BH TSNE as a VBA formula.
You can find an online 3D Barnes-Hut implementation in https://torrensjoaquin.github.io/TSNE/ .
I think the "marketing" edition of TSNE, your first contact with the algorithm, should be the 3D edition.
During an execution, the particles has to evade others and regroup with similar. Evading is easier on a higher dimensional world.
Besides that, you can represent more structures.
But... if you prefer the 2D. you can find it in https://torrensjoaquin.github.io/TSNE/twodversion .
Finally... If you love cars with carburetors, vinyl discs, the movie Casablanca or sending letters. Maybe you want to try with PCA first.
This is an OpenSource, client side, JS (with the help of P5js) implementation where you can paste your data directly from the spreadsheet.
I'm not going to be able to see your information. Everything is happening on your computer.
TSNE wizard.(Choosing the best parameters for you)
PCA for PreReduction of the dimensionality of large datasets.