I haven't found any automatic way to extract each item and its price from a recipt.
It would be nice to have this data and since I can't get it automatically, manually it is!
This tool is to make manual input of recipt as easy as possible.
- Input of multiple recipts with the following data:
- Date
- Store
- Items
- Name
- No. of item
- Price
- Modifier (Discount)
- Export to JSON / CSV
- Convert all "," to "." for all numbers
- Autocompletion of store name
- Auto save of new store names
- Autocompletion of items
- Auto save of new items
- Tags for items
- See last recipt entered to the side (So that you don't forget which one you last entered)
- Differentiate between price/weight and price/item
- Assume that all float numbers on No.of items are price/weight
- Extra data on recipt
- "Person who bought"
- Scroll down when adding new Item (Recipt can go way past the viewport)
- Add now() to export filename
- When trying to click "save" it jumps down since a new form is created. Create the form on the "next" tab?
- if deleting all data in the second to last form, the last form will be deleted even if there is data in it. Only remove empty forms
Why not have some statistics and charts in the app?
- Detect recipt duplicates.
- Page where you can list, filter, edit and remove saved recipts
- Page where you can see charts of your data
- General statistics
- Amount of money spent
- Number of recipts =)
- Different charts:
- Price over time
- Amount of items bought over time
- Difference in price between stores
- What weekdays do we shop on?
- Ability to filter charts on
- Date ranges
- Tags
- Stores
- Persons
- General statistics
- Erik mentioned an app that could scan barcodes and retrieve productname, price, etc. He searched for "inköpslista" and the icon had a green android symbol. This was 5-6 years ago.