PID Turtlebot3 lane following projet
- The node subscribes to angle topic of the lane detection node. This value is used to compute the robot command in order to follow the lane.
([turtlebot3_lane_detection/line_msg]) Angle of the lane to the robot
([geometry_msgs/Twist]) Publishes the computed linear and angular speed of the robot
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
git clone
cd ~/catkin_ws
Launch the camera node
Launch detection node
roslaunch turtlebot3_lane_detection turtlebot3_lane_detection.launch
if you want to run it with the camera, you can launch
roslaunch turtlebot3_lane_detection turtlebot3_detection_realsense.launch
Launch PID node
roslaunch turtlebot3_lane_following lane_following_node.launch
order ([double], default = 0)
Command of the PID
linear_speed ([double]), default=0.5)
Max linear speed of the robot
angular_speed ([double], default=0.1)
Max angular speed of the robot
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
ROS Noetic
Jetson Nano
Ubuntu 18.04
ROS Melodic