CustomArrayList Implementation - Assignment #5
This GitHub repository contains a Java implementation of the ArrayList data structure from scratch as part of Assignment #5. The focus of this assignment is on algorithms and coding a custom ArrayList, without referring to Java's built-in ArrayList source code.
Assignment Overview:
In this assignment, we implement all the abstract methods defined in the CustomList interface via the CustomArrayList class. These methods include adding elements to the list. An essential feature is that the backing Object array doubles in size whenever it becomes full. For example, when adding the 11th element, the array grows from 10 to 20 elements in size, and so on.
The assignment also includes a testing component. We've created a CustomListApplication class with a main method for testing the CustomArrayList class. You are encouraged to add more than 10 elements to your custom list and validate the functionality by ensuring that all the elements you've inserted exist in your data structure.
Key Features:
Custom implementation of the ArrayList data structure. Dynamic resizing of the backing array to accommodate more elements. A test application for verifying the functionality. Usage:
To use this custom ArrayList implementation, follow these steps:
Clone or download the repository. Compile the code using your preferred Java development environment or command line. Run the CustomListApplication class with the main method to test the functionality. Customize the code as needed for your specific use case. Contributing:
We welcome contributions to this project. If you have ideas for improvements or additional features, feel free to submit pull requests.