I am a Computer Science Major, graduating in 2024, with a passion for creating impactful software. My journey in the world of programming has led me to explore a variety of languages and technologies, with a special fondness for JavaScript, Python, and C/C++.
JavaScript stands out as my favorite language. Its versatility in creating reactive web applications fascinates me. I find immense satisfaction in deploying applications on the web and witnessing people interact with my creations through a simple link. I have amassed 4+ years of experience working with NodeJS both in frontend and backend.
Python has opened the doors to the world of data science for me. I'm particularly intrigued by Machine Learning and Deep Learning models. Experimenting with open-source projects like Stable Diffusion has been an enlightening experience, further fueling my interest in this field. For one of the projects, developing a complete U-Net Crop Segmentation model has given me great insights into designing, implementing and testing complex models.
My affinity for C/C++ stems from its close interaction with hardware and lower-level system operations. Working on projects like shell parsers, file management, and efficient space management (and occasionally tackling segmentation faults) has been both challenging and exhilarating.
I've developed and deployed several web applications, showcasing my skills in full-stack development. Feel free to explore these projects:
- Trivia App - Senior Year Project
- Gen AI Project
- Forums App
- Sports Betting App
- Management Tool
- Doctor Appointment App
- Game Tool
- Languages: JavaScript/Typescript, Python, C/C++/C#, GO
- Front-end: React, Svelte, HTML, CSS
- Back-end: Node.js, Express, SocketIO, Axios
- Database: MySQL, MongoDB, Supabase
- Other Tools: Git, Heroku, Vercel, Postman, AWS lambda, Ocean digital, Stable Diffusion
I am always eager to learn more and take on new challenges. If you have any questions or would like to discuss potential collaborations, feel free to reach out!