Backend starter-kit for a MEAN stack app
- NestJS (generated from CLI)
- Bcrypt
- Mongoose
- Passport
- Swagger & Swagger-UI (/api-docs)
- Prettier (
npm run format
- Cors
- Error Handling with logging for HttpException
- CustomError
- Users module (with role)
- Authentification with local/jwt strategy
- Basic CRUD (Settings) with Authorization
- Clone this repository
npm install
- Replace the name/content
- Change the package.json/package-lock.json "name"
- Create a .env file at the root level with the followings:
- MONGOBD_STRING: string to connect to your mongoDB cluster
- CORS_ORIGIN: arrays of urls authorized to access your application
- JWT_ISSUER: jwt issuer
- JWT_SECRET: jwt secret
- BCRYPT_ROUND: number of round to use for the bcrypt.gensalt
- PORT: port of the application
npm run start:dev
For all the run config, see the package.json