Django's admin allows you to dynamically add and remove formset forms. This jQuery plugin does the same for the front end.
Each form is rendered using django-uni-form. I've wrapped each form in an additional div.form. This makes it a lot easier to target each entire form.
<div class="formset-group" id="phone_formset">
{% for phone_form in phone_formset.forms %}
<div class="form">
{{ phone_form|as_uni_form }}
{% endfor %}
Simply copy the plugin to your scripts directory and link it up into your page. Then initialise the plugin as detailed below. All parameters are required at the moment.
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}scripts/formsets.jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
'prefix': 'phone_set',
'addCssClass': 'add-link',
'addText': 'Add',
'removeCssClass': 'remove-link',
'removeText': 'Remove'
I've not used this in production yet but it seems fairly robust in my testing. Please log bugs/enhancements as you find them.