- Graphical in-program menu (Press Ctrl + A to open). It allows to change any numerical value, but not the assets - you still need to change it in the config manually and reload the program.
- Possibility to hide any statistic
- New extra KPS window parameters
- Edit mode. Now keys are added by pressing Ctrl + "+/-", and modified by pressing them with right mouse button.
- Buttons text horizontal and vertical bounds.
- Minor bugs.
- Numpad keys now are displayed as "Num0", "Num1" etc, while regular number keys are displayed as they are "0", "1".
- Long keys, such as PageDown, Insert, are displayed as "PgDn", "Ins" etc.
- "Scale animation on click" parameter now accepts percantage values, not a real number (ex.: 1.2).
- When KPS is 0, and "Show max KPS on separate line" parameter is false, then "KPS" string will become "Max".
- Minor changes in default themes.