This web application provides weather forecast for today and next five days for any selected region in metric and imperial units. Built with Angular and Google API.
Live DEMO here
- Fully responsive design
- Using BehaviorSubject over Subject (Rx observable)
- Angular 4 (TypeScript)
- Angular CLI v1.2.2
- Node.js v8.5.0 and npm v5.3.0
- ng4-geoautocomplete (for location autocomplete)
- Google map API (for location autocomplete)
- OpenWeatherMap API (for weather icons)
- IP Address API (for user’s current location)
- Bootstrap v3.3.7
- Google fonts
- Weather Icons v1.3.2
Note, this project requires Node.js installation.
Follow the steps:
# step 1. Go to Node.js official website and install it
# check Node.js version (v8.5.0 or upper)
$ node –v
# check npm version (v5.3.0 or upper)
$ npm -v
# step 2. install Angular CLI
$ npm install -g @angular/cli
# check Angular CLI version (v1.4.2 or upper)
$ ng -v
# step 3. import project from github
$ git clone
$ cd Weather
# step 4. install the project's dependencies (node_modules folder)
$ npm install
# step 5. run application
$ ng serve
# navigate to `http://localhost:4200/`
# app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.