Theoretical water binding energy distribution and snowline in protoplanetary disks Lorenzo Tinacci, Auréle Germain, Stefano Pantaleone, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Nadia Balucani and Piero Ugliengo 2023 ApJ 951 32
title={Theoretical Water Binding Energy Distribution and Snowline in Protoplanetary Disks},
author={Tinacci, Lorenzo and Germain, Aur{\`e}le and Pantaleone, Stefano and Ceccarelli, Cecilia and Balucani, Nadia and Ugliengo, Piero},
journal={The Astrophysical Journal},
publisher={IOP Publishing}
The database of all the structures is available at the following: DOI:10.5281/zenodo.7802771
This project has received funding within the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme from the Marie Sklodowska-Curie for the project ”Astro-Chemical Origins” (ACO), grant agreement No 811312.