is the only way to benefit from them, or modifying the source code manually by changing the note type.
Change default icons for “Go to Previous Note” and “Go to next note” launcher buttons.
Move toggle sidebar button near tab bar on horizontal layout.
Mind map notes now are full-width by default (same as Canvas, for example).
Tabs can now display the icon notes instead of only workspace icons (this is the default behaviour of the TrilumNext theme, can be added to any other theme via
--tab-note-icons: true;
). -
Display the fixed toolbar on multiple lines (adjustable in settings)
🌍 Internationalization
Chinese translation improvements (& some new messages translated) by @Nriver
Translate import toast messages.
Translate hidden notes (including options).
Romanian improvements.
Brazillian Portuguese by @Nertonm work in progress (only server translations for now)
Translate note autocomplete.
⬆️ Library updates
- i18next, i18next-http-backend, i18next-fs-backend
- force-graph v1.47.0
- express 4.2.12
- mermaid 11.4.1
- axios 1.7.9
- katex 0.16.14
- https-proxy-agent 7.0.6
- better-sqlite3 11.6.0
- electron 31.3.1 -> 33.2.1
- jimp 0.22.12 -> 1.6.0
- mind-elixir 4.3.3
- Development tools
- electron-forge
- Docker Node.js updated to v20.18.1
- GitHub Actions workflow actions
- webpack v5.97.1
- TypeScript + types
- yargs
- helmet
- marked 15.0.3
- is-svg 5.1.0
- image-type 5.2.0
- eslint v9.16.0
- jsdom v25.0.1
- compression v1.7.5