This is a modification for Yandex Music Desktop application which unmodified version can be downloaded here
YandexMusicModClient or its developer is not affiliated with Yandex or any of their companies, staff etc.
Message for Yandex Music Staff
Since you found my code usefull and copied some parts from here (more specifically PLAYER_ACTION event) and added it to vanilla client. You might want to hire me. My work will be much more efficient if I work on the source code in a cozy office rather than with a minified & webpacked version of the code
Before installing, make sure that the client version and the version for which the modification was made coincide. This can be checked on the Releases page
- Download latest Yandex music client from offical site
- Open command line (Win + R -> cmd -> Enter)
- Execute this command
curl -L > %localappdata%/Programs/YandexMusic/resources/app.asar
- Done!
Relogin may be required after patch install.
Adds support for Discord Rich Presence
"discordRPC": {
"enable": true or false, //Enables or disables disocrd RPC
"applicationIDForRPC": "1124055337234858005", //ID of your custom application for discord RPC
"showButtons": true or false, //Enables or disables all buttons in discord Status
"overrideDeepLinksExperiment": true or false, //Enables or disables split web and desktop buttons into one button
"showGitHubButton": true or false, //Enables or disables Github button if overrideDeepLinksExperiment set to true
"afkTimeout": 15, //Timeout for activity to be cleared if track paused. Value in minutes.
"showAlbum": true or false, //Enables or disables album string in discord Status
"showSmallIcon": true or false, //Enables or disables status icon in discord Status
Adds support for Global Shortcuts.
Currently supported only this actions (I tried add more but others work pretty unstable due to horrible babel & webpack config on Yandex's end)
"globalShortcuts": {
"TOGGLE_PLAY": "Ctrl+/",
"MOVE_FORWARD": "Ctrl+,",
"MOVE_BACKWARD": "Ctrl+.",
"TOGGLE_SHUFFLE": "Ctrl+\'",
"REPEAT_NONE": undefined,
"REPEAT_CONTEXT": undefined,
"REPEAT_NONE": undefined,
"TOGGLE_LIKE": undefined,
"TOGGLE_DISLIKE": undefined,
Adds support for Taskbar Extensions
"taskBarExtensions": {
"enable": true or false //Enables or disables Taskbar Extensions
Displayes track quality or codec
"playerBarEnhancement": {
"showDislikeButton": true //Enabels or disabels Return dislike button feature
"showCodecInsteadOfQualityMark": true //Show codec instead of quality mark
Enhances Vibe Animation behavior. It better adapts to music. Also allows custom FPS of the animation rendering.
"vibeAnimationEnhancement": {
"maxFPS": 25, // Max allowed FPS. Defalut 25. Recommended 25 - 144. Don't set this value below 1
"intensityCoefficient": 1, // Sensitivity of music analysis. Default 1, Recommended: 0.5 - 2. If set to 0 disables enhancement behavior (almost :D)
"linearDeBoost": 5, // [DEPRECATED] Separation coefficient of track peaks from the main track. Default 5. Recommended 2 - 8. If 1 disables libear deboost.
"playOnAnyEntity": false, // If enabled Animation plays even if not My Vibe used as track source.
"disableRendering": false // Disables rendering of the animation. Use only if you feel significant fps drops. Else try adjust maxFPS value.
Adds information about downloaded tracks to the settings page (tracks count and used storage for downloaded tracks)
Allows download track that is currently playing into a file. Click to the quality/codec icon to show download dialog.
Allows you to enable/disable any experiment in the app. To do so you need set "enableDevTools": true
and then you'll see the button in the dev panel:
Devtools are disabled by default. To enable them you need modify %appdata%\YandexMusic\config.json
Change "enableDevTools": false
to "enableDevTools": true
Settings can be found in %appdata%\YandexMusic\config.json
In app UI:
App restart required for settings apply.
If you really enjoyed the new experience with this modification, you can support my work on it:
Thanks a lot to the sponsors who allow me to actively work on this project.
This list updates manually.