Releases: Thoth2023/thoth-remake
Releases · Thoth2023/thoth-remake
Thoth v2.0.1
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
[v2.0.1] - 2025-01-15
- Password Recovery: Implemented a password recovery feature for users.
- Planning Databases: Added default databases for planning.
- Suggest Databases: Implemented database suggestions with super user approval.
- Planning - Quality Assessment (QA): Introduced a new method for configuring quality assessment.
- New Frontend and Backend Interface: Updated the interface using Livewire for a more dynamic experience.
- New Framework: Upgraded to Laravel 10.
- Internationalization: Added support for PT/BR and EN languages.
- User Management: Implemented user activation and permission management.
- Profile Management: Added ACL, gates, and policies for profile management.
- Member Invitation: Introduced email notifications for member invitations.
- Progressive Web App (PWA): Enabled PWA support for mobile devices.
- Snowballing Module: Started development of the snowballing module.
- Algolia AI Synonyms API: Integrated Algolia AI for suggesting synonyms and assisting in keyword string construction.
- CrossRef API: Implemented CrossRef API integration for searching study references in the snowballing module.
- Usability and Accessibility: Fixed bugs related to helpers for improved usability and accessibility.
[v2.0.0] - 2024-09-30
Initial Release
- Initial version of Thoth with basic functionality for systematic literature review.