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React SPA implementation of how to restraint content based of permissions


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This repository showcase how we can implement a permissions based system in a SPA react application.
It is bootstraped with the react-ts vite template, so it is only client side. It could maybe work with SSR, but I haven't tried it.

If you find something that could be improved, you're more than welcome to open an issue or a PR.
I'm by no means an expert, just wanted to share my implementation.

How it works

There is two main components to this implementation, the useAuth.tsx hook and the permission-gate.tsx component.


In this file you have a react context that will hold the user informations, some utility functions and the useAuth hook.

  • You have the login() function that will set currentUser in the state, stored in the localStorage with Zustand, and redirect the dashboard page.
  • You have the logout() function that remove the currentUser in the state and redirect to the login page.
  • The exposed currentUser state that contains the user informations.
  • A hasPermissions() function that will check if the user has the required permissions.
    • Note: This function also check if the user has the admin permission, which will give him access to everything.

The user permissions are encrypted and decrypted with the crypto-js library, to not have the permissions in plain text in the localStorage (note: the encryptPassPhrase should be stored somewhere else).
All the functions and the currentUser state are memoized and exposed with the useAuth hook, that use the react context.
You can use the useAuth hook like this:

const { currentUser, login, logout, hasPermissions } = useAuth();

if (currentUser?.name === 'admin') {
  // do something

if (hasPermissions(['admin'])) {
  // do something



This component is a wrapper that takes an array of permissions and validate if the user has the required permissions to access the wrapped component by calling the hasPermissions() function from the useAuth hook.
It also take an actionType, that will determine which action to take if the user doesn't have the required permissions.

  • actionType="REDIRECT" will redirect the user to the dashboard page (can be changed to use a homePage that is linked to the user).
  • actionType="HIDE" will return an empty fragment, so the user won't see anything.
  • actionType="DISABLE" will loop through all the children and disable them with the disabled prop.
    • Note 1: This will only work with components that accept the disabled prop.
    • Note 2: It doesn't recursively loop through the children, so be sure to only have one level of children (could be implemented).

You can use this component in two ways:

  • As a wrapper around a component, like this:
<PermissionGate permissions={['admin']} actionType="HIDE">
  <MyComponent />
  • As a Route element (from react-router-dom), like this:
  element: <PermissionsGate permissions={['dashboardPage']} actionType="REDIRECT" />,
  children: [
      path: 'dashboard',
      element: <Dashboard />

What's also included

Protected and public layouts

On top of the permissions implementation, there is also two layouts that are used to restrict access to some pages based if the user is logged in or not.
Those layouts use the Navigate and Outlet from react-router-dom, so you'll need to use the Route component from react-router-dom to use them.

  • public-layout.tsx redirect to the dashboard page user is logged in
  • protected-layout.tsx redirect to the login page user is not logged in


You have three users to choose from on the login page, which all have different permissions. See the USERS constant in the config.ts file to see the permissions for each user.

  • In the main.tsx file, you have some exemples of how to use the PermissionGate component with Route, and how to use the public-layout and protected-layout components.
  • In the dashboard.tsx page and in the navbar.tsx component, you have some exemples of how to use the PermissionGate component as a wrapper around a component.
  • The user.tsx page is only there to show the redirection when the user doesn't have the required permissions.

Libraries used

How to run locally

git clone
cd react-permissions-implementation
pnpm install
pnpm run dev


React SPA implementation of how to restraint content based of permissions







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