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How to use MatTable with an API data source


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MatBlazor MatTable Demo Project

  • it's all about the data!


MatBlazor is a great, open source, set of components for Blazor development.

It includes a a data aware table component, MatTable, which can page data from a web API. However, the shape of the API is not documented; along with how various other parameters interact.


MatTable requires additional support:


    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
      // ...

      // MatTable needs this to call its data URL

        .AddNewtonsoftJson(options =>
          // MatTable assumes camel case when deserialising JSON data
          options.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = 
            new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();

      // ...
  • HttpClient scope should be setup with the correct permissions/identity since it will probably be calling an API which requires suitable authentication/authorisation
  • we must force all JSON to be camel case as this is a hard coded assumption in MatTable

MatTable data related properties

Data API

  • ApiUrl String
    • Specifies the API Url form for the table data
  • LoadInitialData Boolean
    • Specifies whether to Load the Initial Table Data
  • RequestApiOnlyOnce Boolean
    • Specifies whether to Request the API only once.
    • This will load all the data in a single call, so is only suitable for small data sets.


Requested data returned directly

  • CurrentPage Int32
    • The current page, starting from one.
  • PageSize Int32
    • The number of rows per page.

Extended Pageable

Requested data and additional information returned

  • PagingDataPropertyName String
  • PagingRecordsCountPropertyName String


  • FilterByColumnName String
    • Specifies which column is used for the filter / search term. If this is populated the Search Textbox will be visible.


  • SortBy String
    • data column on which API should order returned data
  • Descending Boolean
    • whether API should sort returned data in descending order

API Shapes

All data is assumed to be retrieved by an HTTP.Get on a URL specified by the ApiUrl property. The assumed shape of the returned data will depend on several MatTable properties.

API Endpoint

MatTable makes a very strong assumption about how its data URL will look but makes reasonable assumptions about query parameter names.

    public ActionResult GetAll(
      [FromQuery] int Page,
      [FromQuery] int PageSize,
      [FromQuery] string SortBy,
      [FromQuery] bool Descending,
      [FromQuery] string searchTerm)
      // ...

Note that ActionResult will wrap the requested data.

  • Page
    • 1-based
    • corresponds to MatTable.CurrentPage
  • PageSize
    • the number of rows per page
    • -1 if all rows are requested
  • SortBy
    • can be null
    • data column on which to sort returned data
  • Descending
    • defaults to false
    • whether to sort returned data in descending order
  • searchTerm
    • can be null
    • user entered string in search box
    • API is called every time user changes string in search box

Pageable Data

This is the simplest case as the requested data is returned directly:

    public ActionResult<IEnumerable<Contact>> GetAll(...)
      // ...

Extended Pageable Data

If both MatTable.PagingDataPropertyName and MatTable.PagingRecordsCountPropertyName are set, then the shape of the returned data is a little more complicated:

    public class ContactDataEx
      public IEnumerable<Contact> Contacts { get; set; }
      public int TotalContacts { get; set; }
    public ActionResult<ContactDataEx> GetAll(...)
      // ...
  • Contacts data property is specified by MatTable.PagingDataPropertyName
  • TotalContacts data property is specified by MatTable.PagingRecordsCountPropertyName