A JupyterLab extension that adds code bookmark functionality, similar to the bookmarks VSCode extension.
Author: Ties de Kok (Personal Page)
Note: jupyterlab-code-bookmarks
requires JupyterLab 3+
pip install jupyterlab-code-bookmarks
You can set or remove a bookmark by right clicking a cell and pressing "Toggle bookmark".
Or by using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + ALT + K
Note: Bookmarks persist when saving/loading the notebook.
You can jump to the previous or next bookmark by clicking the jump buttons in the toolbar.
Or by using the keyboard shortcuts:
to jump forwardCTRL + ALT + L
to jump backward
You can change the keyboard shortcuts through the JupyterLab keyboard shortcuts settings.
If you have questions or experience problems please use the issues
tab of this repository.
- Copy and pasting a cell works, however, bookmark styling is not applied until webpage refresh.
- Jumping to a markdown cells does not always move the cell into view.
- Enable customization of the cell bookmark color.
- Make toolbar jump icons take up less space using icons.
- Add basic tests.
MIT - Ties de Kok - 2022