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Custom HUDs

Lucraft edited this page Jan 17, 2023 · 1 revision

You can also use Palladium with KubeJS to make your own HUD. Simply register it in a client-side script like here:

// Event for registering HUDs
PalladiumEvents.registerGuiOverlays((event) => {
        // ID for the overlay

        // Function for rendering
        (minecraft, gui, poseStack, partialTick, screenWidth, screenHeight) => {
            // Drawing text. Parameters: PoseStack, Text (as text component), X, Y, Color
            guiUtil.drawString(poseStack, Component.string("Broken Blocks: " + brokenBlocks), 10, 10, 0xffffff);

            // Drawing a piece of a texture
            // Parameters: Texture, Gui, PoseStack, x, y, U on the texture, V on the texture, width, height
            guiUtil.blit('test:textures/gui/my_cool_texture.png', gui, poseStack, 10, 20, 0, 10, 182, 5);

If you use the blit method, your texture file must be 256x256 pixels big. If you choose to have your own dimensions, simply add to more arguments add the end as the texture width & height.

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