diff --git a/docs/.vitepress/config.ts b/docs/.vitepress/config.ts
index f7310543..99120cf5 100644
--- a/docs/.vitepress/config.ts
+++ b/docs/.vitepress/config.ts
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ export default defineConfig({
{ text: 'Align', link: '/guide/staging/align' },
{ text: 'SoftShadows', link: '/guide/staging/soft-shadows' },
{ text: 'Grid', link: '/guide/staging/grid' },
+ { text: 'Bounds', link: '/guide/staging/bounds' },
{ text: 'RandomizedLights', link: '/guide/staging/randomized-lights' },
diff --git a/docs/.vitepress/theme/components/BoundsDemo.vue b/docs/.vitepress/theme/components/BoundsDemo.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c95a476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/.vitepress/theme/components/BoundsDemo.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ b.instance.lookAt(e.object)"
+ >
diff --git a/docs/component-list/components.ts b/docs/component-list/components.ts
index 99bda8c5..e92fdb11 100644
--- a/docs/component-list/components.ts
+++ b/docs/component-list/components.ts
@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ export default [
text: 'PointMaterial',
link: '/guide/materials/point-material',
+ },
+ {
text: 'MeshDiscardMaterial',
link: '/guide/materials/mesh-discard-material',
@@ -120,6 +122,7 @@ export default [
{ text: 'Align', link: '/guide/staging/align' },
{ text: 'SoftShadows', link: '/guide/staging/soft-shadows' },
{ text: 'Grid', link: '/guide/staging/grid' },
+ { text: 'Bounds', link: '/guide/staging/bounds' },
{ text: 'RandomizedLights', link: '/guide/staging/randomized-lights' },
diff --git a/docs/guide/staging/bounds.md b/docs/guide/staging/bounds.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ecaeb559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guide/staging/bounds.md
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Bounds
+Calculates a boundary box and centers the camera accordingly. Its `lookAt` method accepts a target to look at imperatively e.g., after a click.
+::: info
+If you are using other camera controls, be sure to make them the 'default'.
+## Usage
+<<< @/.vitepress/theme/components/BoundsDemo.vue
+## Props
+| Name | Description | Default |
+| :--- | :--- | ---- |
+| `duration` | Duration of the `lookAt` animation in seconds | `1.0` |
+| `offset` | Additional distance from the target when using `lookAt` with a `Box3` or `Object3D` | `0.2` |
+| `useResize` | Whether to re`lookAt` the last target when the screen is resized | `false` |
+| `useMounted` | Whether to `lookAt` the `Bounds` object when the component is mounts | `false` |
+| `clip` | Whether to adjust the camera's `near` and `far` settings when using `lookAt` | `false` |
+| `easing` | Animation's easing function. `t` and the returned value should be in the interval `[0, 1]` | Cubic ease out |
+## `lookAt`
+`` `lookAt` points the camera at its first argument: an `Object3D`, `Box3` or `Vector3`.
+ /**
+ * Calculates a boundary box around an `Object3D` and centers the camera accordingly.
+ */
+ lookAt(object: Object3D): void
+ /**
+ * Calculates a boundary box around an `Object3D` and centers the camera accordingly and animates the camera's `up` vector.
+ */
+ lookAt(object: Object3D, up: VectorFlexibleParams): void
+ /**
+ * Centers the camera's viewport on a `Box3`.
+ */
+ lookAt(box3: Box3): void
+ /**
+ * Centers the camera's viewport on a `Box3` and animates the camera's `up` vector.
+ */
+ lookAt(box3: Box3, up: VectorFlexibleParams): void
+ /**
+ * Look at a `Vector3`.
+ */
+ lookAt(target: VectorFlexibleParams): void
+ /**
+ * Look at a `Vector3`, if provided. Move the camera to `position`.
+ */
+ lookAt(target: VectorFlexibleParams | undefined | null, position: VectorFlexibleParams): void
+ /**
+ * Look at a `Vector3`, if provided. Move the camera to `position` and animate the camera's `up` vector.
+ */
+ lookAt(target: VectorFlexibleParams | undefined | null, position: VectorFlexibleParams, up: VectorFlexibleParams): void
+ /**
+ * Rerun `lookAt` using the prior arguments. If `lookAt` has never been called, uses the `Bounds` object.
+ */
+ lookAt(): void
diff --git a/playground/vue/src/pages/staging/BoundsDemo.vue b/playground/vue/src/pages/staging/BoundsDemo.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a1bf3bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playground/vue/src/pages/staging/BoundsDemo.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
In this scene, multiple objects are children of <Bounds/>. A pointerup on a child should move/rotate the camera to fit the child into the view.
lookAt(lookAt?, position?, up?)
<Bounds> has a fit method that can be called imperatively.
Callback results
onStart ({{ startCount }})
+ {{ startArg }}
onCancel ({{ cancelCount }})
+ {{ cancelArg }}
onEnd ({{ endCount }})
+ {{ endArg }}
Testing Notes
OrbitControls zoom using an Orthographic camera can result in parts of the scene appearing "cut off", independent of <Bounds/>
Switching between Orthographic and Perspective Cameras leads to odd behavior, independent of <Bounds/>. To test, change isOrthographicCamera's value, save and reload the page.
The clip option sets the camera's clipping to a large multiple of the internal distance. To test, change the component's coefficient to a smaller number.
+ boundsRef.instance.lookAt(e.object)"
+ >
diff --git a/playground/vue/src/router/routes/staging.ts b/playground/vue/src/router/routes/staging.ts
index 7efd3145..44bce07f 100644
--- a/playground/vue/src/router/routes/staging.ts
+++ b/playground/vue/src/router/routes/staging.ts
@@ -44,6 +44,11 @@ export const stagingRoutes = [
name: 'Ocean',
component: () => import('../../pages/staging/OceanDemo.vue'),
+ {
+ path: '/staging/bounds',
+ name: 'Bounds',
+ component: () => import('../../pages/staging/BoundsDemo.vue'),
+ },
path: '/staging/fit',
name: 'Fit',
diff --git a/src/core/staging/Bounds/Bounds.ts b/src/core/staging/Bounds/Bounds.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d753fc43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/staging/Bounds/Bounds.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+import type { VectorFlexibleParams } from '@tresjs/core'
+import { normalizeVectorFlexibleParam } from '@tresjs/core'
+import type { Camera, OrthographicCamera, PerspectiveCamera } from 'three'
+import { Box3, Matrix4, Object3D, Quaternion, Vector3 } from 'three'
+import { clamp } from 'three/src/math/MathUtils'
+interface SizeReturn {
+ box: Box3
+ size: Vector3
+ center: Vector3
+ distance: number
+export interface BoundsControlsProto {
+ update: () => void
+ target: Vector3
+ maxDistance: number
+ addEventListener: (event: string, callback: (event: any) => void) => void
+ removeEventListener: (event: string, callback: (event: any) => void) => void
+interface StartT {
+ position: Vector3
+ quaternion: Quaternion
+ zoom: number
+interface GoalT {
+ position: Vector3 | undefined
+ quaternion: Quaternion | undefined
+ zoom: number | undefined
+ up: Vector3 | undefined
+ lookAt: Vector3 | undefined
+ box: Box3 | undefined
+ object: Box3 | Object3D | undefined
+export interface OnLookAtCallbackArg {
+ position: Vector3
+ quaternion: Quaternion
+ zoom: number | undefined
+ up: Vector3 | undefined
+ lookAt: Vector3
+ box: Box3
+ object: Box3 | Object3D | undefined
+type CachedFitArgs =
+ [ Vector3 | null, Vector3, Vector3 ]
+ | [ Vector3 | null, Vector3]
+ | [ Vector3 | null]
+ | [ Object3D ]
+ | [ Object3D, Vector3 ]
+ | [ Box3 ]
+ | [ Box3, Vector3 ]
+enum AnimationState {
+ NONE = 0,
+ ACTIVE = 2,
+const isOrthographicCamera = (def: Camera): def is OrthographicCamera =>
+ def && (def as OrthographicCamera).isOrthographicCamera
+const isPerspectiveCamera = (def: Camera): def is PerspectiveCamera =>
+ def && (def as PerspectiveCamera).isPerspectiveCamera
+const isBox3 = (def: any): def is Box3 => def && (def as Box3).isBox3
+const easingFnDefault = (t: number) => { return 1 - Math.exp(-5 * t) + 0.007 * t }
+export class Bounds extends Object3D {
+ camera: Camera
+ offset = 0.2
+ duration = 1
+ clip = true
+ private _start: StartT = {
+ position: new Vector3(),
+ quaternion: new Quaternion(),
+ zoom: 1,
+ }
+ private _goal: GoalT = {
+ position: undefined,
+ quaternion: undefined,
+ zoom: undefined,
+ up: undefined,
+ lookAt: undefined,
+ box: undefined,
+ object: undefined,
+ }
+ private _animationState = AnimationState.NONE
+ private _t = 0.0
+ private _controls: BoundsControlsProto | null = null
+ private _controlsRemoveEventListener = () => {}
+ // NOTE: Overloaded functions and TS `Parameters` does not work.
+ // moz-extension://b37b5993-6262-452a-b49a-4f9e44f44989/confirm-page.html?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fmicrosoft%2FTypeScript%2Fissues%2F29732&cookieStoreId=firefox-container-21¤tCookieStoreId=firefox-container-8
+ private _cachedFitArgs: CachedFitArgs = [this]
+ constructor(camera: Camera) {
+ super()
+ this.camera = camera
+ }
+ dispose() {
+ this.controls = null
+ }
+ onStart(_: OnLookAtCallbackArg) {}
+ onCancel(_: OnLookAtCallbackArg) {}
+ onEnd(_: OnLookAtCallbackArg) {}
+ easing = easingFnDefault
+ get controls() {
+ return this._controls
+ }
+ set controls(controls: BoundsControlsProto | null) {
+ this._controlsRemoveEventListener()
+ this._controlsRemoveEventListener = () => {}
+ if (controls) {
+ this._controls = controls
+ // NOTE: Try to prevent drag hijacking
+ // Attach an event to listen to `controls` "start".
+ // It is triggered when active controls are interacted with and
+ // should cancel animations here.
+ // https://threejs.org/docs/#examples/en/controls/OrbitControls
+ const callback = () => {
+ if (controls && this._goal.lookAt && this._animationState !== AnimationState.NONE) {
+ const front = new Vector3().setFromMatrixColumn(this.camera.matrix, 2)
+ const d0 = this._start.position.distanceTo(controls.target)
+ const d1 = (this._goal.position || this._start.position).distanceTo(this._goal.lookAt)
+ const d = (1 - this._t) * d0 + this._t * d1
+ controls.target.copy(this.camera.position).addScaledVector(front, -d)
+ controls.update()
+ this._stop()
+ }
+ this._animationState = AnimationState.NONE
+ }
+ controls.addEventListener('start', callback)
+ this._controlsRemoveEventListener = () => controls.removeEventListener('start', callback)
+ }
+ }
+ private _stop() {
+ if (this._goal.position) {
+ this.onCancel(this._goal as OnLookAtCallbackArg)
+ }
+ _resetGoal(this._goal)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculates a boundary box around an `Object3D` and centers the camera accordingly.
+ */
+ lookAt(object: Object3D): void
+ /**
+ * Calculates a boundary box around an `Object3D` and centers the camera accordingly and animates the camera's `up` vector.
+ */
+ lookAt(object: Object3D, up: VectorFlexibleParams): void
+ /**
+ * Centers the camera's viewport on a `Box3`.
+ */
+ lookAt(box3: Box3): void
+ /**
+ * Centers the camera's viewport on a `Box3` and animates the camera's `up` vector.
+ */
+ lookAt(box3: Box3, up: VectorFlexibleParams): void
+ /**
+ * Look at a `Vector3`.
+ */
+ lookAt(target: VectorFlexibleParams): void
+ /**
+ * Look at a `Vector3`, if provided. Move the camera to `position`.
+ */
+ lookAt(target: VectorFlexibleParams | undefined | null, position: VectorFlexibleParams): void
+ /**
+ * Look at a `Vector3`, if provided. Move the camera to `position` and animate the camera's `up` vector.
+ */
+ lookAt(target: VectorFlexibleParams | undefined | null, position: VectorFlexibleParams, up: VectorFlexibleParams): void
+ /**
+ * Rerun `lookAt` using the prior arguments. If `lookAt` has never been called, uses the `Bounds` object.
+ */
+ lookAt(): void
+ lookAt(
+ arg0?: Object3D | Box3 | VectorFlexibleParams | undefined | null,
+ arg1?: VectorFlexibleParams,
+ arg2?: VectorFlexibleParams,
+ ) {
+ // NOTE: Normalize args
+ const size = arguments.length
+ let args: CachedFitArgs = this._cachedFitArgs
+ const v1 = arg1 ? new Vector3().fromArray(normalizeVectorFlexibleParam(arg1)) : new Vector3()
+ const v2 = arg2 ? new Vector3().fromArray(normalizeVectorFlexibleParam(arg2)) : new Vector3()
+ if (size === 0) {
+ // NOTE: We didn't get any args, use prior args.
+ args = this._cachedFitArgs
+ }
+ else if (!arg0 && arg0 !== 0) {
+ // NOTE: `fit(lookAt=undefined | null)`
+ if (size === 1) { args = [null] }
+ // NOTE: `fit(lookAt=undefined | null, lookAt: VectorFlexibleParams)`
+ else if (size === 2) { args = [null, v1] }
+ // NOTE: `fit(lookAt=undefined | null, lookAt: VectorFlexibleParams, up: VectorFlexibleParams)`
+ else if (size === 3) { args = [null, v1, v2] }
+ }
+ else if (typeof arg0 === 'number' || (arg0 as Vector3).isVector3 || Array.isArray(arg0)) {
+ const v0 = new Vector3().fromArray(normalizeVectorFlexibleParam(arg0 as VectorFlexibleParams))
+ // NOTE: `fit(position: VectorFlexibleParams)`
+ if (size === 1) { args = [v0] }
+ // NOTE: `fit(position: VectorFlexibleParams, lookAt: VectorFlexibleParams)`
+ else if (size === 2) { args = [v0, v1] }
+ // NOTE: `fit(position: VectorFlexibleParams, lookAt: VectorFlexibleParams, up: VectorFlexibleParams)`
+ else if (size === 3) { args = [v0, v1, v2] }
+ }
+ else if ((arg0 as Box3).isBox3) {
+ // NOTE: `fit(box3: Box3)`
+ if (size === 1) { args = [arg0 as Box3] }
+ // NOTE: `fit(box3: Box3, up)`
+ else { args = [arg0 as Box3, arg1 as Vector3] }
+ }
+ else if ((arg0 as Object3D).isObject3D) {
+ // NOTE: `fit(object: Object3D)`
+ if (size === 1) { args = [arg0 as Object3D] }
+ // NOTE: `fit(object: Object3D, up)`
+ else { args = [arg0 as Object3D, arg1 as Vector3] }
+ }
+ // NOTE: End normalization.
+ this._cachedFitArgs = args
+ this._stop()
+ _resetGoal(this._goal)
+ if (args.length > 0 && (args[0] === null || args[0] === undefined || (args[0] as Vector3).isVector3)) {
+ // NOTE: The user sent specific numeric values, not an object.
+ const [lookAt, position, up] = args
+ this._start.position.copy(this.camera.position)
+ this._start.quaternion.copy(this.camera.quaternion)
+ isOrthographicCamera(this.camera) && (this._start.zoom = (this.camera as OrthographicCamera).zoom)
+ if (position) {
+ this._goal.position = Array.isArray(position) ? new Vector3(...position) : (position as Vector3).clone()
+ }
+ else {
+ this._goal.position = this.camera.position
+ }
+ if (lookAt) {
+ this._goal.lookAt = Array.isArray(lookAt) ? new Vector3(...lookAt) : (lookAt as Vector3).clone()
+ }
+ else {
+ this._goal.lookAt = new Vector3(0, 0, 1).applyQuaternion(this.camera.quaternion)
+ }
+ if (up) {
+ this._goal.up = Array.isArray(up) ? new Vector3(...up) : up.clone()
+ }
+ const mCamRot = new Matrix4().lookAt(
+ this._goal.position || this.camera.position,
+ this._goal.lookAt,
+ this._goal.up ?? this.camera.up,
+ )
+ this._goal.quaternion = new Quaternion().setFromRotationMatrix(mCamRot)
+ }
+ else {
+ const box3OrObject = args[0] as Box3 | Object3D
+ const { center, distance, box } = _getSize(box3OrObject, this.camera, this.offset)
+ this._start.position.copy(this.camera.position)
+ this._start.quaternion.copy(this.camera.quaternion)
+ isOrthographicCamera(this.camera) && (this._start.zoom = (this.camera as OrthographicCamera).zoom)
+ const direction = this.camera.position.clone().sub(center).normalize()
+ this._goal.object = box3OrObject
+ this._goal.box = box
+ this._goal.position = center.clone().addScaledVector(direction, distance)
+ this._goal.lookAt = center.clone()
+ const mCamRot = new Matrix4().lookAt(this._goal.position, this._goal.lookAt, this.camera.up)
+ this._goal.quaternion = new Quaternion().setFromRotationMatrix(mCamRot)
+ if (isOrthographicCamera(this.camera)) {
+ let maxHeight = 0
+ let maxWidth = 0
+ const vertices = [
+ new Vector3(box.min.x, box.min.y, box.min.z),
+ new Vector3(box.min.x, box.max.y, box.min.z),
+ new Vector3(box.min.x, box.min.y, box.max.z),
+ new Vector3(box.min.x, box.max.y, box.max.z),
+ new Vector3(box.max.x, box.max.y, box.max.z),
+ new Vector3(box.max.x, box.max.y, box.min.z),
+ new Vector3(box.max.x, box.min.y, box.max.z),
+ new Vector3(box.max.x, box.min.y, box.min.z),
+ ]
+ // NOTE: Transform the center and each corner to camera space
+ const goal = this._goal
+ const pos = goal.position || this.camera.position
+ const target = goal.lookAt || this._controls?.target
+ const up = goal.up || this.camera.up
+ const mCamWInv = target
+ ? new Matrix4().lookAt(pos, target, up).setPosition(pos).invert()
+ : this.camera.matrixWorldInverse
+ for (const v of vertices) {
+ v.applyMatrix4(mCamWInv)
+ maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, Math.abs(v.y))
+ maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, Math.abs(v.x))
+ }
+ maxHeight *= 2
+ maxWidth *= 2
+ const zoomForHeight = (this.camera.top - this.camera.bottom) / maxHeight
+ const zoomForWidth = (this.camera.right - this.camera.left) / maxWidth
+ goal.zoom = Math.min(zoomForHeight, zoomForWidth) / (1 + this.offset)
+ // NOTE: Fix possible division by 0.
+ if (Number.isNaN(goal.zoom)) { goal.zoom = 0 }
+ }
+ if (this.clip) {
+ if (isPerspectiveCamera(this.camera)) {
+ this.camera.near = Math.abs(distance) / 100
+ this.camera.far = Math.abs(distance) * 100
+ this.camera.updateProjectionMatrix()
+ }
+ if (this._controls) {
+ this._controls.maxDistance = Math.abs(distance) * 100
+ this._controls.update()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this._t = 0
+ this._animationState = AnimationState.ACTIVE
+ this.onStart && this.onStart(this._goal as OnLookAtCallbackArg)
+ }
+ animate(delta: number) {
+ if (this._animationState === AnimationState.NONE) {
+ return false
+ }
+ if (this._animationState === AnimationState.ACTIVE) {
+ this._t += delta / this.duration
+ this._t = clamp(this._t, 0, 1)
+ if (this._t >= 1) {
+ this._goal.position && this.camera.position.copy(this._goal.position)
+ this._goal.quaternion && this.camera.quaternion.copy(this._goal.quaternion)
+ this._goal.up && this.camera.up.copy(this._goal.up)
+ this._goal.zoom && isOrthographicCamera(this.camera) && (this.camera.zoom = this._goal.zoom)
+ this.camera.updateMatrixWorld()
+ if (isPerspectiveCamera(this.camera)) {
+ this.camera.updateProjectionMatrix()
+ }
+ if (this._controls && this._goal.lookAt) {
+ this._controls.target.copy(this._goal.lookAt)
+ this._controls.update()
+ }
+ this._animationState = AnimationState.NONE
+ this.onEnd && this.onEnd(this._goal as OnLookAtCallbackArg)
+ _resetGoal(this._goal)
+ }
+ else {
+ const k = this.easing && this.easing(this._t)
+ this._goal.position && this.camera.position.lerpVectors(this._start.position, this._goal.position, k)
+ this._goal.quaternion && this.camera.quaternion.slerpQuaternions(this._start.quaternion, this._goal.quaternion, k)
+ this._goal.up && this.camera.up.set(0, 1, 0).applyQuaternion(this.camera.quaternion)
+ this._goal.zoom
+ && isOrthographicCamera(this.camera)
+ && (this.camera.zoom = (1 - k) * this._start.zoom + k * this._goal.zoom)
+ this.camera.updateMatrixWorld()
+ if (isPerspectiveCamera(this.camera)) {
+ this.camera.updateProjectionMatrix()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+function _getSize(box3OrObject: Box3 | Object3D, camera: Camera, offset = 0): SizeReturn {
+ const box = new Box3()
+ if (isBox3(box3OrObject)) {
+ box.copy(box3OrObject)
+ }
+ else {
+ box3OrObject.updateWorldMatrix(true, true)
+ box.setFromObject(box3OrObject)
+ }
+ if (box.isEmpty()) {
+ const max = camera.position.length() || 10
+ box.setFromCenterAndSize(new Vector3(), new Vector3(max, max, max))
+ }
+ const boxSize = box.getSize(new Vector3())
+ const center = box.getCenter(new Vector3())
+ const maxSize = Math.max(boxSize.x, boxSize.y, boxSize.z)
+ const fitHeightDistance = isOrthographicCamera(camera)
+ ? maxSize * 4
+ : maxSize / (2 * Math.atan((Math.PI * (camera as PerspectiveCamera).fov) / 360))
+ const fitWidthDistance = isOrthographicCamera(camera) ? maxSize * 4 : fitHeightDistance / (camera as PerspectiveCamera).aspect
+ const distance = (1 + offset) * Math.max(fitHeightDistance, fitWidthDistance)
+ return { box, size: boxSize, center, distance }
+function _resetGoal(goal: GoalT) {
+ goal.position = undefined
+ goal.quaternion = undefined
+ goal.zoom = undefined
+ goal.up = undefined
+ goal.lookAt = undefined
+ goal.box = undefined
+ goal.object = undefined
diff --git a/src/core/staging/Bounds/component.vue b/src/core/staging/Bounds/component.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..900ce10f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/staging/Bounds/component.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
diff --git a/src/core/staging/index.ts b/src/core/staging/index.ts
index f1828ab9..4c441c01 100644
--- a/src/core/staging/index.ts
+++ b/src/core/staging/index.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import AccumulativeShadows from './AccumulativeShadows/component.vue'
import Align from './Align.vue'
import Backdrop from './Backdrop.vue'
+import Bounds from './Bounds/component.vue'
import ContactShadows from './ContactShadows.vue'
import Fit from './Fit.vue'
import Grid from './Grid.vue'
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ export {
+ Bounds,