GLFW bindings for the V language.
Please follow the official GLFW documentation
Notice: The GLFW_init()
function is called initialize()
in V since init
is reserved.
Also some of the functions are struct-oriented so you do window.<function>
which is different from C.
v install duarteroso.vglfw
module main
import duarteroso.vglfw as glfw
fn main() {
//initialize the GLFW (name conversion causing init() isn't available at V)
//create the Window
mut window := glfw.create_window_desc(glfw.WindowDesc{
size: glfw.Size{
width: 960
height: 480
title: 'MyWindow'
}, unsafe {nil}, unsafe { nil })!
//make context current
//run the window loop
for !(window.should_close()!) {
<-- Here you can do the rendering stuff and so on.. -->
//terminate window after close/ending it
//exit the V program
module main
import duarteroso.vglfw as glfw
import time
//create a App struct
struct App {
pub mut:
main_window &glfw.GLFWwindow
share_data []string //some data to share between callback and main()
fn main() {
//initialize the GLFW (name conversion causing init() isn't available at V)
//create the Window
mut window := glfw.create_window_desc(glfw.WindowDesc{
size: glfw.Size{
width: 960
height: 480
title: 'MyWindow'
}, unsafe {nil}, unsafe { nil })!
//create App
mut app := App{
main_window: glfw.get_window_context_helper(window)
share_data: []
//set user pointer to the app
//set callback function for keyboard input
//make context current
//run the window loop
for !(window.should_close()!) {
<-- Here you can do the rendering stuff and so on.. -->
//now print the data (which could come from callback) from the app struct and remove it afterwards
for i, s in app.share_data {
app.share_data = []
//poll for events like mouse clicks, key, etc
//terminate window after close/ending it
//exit the V program
//callback function
fn key_callback_function(window &glfw.GLFWwindow, key int, scancode int, action int, mods int) {
if key == glfw.glfw_key_enter && action == glfw.glfw_press {
//if enter key pressed
mut app := unsafe { &App(glfw.Window{window}.get_user_pointer() or {}) }
//transfer the data to the app struct
app.share_data << "Enter-key Pressed at ${}"
@duarteroso (@noxomix made some small changes)