Testa is another testing framework for clojure, lua, c++ and etc.
Allow me to ask one question: what is a testing framework supposed to do? Easy, two things:
- Provide a way to write down expectations and compose them into cases and suites.
- Execute test cases (often a specified subset) with suitable isolation.
Most testing frameworks can do both. Few of them consider isolation seriously. But we do.
From the view of isolation, we define four types of test cases, corresponding to four levels of isolation.
- Pure tests, no isolation. These tests target pure functions, so isolation is not necessary at all.
- Unit tests, process level isolation. These tests may touch global in-memory data structures, so they should be isolated by process.
- Smoke tests, machine level isolation. These tests read or write some files on disks, or require collaboration of several processes in a single machine, which are often tests' responsibility to start and stop those processes. So they can be executed in parallel by different machines (e.g., real machines/virtualbox/docker).
- Functional tests, cluster level isolation. Like smoke tests, functional tests require collaboration of several processes, but they can never be deployed in the same machine. Usually, machines with necessary processes are just there, as environment. Tests generate some stimulations to see whether these processes behave expectedly. Therefore, tests can only be executed one by one.
Testa, consists of both library (testa.core
in clojure and testa
in lua) and an application (runtests.py
Users define their tests by testa
library and run these tests by runtests.py
can run test cases in parallel with suitable isolation.
First, you should involve suite
macro, like:
(use `[testa.core :only (suite)])
Second, define your test suite with test cases in it, like:
(suite ":is usage: compare exprs to values"
(:fact is-case1 (* 6 7) :is 42)
(:fact is-case2 (* 6 7) :is (* 3 14))
where is-case1
and is-case2
are shorthands of names of these two test cases.
Their whole names are example.main.is-case1
and example.main.is-case2
(Suppose example.main
is the name space defining them.)
Last step, connect your test suites to an entry point, like:
(defn -main [& args]
(main args)))
can accept a series of name spaces and search test cases in them.
Besides :is
, there are also :eq
and :throws
accepts two lists and expects evaluating them will cause the same result.:eq
accepts two functions and expects applying same inputs to them will cause the same result.
(defn gcd [x y]
(if (= 0 x)
(recur (rem y x) x)))
(defn gcd-counterpart [x y]
(if (= 0 x)
(->> (range 1 (inc' x))
(filter #(= 0 (rem x %)))
(filter #(= 0 (rem y %)))
(apply max))))
(defn testbench [test]
(let [
x (rand-int 10)
y (rand-int 10)
(test x y)))
(suite ":eq usage: with a testbench"
(:testbench testbench)
(:fact eq-case1 gcd :eq #(gcd-counterpart %1 %2))
In this example, :testbench
generates two integer numbers between 0 and 10.
takes these two numbers and applies them to both gcd
and gcd-counterpart
(to be precisely, the anonymous function #(gcd-counterpart %1 %2)
There is an issue that constantly
can be used on both hands of :eq
But this is not a big problem.
We can use (fn [& _] ...)
accepts a function on its left hand and an exception on its right hand. While evaluating the left-hand function, the right-hand exception is expected to be thrown.
(suite ":throw usage: with exception"
(:fact throw-case1 (fn [] (/ 1 0)) :throws ArithmeticException)
A few more words on :testbench
Test benches are usefully for two purposes.
One is setting up environments before running test cases and cleaning them up after their execution, like setUp
and tearDown
in junit.
Another is test input generation, like QuickCheck in Haskell.
To support both scenes, each test case defined by :fact
is actually invoked by the test bench specified in their suite.
(if not specified, a default do-nothing test bench will be applied.)
As shown by the :eq
example, test bench accepts a single parameter, test
, which is actually a test case, or say :fact
in precise.
can also work with :is
, since :is
is in fact a syntax sugar of :eq
Strictly, (:fact N X :is Y)
is equivalent to (:fact N (fn [] X) :eq (fn [] Y))
All examples above and more can be found in example/main.clj.
Testa for Lua is conceptually similar as that for Clojure. Please see lua/testa_test.lua for examples. So far testa is tested under lua-5.3. But we believe it also works well under lua-5.2.
Testa for lua provides 3 functions: is
, eq
and verify
There is no counterpart of :throw
in clojure.
It is unwise to raise exceptions in lua.
takes 3 arguments: a function without arguments casefunc
, a result expect
and an optional testbench function tb
The testbench function prepares the environment for running the case.
It takes a 0-ary function case
as its single argument.
When case
is invoked, it runs casefunc
and compares its result with expect
testTesta.correctAddition = testa.is(
function ()
return 1 + 2
takes also 3 arguments: a function to test casefunc
, a function oracle
, and an optional testbench function tb
and oracle
must be able to be applied by same arguments.
takes a function case
It prepares environment, generates one or more stimulus and applies this/these stimulus on case
When case
is invoked, it applies stimulus on both casefunc
and oracle
and compares their results.
testTesta.correctMultiple = testa.eq(
function (x, y)
return x * y
function (x, y)
local r = 0
for i = 1, y do
r = r + x
return r
function (case)
for i = 1, 5 do
for j = 1, 5 do
local ok, msg = case(i, j)
if not ok then
return false, msg
return true
takes also 3 arguments: a function to test casefunc
, a function oracle
and an optional testbench function tb
takes a function case
It prepares environment, generates one or more stimulus and applies this/these stimulus on case
When case
is invoked, it applies stimulus on casefunc
, and then invokes oracle
by both the result of casefunc
and the stimulus to see whether the result is okey.
is quite suitable for those cases which verifying them is easier than computing them.
local function gcd(a, b)
if a == 0 and b == 0 then
error("undefined on (0,0)")
if a == 0 then
return b
return gcd(b % a, a)
local function gcdtb(case)
for i = 0, 12 do
for j = 0, 12 do
if i ~= 0 or j ~= 0 then
local ok, msg = case(i, j)
if not ok then
return false, msg
return true
testTesta.correctGcd = testa.verify(
function (result, i, j)
if i % result == 0 and j % result == 0 then
return true
return false, string.format('%d~=gcd(%d,%d)', result, i, j)
It is easy to see is
, eq
and verify
can accept a same testbench.
One can leverage it to reduce test code.
Testa also provides a main function as an entry point.
testa.main({TestTesta = testTesta})
Please take a look at python/testa_test.py
for examples.
Testa works only under Python3.
compares the result of a trial function with an expected value.
def correct_addition():
return 1 + 2
def wrong_addition():
return 2 + 2
Testa will automatically generate 2 test cases,
and python.testa_test.wrong_addition
is name of the trial function.
, actually testa_test.py
, is name of python file where the trial function resides.
And python
is the path to this file.
When this test case runs,
testa first runs the trial function,
and then compares the result with value to expect
(in the example case, 3).
If the result is incorrect,
something like expect: 3 actual: 4
will be written to stdout,
and be collected by runtests.py
takes a test bench and an oracle.
def multiple_tb(case_f):
for i in range(5):
for j in range(5):
res = case_f(i, j)
if res is not None:
return res
def multiple_oracle(x, y):
return sum(x for _ in range(y))
@testa.eq(testbench=multiple_tb, oracle=multiple_oracle)
def correct_multiple(x, y):
return x * y
@testa.eq(testbench=multiple_tb, oracle=multiple_oracle)
def wrong_multiple(x, y):
return x + y
As you can see,
test benches generate serieses of inputs
(and/or set up environments)
and feeds these inputs to both oracles and trials.
Testa will compare results from both oracles and trials.
Once inequivalence, something like
expect: 0 actual: 1 by applying (0, 1)
, (result from the oracle, result from the trial, and their arguments),
will be written to stdout.
checks propositions hold between inputs and results.
For examples,
def gcd_tb(case_f):
for a in range(13):
for b in range(13):
if a == 0 and b == 0:
result = case_f(a, b)
if result is not None:
return result
def gcd(a, b):
if a == 0:
return b
return gcd(b % a, a)
@testa.verify(testbench=gcd_tb, trial=gcd)
def correct_verifer(result, a, b):
if a == 0 and b == 0:
return 'undefined on (0, 0)'
if a % result != 0:
return '{} can not divided by {}'.format(a, result)
if b % result != 0:
return '{} can not divided by {}'.format(b, result)
@testa.verify(testbench=gcd_tb, trial=gcd)
def wrong_verifier(result, a, b):
if a == 0 and b == 0:
return 'undefined on (0, 0)'
if a == 1:
return 'fake error on a=1'
Test benches,
as those for testa.eq
generate serieses of inputs and/or set up environments.
Actually, you can reuse test benches for testa.eq
A verifier takes the result from the trial and the arguments.
It checks a proposition between the result and these arguments.
Once it fails, a verifier should return an error message to say what happened.
checks if the trial throws an expected exception.
def throw_correct():
empty = {}
def throw_wrong():
empty = {}
We also can mark cases as broken ones for some reasons.
@testa.broken(reason = 'this is a broken case.')
def broken_addition():
return 2 + 2
@testa.broken(reason = 'this is a broken case.')
@testa.eq(testbench=multiple_tb, oracle=multiple_oracle)
def broken_multiple(x, y):
return x + y
@testa.broken(reason = 'this is a broken case.')
@testa.verify(testbench=gcd_tb, trial=gcd)
def broken_verifier(result, a, b):
if a == 0 and b == 0:
return 'undefined on (0, 0)'
if a == 1:
return 'fake error on a=1'
@testa.broken(reason = 'this is a broken case.')
def broken_throw():
empty = {}
Here are some examples.
First, the simplest way to run tests.
$ python runtests.py example.jar
1/13 pass: example.main.bugfix-1 in example.jar
2/13 pass: example.main.eq-case1 in example.jar
3/13 fail: example.main.eq-fail-case2 in example.jar
4/13 pass: example.main.is-case1 in example.jar
5/13 pass: example.main.is-case2 in example.jar
6/13 fail: example.main.is-fail-case3 in example.jar
7/13 fail: example.main.is-fail-case4 in example.jar
8/13 fail: example.main.is-fail-case5 in example.jar
9/13 pass: example.main.throw-case1 in example.jar
10/13 pass: example.main.throw-case2 in example.jar
11/13 fail: example.main.throw-fail-case1 in example.jar
12/13 fail: example.main.throw-fail-case2 in example.jar
13/13 fail: example.main.throw-fail-case3 in example.jar
7/13 failed, costs 0:00:21.591279 secs
We can see 7 out of 13 cases are failed.
There must be a work directory for runtests.py
By default, it is test_results/
under current directory.
One can look at test_results/report.json
for results of all cases,
and test_results/EXECUTABLE.TESTCASE.out
or test_results/EXECUTABLE.TESTCASE.err
must be replaced by real case name,
by example.jar
for both standard out and standard err for output of this test case.
$ ls -1 test_results/
$ cat test_results/report.json
"startTimestamp": "2014-10-18T07:29:14.601880Z",
"endTimestamp": "2014-10-18T07:29:36.529804Z",
"cases": [
"executable": "example.jar",
"casename": "example.main.eq-case1",
"result": "PASS",
"class": "functional test",
"executable": "example.jar",
"casename": "example.main.eq-fail-case2",
"result": "FAIL",
"class": "functional test",
$ cat test_results/example.jar.example.main.is-fail-case3.out
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AssertionError: (* 5 8) expects 42, but 40 actually
at testa.core$test_is.invoke(core.clj:29)
The test example.main.is-fail-case3 is:
(:fact is-fail-case3 (* 5 8) :is 42)
The content of test_results/example.jar.example.main.is-fail-case3.out
, i.e., the standard outof executing example.main.is-fail-case3, says we get 40 rather than 42 for (* 5 8)
In my virtualbox, this example takes tens of seconds.
This is because runtests.py
can not recognize type of example.jar
, so it regards it as functional test.
Then it runs tests in it one by one, i.e., starts a JVM, runs one single test, shuts the JVM down, starts another JVM, runs the next test, shuts the JVM down again, and so on.
To speed it up, we have to obey the naming convention of test jar-files.
Say, XXX_puretest.jar
consists of pure tests, and XXX_unittest.jar
, XXX_smoketest.jar
, XXX_functests.jar
of unit tests, smoke tests and functional tests respectively.
Let us try.
$ cp example.jar example_unittest.jar
$ python runtests.py example_unittest.jar
We save basically half of time in a two-core machine.
will launch as many workers as cpus in system to run unit tests.
$ cp example.jar example_puretest.jar
$ python runtests.py example_puretest.jar
Much better!
Since pure tests need no isolation at all, runtests.py
reuses JVM to reduce JVM starting-up time.
In development, we often want to run a small set of tests.
allow us to do that by --include
and --exclude
Both accept a regular expression (of course Python-flavored).
Only test cases whose names match regular expression of --include
and not
match that of --exclude
will be executed.
$ python runtests.py example.jar --include ".*is.*"
1/5 pass: example.main.is-case1 in example.jar
2/5 pass: example.main.is-case2 in example.jar
3/5 fail: example.main.is-fail-case3 in example.jar
4/5 fail: example.main.is-fail-case4 in example.jar
5/5 fail: example.main.is-fail-case5 in example.jar
3/5 failed, costs 0:00:09.060452 secs
Only test cases related to :is
are executed.
Please make sure the following requisitions are ready.
- python3. necessary to run scons and runtests.py
- scons 2.1+.
- for clojure:
- (optional) jdk6+. Testa is developed under jdk7, but we think jdk6 is ok too.
- wget
- network connection for first build
- for lua:
- lua-5.3. Testa is developed under lua-5.3, but we think lua-5.2 is ok too.
- for C++:
- Both C++98-TR1 (a.k.a. C++03) and C++11 are supported.
- for Python:
- Only python3 is is supported.
Then, under the root directory of testa, run scons
, and all jar-files will be placed under build/