A gulpfile.js using postCss. This gulpfile compiles sass like syntax to css, and then minifys for production. It also uses autoprefixer automatically add browser prefixes to all your css. Use two folders (initial & final are used currently but change these to whatever you use), one for work(initial) and one for prod(final).
Download or clone the repo to your local machine.
I use YARN to manage my dependancies but use which ever package manager you prefer to install the dependancies below. You will need: Gulp + gulp-postcss, gulp-sourcemaps, postcss-import, precss, autoprefixer, cssnano.
To install with YARN use the following
yarn add -D gulp gulp-postcss gulp-sourcemaps postcss-import precss autoprefixer cssnano
Copy the gulpfile.js to the root of your project and update the 'initial' and 'final' folders with the folder names you are using. Run
gulp css
to compile your css.