Pokedex project by Bootcamp Warburg Pincus Cloud Fullstack by Digital innovation One.
Understand the importance of Git/GitHub in DIO's Project Challenges, as well as exploring the Pokémon world by consuming a REST API to create an amazing Pokédex! For this, you will explore, in addition to JavaScript, all the basics of web development learned so far.
JavaScript | HTML | CSS
In this project challenge I put into practice all the concepts I learned, I managed to improve the pokedex by implementing Dark mode using Javascript and the Pokémon detail page as faithful as possible to the reference images. I would like to implement many other functions at the moment, but the bootcamp deadline is running out and I need to progress in the contents, but I will definitely continue to improve and add functions to the project as I learn more.
The project is currently online at the following link:
First page top screen (Light-Mode)
First page bottom screen (Light-Mode)
Pokemon Detail page screen (Light-Mode)
First page top screen (Dark-Mode)
First page bottom screen (Dark-Mode)
Pokemon Detail page screen (Dark-Mode)
First page mobile top screen (Light-Mode)
First page mobile bottom screen (Light-Mode)
Pokemon Detail mobile page screen (Light-Mode)
Pokemon Detail mobile page screen (Dark-Mode)
First page mobile top screen (Dark-Mode)
First page mobile bottom screen (Dark-Mode)