A React component for rendering a 'npm install package-name' code block. Supports multiple package managers and variations of install commands. Totally customizable. Drop it into an MDX file, a Shadcn component, a Tailwind codebase, use built-in styles or even go unstyled. You choose.
Visit the Storybook for examples and documentation.
- π Support for major package managers (npm, Yarn, pnpm, Bun, Deno).
- π Dark, light and system theme support out of the box.
- π Interactive tab switching between package managers.
- π One-click copy to clipboard.
- π― Support for various installation options (dev, peer, optional, global).
- π§ Highly customizable UI through slots and class names.
- π¦ Support for multiple package registries (npm, JSR).
- π οΈ Extensible with custom package managers and commands.
npm install react-install-command
π Hello there! Follow me @linesofcode or visit linesofcode.dev for more cool projects like this one.
import 'react-install-command/styles.css';
import { InstallCommand } from 'react-install-command';
// Basic usage
<InstallCommand packageName="your-package" />
// Dev dependency
<InstallCommand packageName="typescript" isDev />
// Peer dependency
<InstallCommand packageName="react" isPeer />
// Optional dependency
<InstallCommand packageName="lodash" isOptional />
// Global installation
<InstallCommand packageName="create-react-app" isGlobal />
// Specific version
<InstallCommand packageName="react" version="^18.0.0" />
// Using tag
<InstallCommand packageName="next" tag="canary" />
// Multiple packages
<InstallCommand packageName="react react-dom @types/react" />
// Using shorthand commands (e.g., 'npm i' instead of 'npm install')
<InstallCommand packageName="lodash" useShorthand />
// Using JSR registry (automatically selects Deno)
// Installing npm package with Deno
managers={[defaultManagers[4]]} // Only Deno manager
// Mixed registry packages
packageName="jsr:@std/path jsr:@std/assert npm:chalk"
// Dark theme
<InstallCommand packageName="your-package" theme="dark" />
// Light theme
<InstallCommand packageName="your-package" theme="light" />
// System theme (default)
<InstallCommand packageName="your-package" theme="system" />
// Custom styling with CSS variables
<div style={{
'--primary': 'purple',
'--accent': 'lavender',
'--radius': '0'
<InstallCommand packageName="your-package" />
id: "npm",
name: "npm",
icon: () => (
aria-label="npm package manager"
getCommand: (pkg, options) => {
const { isDev, useShorthand } = options;
return `npm ${isDev ? (useShorthand ? "i -D" : "install -D") : useShorthand ? "i" : "install"} ${pkg}`;
// Reordering default managers
defaultManagers[2], // pnpm first
defaultManagers[0], // npm second
defaultManagers[1], // yarn third
npm: "npm create vite@latest my-app",
yarn: "yarn create vite my-app",
pnpm: "pnpm create vite my-app"
// Custom class names
root: "custom-root",
navigation: "custom-nav",
tab: "custom-tab",
tabIndicator: "install-block-tab-indicator-centered", // Centered indicator
commandContainer: "custom-container",
commandPrefix: "custom-prefix",
commandText: "custom-text",
copyButton: "custom-copy",
tabIcon: "custom-tab-icon",
tabText: "custom-tab-text",
commandGroup: "custom-group",
commandTextCommand: "custom-command",
copyButtonIcon: "custom-copy-icon"
// Full customization with CSS classes
root: "border-2 border-purple-500 rounded-lg",
navigation: "bg-gray-100 p-2",
tab: "bg-transparent hover:bg-purple-50 text-black data-[state=active]:bg-purple-500 data-[state=active]:text-white px-2 py-1 mx-1 rounded",
tabIndicator: "install-block-tab-indicator-gradient", // Gradient indicator
commandContainer: "p-4 bg-gray-50",
commandPrefix: "text-purple-500",
commandText: "text-purple-500 font-mono",
copyButton: "bg-purple-500 text-white px-2 py-1 rounded border-0"
The component comes with several built-in indicator variants that you can use:
- Default indicator (full width):
<InstallCommand packageName="your-package" />
- Centered indicator:
tabIndicator: "install-block-tab-indicator-centered"
- Gradient indicator:
tabIndicator: "install-block-tab-indicator-gradient"
You can also create your own indicator styles by extending these classes or creating new ones in your CSS:
.my-custom-indicator {
left: 15%;
width: 70%;
height: 3px;
border-radius: 1.5px;
background: linear-gradient(90deg, var(--primary), var(--accent));
box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
Then use it in your component:
tabIndicator: "my-custom-indicator"
// Persist in localStorage (survives browser restarts)
// Persist in sessionStorage (cleared when browser closes)
// Custom storage key
onCopy={(command, manager) => {
console.log(`Copied command: ${command} for manager: ${manager.name}`);
alert("Command copied to clipboard!");
onTabChange={(managerId, manager) => {
console.log(`Switched to ${manager.name} (${managerId})`);
copyIcon={() => (
aria-label="Copy to clipboard"
root: "custom-root",
commandText: "custom-text"
onCopy={(command) => console.log(`Copied: ${command}`)}
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
packageName | string | "" | The name of the package(s) to generate install commands for |
isDev | boolean | false | Whether to install as a dev dependency |
isPeer | boolean | false | Whether to install as a peer dependency |
isOptional | boolean | false | Whether to install as an optional dependency |
isGlobal | boolean | false | Whether to install globally |
useShorthand | boolean | false | Whether to use shorthand commands (e.g. 'npm i' vs 'npm install') |
version | string | undefined | Version range for the package |
tag | string | undefined | Tag for the package |
registry | "npm" | "jsr" | undefined | Package registry to use (for Deno packages) |
theme | "light" | "dark" | "system" | "system" | The color theme to use |
managers | Manager[] | defaultManagers | Array of package managers to display |
customCommands | Record<string, string> | undefined | Custom commands to override the defaults |
slots | Slots | {} | Custom slot components for rendering |
slotClassNames | SlotClassNames | {} | Custom classNames for each slot |
commandPrefix | string | "$" | Custom prefix symbol to show before the command |
copyIcon | () => JSX.Element | defaultCopyIcon | Custom copy icon component |
onCopy | (command: string, manager: Manager) => void | undefined | Callback fired when command is copied |
onTabChange | (managerId: string, manager: Manager) => void | undefined | Callback fired when selected manager changes |
storageType | "local" | "session" | "none" | "none" | Storage type for persisting package manager selection |
storageKey | string | "preferred-package-manager" | Storage key for persisting package manager selection |
interface Manager {
id: string;
name: string;
icon: () => JSX.Element;
getCommand: (
packageName: string,
options: {
isDev?: boolean;
isPeer?: boolean;
isOptional?: boolean;
isGlobal?: boolean;
useShorthand?: boolean;
version?: string;
tag?: string;
registry?: "npm" | "jsr";
) => string;
interface Slots {
root?: (props: SlotProps) => ReactNode;
navigation?: (props: SlotProps) => ReactNode;
tab?: (props: TabSlotProps) => ReactNode;
commandContainer?: (props: SlotProps) => ReactNode;
commandPrefix?: (props: SlotProps) => ReactNode;
commandText?: (props: SlotProps) => ReactNode;
copyButton?: (props: CopyButtonSlotProps) => ReactNode;
The component uses CSS variables for theming. You can override these variables to customize the appearance:
:root {
/* Base colors */
--background: hsl(0 0% 100%); /* Background color of the component */
--foreground: hsl(222.2 84% 4.9%); /* Primary text color */
/* Muted variants */
--muted: hsl(210 40% 94%); /* Background for command area */
--muted-foreground: hsl(215.4 16.3% 36.9%); /* Secondary text color */
/* Border colors */
--border: hsl(214.3 31.8% 85%); /* Border color for containers */
/* Primary colors */
--primary: hsl(222.2 47.4% 11.2%); /* Color for active elements */
--primary-foreground: hsl(210 40% 98%); /* Text on primary color */
/* Accent colors */
--accent: hsl(210 40% 90%); /* Background for hover states */
--accent-foreground: hsl(222.2 47.4% 11.2%); /* Text on accent color */
/* Border radius */
--radius: 0.5rem; /* Border radius for containers */
- Override all variables:
:root {
--background: white;
--foreground: black;
--muted: #f5f5f5;
--border: #e5e5e5;
--primary: blue;
--accent: #eef;
--radius: 8px;
- Override specific variables:
.my-theme {
--primary: purple;
--accent: lavender;
- Dark theme override:
[data-theme="dark"] {
--background: hsl(222.2 84% 4.9%);
--foreground: hsl(210 40% 98%);
--muted: hsl(217.2 32.6% 17.5%);
--border: hsl(217.2 32.6% 17.5%);
- Scoped customization:
.custom-install-command {
--radius: 0; /* Remove border radius */
--border: transparent; /* Remove borders */
--muted: transparent; /* Remove background */
Variable | Purpose | Default (Light) | Default (Dark) |
--background | Component background | hsl(0 0% 100%) |
hsl(222.2 84% 4.9%) |
--foreground | Primary text color | hsl(222.2 84% 4.9%) |
hsl(210 40% 98%) |
--muted | Command area background | hsl(210 40% 94%) |
hsl(217.2 32.6% 17.5%) |
--muted-foreground | Secondary text | hsl(215.4 16.3% 36.9%) |
hsl(215 20.2% 65.1%) |
--border | Border color | hsl(214.3 31.8% 85%) |
hsl(217.2 32.6% 17.5%) |
--primary | Active/accent elements | hsl(222.2 47.4% 11.2%) |
hsl(210 40% 98%) |
--primary-foreground | Text on primary | hsl(210 40% 98%) |
hsl(222.2 47.4% 11.2%) |
--accent | Hover state background | hsl(210 40% 90%) |
hsl(217.2 32.6% 17.5%) |
--accent-foreground | Text on accent | hsl(222.2 47.4% 11.2%) |
hsl(210 40% 98%) |
--radius | Border radius | 0.5rem |
0.5rem |
The component uses the following CSS classes that you can target for customization:
- Root container.install-block-nav
- Navigation/tabs container.install-block-tab
- Individual tab buttons.install-block-content
- Command container.install-block-group
- Command text group.install-block-prefix
- Command prefix ($).install-block-text
- Command text.install-block-text-command
- Command keyword.install-block-copy
- Copy button