- Press animation
- Ctrl + X hotkey to reset all the statistics
- When LControl is held the set keys are shown
- Bold and italic parameters in the config
- Show max KPS parameter in the config. When it is set to false, the max KPS will be shown when the current one is equal to 0
- Text width and height parameters in order to allow to adjust the positioning error due to different fonts
- Statistics distance between lines parameter
- Value to multiply on click parameter in order to check how the text will be on higher values in a fast way
- Spacing of the statistics and key counters
- When "Animation velocity" was 0 the program crashed
- Program name from KPS to JKPS
- Program icon
- Config refactoring
- Keys such as comma, period etc, in the program are written with symbols
- Now there is no default space for the statistics, user have to increase "Space on the buttons right" in order to make it as he wishes
- Contacts and documentation in the config