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Framework resides in the AntNetwork folder.

Server application (with visualizer) can be invoked with

Several sample clients are included (files with SampleBotXX).

Installation and Usage

Install: pip install -r requirements.txt

Start server: python

Start visualizer: python

Start sample client: python

Game Documentation

The playfield is pre-defined: 1000x1000 fields. The playfield contains 16 homebases:

|                        |
|  X    X    X    X    X |
|                        |
|  X                   X |
|                        |
|  X                   X |
|                        |
|  X                   X |
|                        |
|  X    X    X    X    X |
|                        |

Each homebase is 20x20 fields in size. The distance between two neighbouring homebases is 180 fields, each homebase is 90 fields away from the border. Upper left corner is (0,0). Homebases are numbered clockwise, upper left is 0.

The world map is never transferred, it is considered known. The server opens a TCP/IP server (port: 5000), to which the clients (1 per team) connect. Clients can be players (teams) or watchers.

In every 'turn', each ant can move one field in each direction in one step. Two ants that are in different teams automatically fight if they are on adjacent fields. Each round is timed by the server, only the first message per client is used in every round. Each round is terminated by the 'turn' message (see below).

Clients send messages to the server to act via the TCP/IP link. The objects (inhabitants and sugar and toxin) are sent with every turn to the clients.

The map spawns with both sugar and toxin in the middle.

Ants automatically pick up sugar/toxin when walking on it, can not drop it on their own, and automatically deliver it when reaching any base.

Sugar grants points to the base where it is delived and toxin does the opposite.


  • Homebases = grey
  • Sugar = white
  • Toxin = green
  • Ants = red
  • Ants carrying sugar = magenta
  • Ants carrying toxin = cyan

A client connection works as follows:

Client                  | Server
opens connection        |
                        | accept connection
send 'hello' packet     |
                        | answer with 'turn' packet or close connection

  send 'action' packets |
                        | send 'turn' message as end indicator for each step
end loop

Clients which do not answer within a certain period get thrown out.

Format of the 'hello' packet:

Offset   Type      Description
0        u16       client type (0=non-team, 1=team)
2        16 chars  team name (if team client, else ignored)

Format of the 'turn' packet:

Offset       Type      Description
0            i16       Team ID of client
2            Team      Team info for team 1 (ID:0)
15*20+2      Team      Team info for team 16 (ID:15)
322          u16       nr. of Objects
324          Object    Object 1
324+(n-1)*6  Object    Object n

Each Team is coded as follows:

Offset   Type      Description
0        s16       # points for this team/base
2        u16       # remaining ants
4        16 chars  team name

Each Object is coded as follows:

Offset   Type    Description
0        u8      upper nibble: object type (0=empty, 1=ant, 2=sugar, 4=toxin, 8=homebase, or bit combinations thereof), lower nibble: team ID
1        u8      upper nibble: ant ID, lower nibble: ant health (1-10)
2        u16     horizontal (X) coordinate
4        u16     vertical (Y) coordinate

The 'action' message:

Offset   Type      Description
0        u8        action for ant 0: id of field to move to: 123
.                                                            789
15       u8        action for ant 15

In this scheme, any action for ants not alive anymore are ignored. If an ant should not move, send a 5 for this ant. The 0 is the command for dropping what the ant carries.


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