- 👋 Hi, I’m Tomás
- 📫 You can reach me at toralestomas@gmail.com || www.linkedin.com/in/tomás-torales-vazquez
const dev = new DevOps({
name: 'Tomas Torales Vazquez',
languages: ['Javascript', 'Typescript', 'Python'],
frameworks: ['React & Redux', 'React Native', 'NodeJs', 'Express', 'NestJs', 'NextJs', 'Angular'],
databases: ['PostgreSQL', 'Sequelize', 'MongoDB', 'Mongoose', 'MySQL', 'GraphQL'],
others: ['ReactStrap', 'CSS3 & HTML5', 'Tailwind', 'MaterialUI', 'Sass', 'Bootstrap'],
containers: ['Docker'],
IaC: ['Terraform', 'Serverless'],
automation: ['Ansible', 'Chef', 'Puppet'],
orchestrators: ['Kubernetes'],
other: ['ArgoCD', 'AWS', 'GCP', 'DigitalOcean', 'Azure', 'GitLab']
learning: ['Go', 'TensorFlow', 'JupyterNotebook', 'Rust'],
code: project => {
console.log('Starting to code on ' + project);
return dev;
Quotes that inspires me ⭐
“Code never lies; comments sometimes do.” — Ron Jeffries
“If we wish to count lines of code, we should not regard them as ‘lines produced’ but as ‘lines spent.’ “— Edsger Dijkstra