Downloads Cardiff university lectures from panopto
Forked from, go check the original version out, I just added some minor changes.
I added some ease-of-use improvements, one bug fix and an exe version for non CS students which only requires Firefox to be installed.
- Need a Cardiff university account.
- Only works on windows right now (will probably remain that way).
Works on Python 3.4 to 3.6, WILL NOT WORK WITH HIGHER (from my testing)- Current version's tested with Python 3.9.13 + Selenium 4.8.2
- Requires you have FireFox installed, you can easily change this to chrome.
Building it for Windows machines yourself?
- Create a new Python 3.6 virtual environment, you can use Anaconda if you hate troubles
- Activate your virtual environment -> conda activate MY_VIRTUAL_ENVIRONMENT //if you are using Anaconda
- Install cx_Freeze to your Python environment -> pip install cx_freeze
- Install other requirements in requirements.txt -> pip install -r requirements.txt
- Open your command line, move to the current folder -> cd C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Desktop\CU-Panopto-Downloader-master
- Run the building command -> python build
- Splendid, but you still need a FireFox Browser installed, remember it ->
Use my pre-built windows version (run_downloader.exe) for your 64-bit machine:
- Download the repo as a zip or git clone it or download release v2.1
- Unzip if needed, then open the panopto_downloader_packed folder
- Double click run_downloader.exe
- What, are you expecting more steps?
The pre-built version is an older version without support for downloading single videos, but you can build it yourself.
How to run the source code:
- Install requirements from requirements.txt -> pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run: python ./
- Videos can be found in the videos directory