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Estimating monthly excess mortality at the county level for the United States, March 2020 to February 2022

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Monthly County Level Excess Mortality in the United States, 2020-2022

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of Repository
  3. Available Data Files
  4. Data Dictionaries and Descriptive Statistics


This repo includes data and code required to replicate the results in the paper “Excess all-cause mortality across counties in the United States, March 2020 to December 2021” [Link to article in Science Advances] and “Differences Between Reported COVID-19 Deaths and Estimated Excess Deaths in Counties Across the United States, March 2020 to February 2022” [Link to pre-print].

The aim of this project is to estimate monthly deaths at the county level for the United States for the period March 2020 - August 2022 in the counterfactual scenario of no COVID-19 pandemic. We do so with a Bayesian hierarchical model with a flexible time component and a spatial component. To deal with suppression of death counts < 10, we employ a set of state-year censored Poisson models to estimate the censored death counts. We then adjust the total number of imputed deaths making sure that the sum of non-suppressed and imputed deaths equal the state yearly death count (very unlikely to be suppressed).

Overview of Repository

General repository structure

The repository is organized in several directories:

  • Python: Contains the Python code used to generate monthly population estimates.
  • R: Contains the R code used to prepare the data, train the models, assess the models’ perfomance, produce the estimates of excess mortality, and produce the figures and tables for the paper.
  • data/input: Contains all the data needed to train the models and produce estimates of excess deaths. To reconcile inconsistencies across the various data sources we are using, and to accomodate further analysis with a longer backward time frame (i.e. we trained our final models on data for 2015-2019 but initially considered a wider window), we harmonized county FIPS code following the schema in the FIPSFixes.csv file.
  • data/output: Will contain all the data that will be generated as a product of the project. We already included different sets of estimates compliant with the CDC Wonder user agreement.
  • figures: contains all the figures and tables appearing in the paper.

Main programs

The project consists of several RMarkdown and R files:

  • cleanMortalityData.Rmd: Cleans the all-cause mortality data.
  • cleanCOVIDData.Rmd: Cleans the data for COVID mortality.
  • modelFitMonthly.Rmd: Fit the monthly level model for all-cause deaths.
  • modelSummary.Rmd: Extracts the model’s parameters and hyperparameters and creates summary tables and graphs.
  • crossValidationMonthly.Rmd: Runs cross-validation on the model and produces a set of estimates to be used to evaluate the model.
  • modelEvaluationMonthly.Rmd: Evaluates model performance using the cross-validation data.
  • createSimsDF.Rmd: Creates a dataframe with county-month samples from the model’s posterior distribution for death counts. This dataframe is used to construct estimates of death counts with posterior intervals at different levels of aggregation.
  • estimates*.Rmd: These files (estimatesMonthly, estimatesPandemicYears, estimatesWaves, estimatesStates, estimatesStateMonths, and estimatesMonthlyTotals) produce estimates of expected death counts, excess death counts, and relative excess at different levels of temporal and geographical aggregation.
  • summaryTable.Rmd: Produces a metro-division level table summarizing the key results by pandemic year.
  • summaryTableFinal.Rmd: Produces an alternative metro-division level table summarizing the key results for the entire period.
  • scatterPlots: Produces scatter plots of excess mortality in year 1 (March 2020 - February 2021) and year 2 (March 2021 - February 2022) and of excess mortality against COVID-19 mortality.
  • timeBarsGraphDivision.Rmd: Produces a graph showing how relative excess evolved during the pandemic for each division, separating large metro areas and other areas.
  • plotsForSubmission.Rmd: Creates the geofacet plot and the heatmap plot of count-level excess mortality.
  • map_by_period_relative_exc_to_eugenio.R: Creates maps of relative excess.
  • countyPlots: Produces a set of county-level plots of observed vs. expected deaths.

The files are intended to be run in the order in which they appear on this list. Detailed instructions on the steps we used to download data from the CDC WONDER platform are given in data/output/

Aside from the R files within the R folder, we also provide the Python code we used to create monthly population estimates at the county level by interpolating yearly intercensal estimates from the Census Bureau. The Python code is in the form of a Jupyter Notebook. The final population estimates are stored in the output folder.

All estimates can be produced for a combination of all-cause (AC) or natural-cause (NC) mortality data and COVID as Underlying Cause of Death (UCD) or COVID as a contributing cause of death (MCD).

Available Data Files

Public versions of our estimates are available in the data/output directory.

Datasets are sorted in sub-directories based on the underlying data used to produce them as follows.

Expected mortality was modeled as either:

  • AC: all-cause mortality
  • NC: natural-cause mortality, excluding external causes of death

Deaths attributed to COVID-19 were defined as either:

  • UCD: underlying cause of death (COVID-19 was listed as the single underlying cause of death on a death certificate)
  • MCD: multiple causes of death (COVID-19 was listed as one of multiple causes of death on a death certificate)

The following datasets are available:

-- AC
-- NC

Data Dictionaries and Descriptive Statistics

The following tables contain variable names, descriptions, and descriptive statistics for each of the datasets in this repository.

Name Class Label Values Missing Summary
year numeric Calendar year. Num: 2020 to 2022 0 mean: 2020.933, sd: 0.772, nuniq: 3
month numeric Calendar month. Num: 1 to 12 0 mean: 6.3, sd: 3.206, nuniq: 12
FIPSCode character 5-digit Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code that uniquely identifies United States counties. First 2 digits represent state, final 3 digits represent county within that state. Includes leading zeroes. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘01001’ ‘01003’ ‘01005’ ‘01007’ ‘01009’ and 3122 more 0 nuniq: 3127
countyName character Name of the county or county-like area. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘Abbeville County’ ‘Acadia Parish’ ‘Accomack County’ ‘Ada County’ ‘Adair County’ and 1859 more 0 nuniq: 1864
stateFIPS character 2-digit code that uniquely identifies United States states, territories, and outlying regions. Includes leading zeroes. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘01’ ‘02’ ‘04’ ‘05’ ‘06’ and 46 more 0 nuniq: 51
state character Full state name. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘Alabama’ ‘Alaska’ ‘Arizona’ ‘Arkansas’ ‘California’ and 46 more 0 nuniq: 51
census_region character Name of the US Census Region. Census Divisions are nested within Census Regions. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘North Central’ ‘Northeast’ ‘South’ ‘West’ 0 nuniq: 4
census_division character Name of the US Census Division. States are nested within Census Divisions, which are further nested within Census Regions. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘East North Central’ ‘East South Central’ ‘Middle Atlantic’ ‘Mountain’ ‘New England’ and 4 more 0 nuniq: 9
metroCat character 2013 NCHS Urban-Rural Classification Scheme for Counties ‘Large Central Metro’ ‘Large Fringe Metro’ ‘Medium or Small Metro’ ‘Non Metro’ 0 nuniq: 4
COVIDDeathsUCD numeric Count of deaths reported in the the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) with COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death (ICD-10 diagnosis code = U07.1). Obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 10 to 7270 76235 mean: 44.358, sd: 123.461, nuniq: 497
deaths numeric Count of deaths reported in the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 10 to 14781 18315 mean: 111.736, sd: 277.211, nuniq: 1672
suppressed numeric

Flag indicating whether output has been suppressed. The CDC WONDER data use agreement prohibits presenting or publishing death counts of 9 or fewer, or death rates based on counts of 9 or fewer.

1 = suppression applied, 0 = not suppressed.

Num: 0 to 1 0 mean: 0.195, sd: 0.396, nuniq: 2
expDeathsMean numeric Mean model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 0 to 6152 18315 mean: 94.222, sd: 221.164, nuniq: 1473
expDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of the posterior interval for model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 0 to 5845 18315 mean: 81.049, sd: 207.464, nuniq: 1391
expDeathsMed numeric Median model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 1 to 6153 18315 mean: 94.512, sd: 221.098, nuniq: 1475
expDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of the posterior interval for model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 3 to 6474 18315 mean: 108.995, sd: 235.036, nuniq: 1539
excDeathsMean numeric Mean estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -146 to 8628 18315 mean: 16.737, sd: 82.582, nuniq: 699
excDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -243 to 8306 18315 mean: 2.705, sd: 75.926, nuniq: 690
excDeathsMed numeric Median estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -147 to 8627 18315 mean: 17.207, sd: 82.655, nuniq: 687
excDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -69 to 8936 18315 mean: 30.613, sd: 90.935, nuniq: 712
probPositiveExcess numeric Probability that excess deaths exceeds zero. Num: 0 to 1 0 mean: 0.66, sd: 0.298, nuniq: 1001
relExcDeathsMean numeric Mean relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -0.674 to Inf 479 mean: Inf, nuniq: 77744
relExcDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -1 to 6.333 0 mean: -0.145, sd: 0.278, nuniq: 15522
relExcDeathsMed numeric Median relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -1 to Inf 0 mean: Inf, nuniq: 12605
relExcDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -1 to Inf 0 mean: Inf, nuniq: 14088
ratioMeanUCD numeric Mean ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -8.166 to 670.101 190 mean: 0.771, sd: 4.632, nuniq: 93352
ratioLowUCD numeric Lower 5th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -18.21 to 507.125 190 mean: -0.13, sd: 2.61, nuniq: 57821
ratioMedUCD numeric Median ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -7.692 to 662.962 190 mean: 0.716, sd: 4.578, nuniq: 26108
ratioUpUCD numeric Upper 95th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -4.3 to 842.23 190 mean: 1.84, sd: 7.298, nuniq: 51135
probPositiveNCExcessUCD numeric Probability that excess deaths not assigned to COVID-19 (as underlying cause), exceeds zero. Num: 0 to 0.227 0 mean: 0.009, sd: 0.019, nuniq: 187
COVIDDeathsMCD numeric Count of deaths reported in the the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) with COVID-19 as the contributing cause of death (ICD-10 diagnosis code = U07.1). Obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 10 to 7545 74110 mean: 45.309, sd: 124.409, nuniq: 532
ratioMeanMCD numeric Mean ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -7.733 to 639.482 190 mean: 0.756, sd: 4.507, nuniq: 93525
ratioLowMCD numeric Lower 5th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -20.054 to 479.577 190 mean: -0.142, sd: 2.491, nuniq: 57894
ratioMedMCD numeric Median ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -7.094 to 639.398 190 mean: 0.697, sd: 4.444, nuniq: 25786
ratioUpMCD numeric Upper 95th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -2.87 to 787.75 190 mean: 1.833, sd: 7.204, nuniq: 51307
probPositiveNCExcessMCD numeric Probability that excess deaths not assigned to COVID-19 (as contributing cause), exceeds zero. Num: 0 to 0.24 0 mean: 0.01, sd: 0.021, nuniq: 201
Name Class Label Values Missing Summary
year numeric Calendar year. Num: 2020 to 2022 0 mean: 2020.933, sd: 0.785, nuniq: 3
month numeric Calendar month. Num: 1 to 12 0 mean: 6.3, sd: 3.261, nuniq: 12
COVIDDeathsUCD numeric Count of deaths reported in the the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) with COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death (ICD-10 diagnosis code = U07.1). Obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 3662 to 96235 0 mean: 30836.433, sd: 25132, nuniq: 30
deaths numeric Count of deaths reported in the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 244671 to 372916 0 mean: 284390.167, sd: 36087.541, nuniq: 30
suppressed numeric

Flag indicating whether output has been suppressed. The CDC WONDER data use agreement prohibits presenting or publishing death counts of 9 or fewer, or death rates based on counts of 9 or fewer.

1 = suppression applied, 0 = not suppressed.

Num: 0 to 0 0 mean: 0, sd: 0, nuniq: 1
expDeathsMean numeric Mean model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 224828.26 to 277204.721 0 mean: 241452.813, sd: 14266.487, nuniq: 30
expDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of the posterior interval for model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 214756.85 to 262536.3 0 mean: 229982.228, sd: 13474.105, nuniq: 30
expDeathsMed numeric Median model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 224592 to 277172 0 mean: 241380.117, sd: 14290.539, nuniq: 30
expDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of the posterior interval for model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 234665.35 to 291143.6 0 mean: 253145.502, sd: 15044.905, nuniq: 30
excDeathsMean numeric Mean estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: 3664.327 to 108560.152 0 mean: 42937.353, sd: 29160.263, nuniq: 30
excDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -9212.6 to 96498.5 0 mean: 31244.665, sd: 29079.622, nuniq: 30
excDeathsMed numeric Median estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: 3683.5 to 108708.5 0 mean: 43010.05, sd: 29140.896, nuniq: 30
excDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: 16723.7 to 119924.6 0 mean: 54407.938, sd: 29254.475, nuniq: 30
probPositiveExcess numeric Probability that excess deaths exceeds zero. Num: 0.701 to 1 0 mean: 0.978, sd: 0.065, nuniq: 10
relExcDeathsMean numeric Mean relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: 0.016 to 0.422 0 mean: 0.178, sd: 0.115, nuniq: 30
relExcDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -0.036 to 0.357 0 mean: 0.122, sd: 0.11, nuniq: 30
relExcDeathsMed numeric Median relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: 0.015 to 0.422 0 mean: 0.177, sd: 0.115, nuniq: 30
relExcDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: 0.073 to 0.486 0 mean: 0.235, sd: 0.12, nuniq: 30
ratioMeanUCD numeric Mean ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.569 to 3.114 0 mean: 1.649, sd: 0.703, nuniq: 30
ratioLowUCD numeric Lower 5th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -2.516 to 1.608 0 mean: 0.836, sd: 0.814, nuniq: 30
ratioMedUCD numeric Median ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.569 to 3.139 0 mean: 1.655, sd: 0.708, nuniq: 30
ratioUpUCD numeric Upper 95th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 1.149 to 5.487 0 mean: 2.446, sd: 1.259, nuniq: 30
probPositiveNCExcessUCD numeric Probability that excess deaths not assigned to COVID-19 (as underlying cause), exceeds zero. Num: 0.127 to 1 0 mean: 0.842, sd: 0.249, nuniq: 26
COVIDDeathsMCD numeric Count of deaths reported in the the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) with COVID-19 as the contributing cause of death (ICD-10 diagnosis code = U07.1). Obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 6239 to 105339 0 mean: 34886, sd: 27037.674, nuniq: 30
ratioMeanMCD numeric Mean ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.424 to 2.311 0 mean: 1.362, sd: 0.486, nuniq: 30
ratioLowMCD numeric Lower 5th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -1.477 to 1.318 0 mean: 0.742, sd: 0.601, nuniq: 30
ratioMedMCD numeric Median ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.427 to 2.317 0 mean: 1.367, sd: 0.488, nuniq: 30
ratioUpMCD numeric Upper 95th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 1.003 to 3.589 0 mean: 1.969, sd: 0.789, nuniq: 30
probPositiveNCExcessMCD numeric Probability that excess deaths not assigned to COVID-19 (as contributing cause), exceeds zero. Num: 0.052 to 0.999 0 mean: 0.758, sd: 0.32, nuniq: 27
Name Class Label Values Missing Summary
pandemicYear character 12-month ranges beginning in March 2020, each representing one year of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Note that the most recent pandemic year be be incomplete due to data lags. If this is the case, the pandemic year will include fewer than 12 months, as indicated in this field. ‘Mar 2020 - Feb 2021’ ‘Mar 2021 - Feb 2022’ ‘Mar 2022 - Aug 2022’ 0 nuniq: 3
FIPSCode character 5-digit Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code that uniquely identifies United States counties. First 2 digits represent state, final 3 digits represent county within that state. Includes leading zeroes. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘01001’ ‘01003’ ‘01005’ ‘01007’ ‘01009’ and 3122 more 0 nuniq: 3127
countyName character Name of the county or county-like area. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘Abbeville County’ ‘Acadia Parish’ ‘Accomack County’ ‘Ada County’ ‘Adair County’ and 1859 more 0 nuniq: 1864
stateFIPS character 2-digit code that uniquely identifies United States states, territories, and outlying regions. Includes leading zeroes. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘01’ ‘02’ ‘04’ ‘05’ ‘06’ and 46 more 0 nuniq: 51
state character Full state name. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘Alabama’ ‘Alaska’ ‘Arizona’ ‘Arkansas’ ‘California’ and 46 more 0 nuniq: 51
census_region character Name of the US Census Region. Census Divisions are nested within Census Regions. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘North Central’ ‘Northeast’ ‘South’ ‘West’ 0 nuniq: 4
census_division character Name of the US Census Division. States are nested within Census Divisions, which are further nested within Census Regions. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘East North Central’ ‘East South Central’ ‘Middle Atlantic’ ‘Mountain’ ‘New England’ and 4 more 0 nuniq: 9
metroCat character 2013 NCHS Urban-Rural Classification Scheme for Counties ‘Large Central Metro’ ‘Large Fringe Metro’ ‘Medium or Small Metro’ ‘Non Metro’ 0 nuniq: 4
COVIDDeathsUCD numeric Count of deaths reported in the the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) with COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death (ICD-10 diagnosis code = U07.1). Obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 10 to 21128 2961 mean: 142.377, sd: 475.378, nuniq: 705
deaths numeric Count of deaths reported in the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 10 to 92760 128 mean: 921.938, sd: 2612.917, nuniq: 2355
suppressed numeric

Flag indicating whether output has been suppressed. The CDC WONDER data use agreement prohibits presenting or publishing death counts of 9 or fewer, or death rates based on counts of 9 or fewer.

1 = suppression applied, 0 = not suppressed.

Num: 0 to 0 128 mean: 0, sd: 0, nuniq: 1
expDeathsMean numeric Mean model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 2 to 63869 128 mean: 782.24, sd: 2118.193, nuniq: 2149
expDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of the posterior interval for model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 0 to 61892 128 mean: 734.47, sd: 2042.122, nuniq: 2066
expDeathsMed numeric Median model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 2 to 63881 128 mean: 782.418, sd: 2118.105, nuniq: 2150
expDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of the posterior interval for model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 5 to 65838 128 mean: 831.717, sd: 2193.913, nuniq: 2225
excDeathsMean numeric Mean estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -336 to 28890 128 mean: 138.816, sd: 550.72, nuniq: 947
excDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -540 to 26921 128 mean: 90.05, sd: 489.788, nuniq: 883
excDeathsMed numeric Median estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -335 to 28878 128 mean: 139.458, sd: 550.715, nuniq: 953
excDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -151 to 30867 128 mean: 187.26, sd: 615.636, nuniq: 1013
probPositiveExcess numeric Probability that excess deaths exceeds zero. Num: 0 to 1 0 mean: 0.846, sd: 0.258, nuniq: 944
relExcDeathsMean numeric Mean relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -0.955 to Inf 0 mean: Inf, nuniq: 9247
relExcDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -0.964 to 7 0 mean: 0.042, sd: 0.219, nuniq: 7523
relExcDeathsMed numeric Median relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -0.956 to Inf 0 mean: Inf, nuniq: 7054
relExcDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -0.944 to Inf 0 mean: Inf, nuniq: 7310
ratioMeanUCD numeric Mean ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -7.748 to 10.707 2961 mean: 1.505, sd: 1.124, nuniq: 6405
ratioLowUCD numeric Lower 5th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -10.5 to 8.526 2961 mean: 0.478, sd: 1.235, nuniq: 4534
ratioMedUCD numeric Median ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -7.75 to 10.722 2961 mean: 1.513, sd: 1.125, nuniq: 3966
ratioUpUCD numeric Upper 95th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -5.996 to 14.154 2961 mean: 2.504, sd: 1.494, nuniq: 4501
probPositiveNCExcessUCD numeric Probability that excess deaths not assigned to COVID-19 (as underlying cause), exceeds zero. Num: 0 to 1 0 mean: 0.485, sd: 0.415, nuniq: 973
COVIDDeathsMCD numeric Count of deaths reported in the the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) with COVID-19 as the contributing cause of death (ICD-10 diagnosis code = U07.1). Obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 10 to 21961 2527 mean: 151.202, sd: 495.956, nuniq: 754
ratioMeanMCD numeric Mean ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -7.152 to 10.716 2527 mean: 1.277, sd: 0.924, nuniq: 6846
ratioLowMCD numeric Lower 5th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -8.923 to 7.714 2527 mean: 0.361, sd: 1.095, nuniq: 4766
ratioMedMCD numeric Median ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -7.154 to 10.7 2527 mean: 1.284, sd: 0.925, nuniq: 4099
ratioUpMCD numeric Upper 95th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -5.535 to 14.5 2527 mean: 2.167, sd: 1.146, nuniq: 4716
probPositiveNCExcessMCD numeric Probability that excess deaths not assigned to COVID-19 (as contributing cause), exceeds zero. Num: 0 to 1 0 mean: 0.467, sd: 0.397, nuniq: 992
Name Class Label Values Missing Summary
stateFIPS character 2-digit code that uniquely identifies United States states, territories, and outlying regions. Includes leading zeroes. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘00’ ‘01’ ‘02’ ‘04’ ‘05’ and 47 more 0 nuniq: 52
state character Full state name. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘Alabama’ ‘Alaska’ ‘Arizona’ ‘Arkansas’ ‘California’ and 47 more 0 nuniq: 52
census_region character Name of the US Census Region. Census Divisions are nested within Census Regions. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘North Central’ ‘Northeast’ ‘South’ ‘United States’ ‘West’ 0 nuniq: 5
census_division character Name of the US Census Division. States are nested within Census Divisions, which are further nested within Census Regions. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘East North Central’ ‘East South Central’ ‘Middle Atlantic’ ‘Mountain’ ‘New England’ and 5 more 0 nuniq: 10
COVIDDeathsUCD numeric Count of deaths reported in the the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) with COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death (ICD-10 diagnosis code = U07.1). Obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 569 to 924859 0 mean: 35571.5, sd: 127375.928, nuniq: 52
deaths numeric Count of deaths reported in the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 14291 to 8531662 0 mean: 328140.846, sd: 1172212.209, nuniq: 52
suppressed numeric

Flag indicating whether output has been suppressed. The CDC WONDER data use agreement prohibits presenting or publishing death counts of 9 or fewer, or death rates based on counts of 9 or fewer.

1 = suppression applied, 0 = not suppressed.

Num: 0 to 1 0 mean: 0.019, sd: 0.139, nuniq: 2
expDeathsMean numeric Mean model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 11477.023 to 7243584.397 0 mean: 278599.4, sd: 994963.396, nuniq: 52
expDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of the posterior interval for model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 11184.7 to 7077834 0 mean: 272191.519, sd: 972201.855, nuniq: 52
expDeathsMed numeric Median model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 11468 to 7242646.5 0 mean: 278572.433, sd: 994833.537, nuniq: 52
expDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of the posterior interval for model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 11798.2 to 7409390.7 0 mean: 285036.869, sd: 1017734.626, nuniq: 52
excDeathsMean numeric Mean estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: 1367.878 to 1288077.603 0 mean: 49541.446, sd: 177374.173, nuniq: 52
excDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: 959.6 to 1122271.3 0 mean: 43103.977, sd: 154624.522, nuniq: 52
excDeathsMed numeric Median estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: 1361.5 to 1289015.5 0 mean: 49568.413, sd: 177504.418, nuniq: 52
excDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: 1763.4 to 1453828 0 mean: 55949.327, sd: 200118.667, nuniq: 52
probPositiveExcess numeric Probability that excess deaths exceeds zero. Num: 1 to 1 0 mean: 1, sd: 0, nuniq: 1
relExcDeathsMean numeric Mean relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: 0.085 to 0.282 0 mean: 0.169, sd: 0.051, nuniq: 52
relExcDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: 0.059 to 0.25 0 mean: 0.141, sd: 0.05, nuniq: 52
relExcDeathsMed numeric Median relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: 0.084 to 0.281 0 mean: 0.169, sd: 0.051, nuniq: 52
relExcDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: 0.11 to 0.314 0 mean: 0.197, sd: 0.052, nuniq: 52
ratioMeanUCD numeric Mean ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.745 to 2.404 0 mean: 1.448, sd: 0.33, nuniq: 52
ratioLowUCD numeric Lower 5th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.52 to 1.988 0 mean: 1.226, sd: 0.3, nuniq: 52
ratioMedUCD numeric Median ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.75 to 2.393 0 mean: 1.448, sd: 0.33, nuniq: 52
ratioUpUCD numeric Upper 95th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.964 to 3.099 0 mean: 1.667, sd: 0.379, nuniq: 52
probPositiveNCExcessUCD numeric Probability that excess deaths not assigned to COVID-19 (as underlying cause), exceeds zero. Num: 0.071 to 1 0 mean: 0.895, sd: 0.222, nuniq: 29
COVIDDeathsMCD numeric Count of deaths reported in the the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) with COVID-19 as the contributing cause of death (ICD-10 diagnosis code = U07.1). Obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 770 to 1046374 0 mean: 40245.154, sd: 144046.628, nuniq: 52
ratioMeanMCD numeric Mean ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.613 to 1.972 0 mean: 1.257, sd: 0.275, nuniq: 52
ratioLowMCD numeric Lower 5th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.428 to 1.747 0 mean: 1.067, sd: 0.262, nuniq: 52
ratioMedMCD numeric Median ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.617 to 1.978 0 mean: 1.258, sd: 0.275, nuniq: 52
ratioUpMCD numeric Upper 95th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.794 to 2.29 0 mean: 1.446, sd: 0.303, nuniq: 52
probPositiveNCExcessMCD numeric Probability that excess deaths not assigned to COVID-19 (as contributing cause), exceeds zero. Num: 0.005 to 1 0 mean: 0.801, sd: 0.299, nuniq: 40
Name Class Label Values Missing Summary
period character Month range that the data represent. ‘March 2020 - August 2022’ 0 nuniq: 1
FIPSCode character 5-digit Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code that uniquely identifies United States counties. First 2 digits represent state, final 3 digits represent county within that state. Includes leading zeroes. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘01001’ ‘01003’ ‘01005’ ‘01007’ ‘01009’ and 3122 more 0 nuniq: 3127
countyName character Name of the county or county-like area. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘Abbeville County’ ‘Acadia Parish’ ‘Accomack County’ ‘Ada County’ ‘Adair County’ and 1859 more 0 nuniq: 1864
stateFIPS character 2-digit code that uniquely identifies United States states, territories, and outlying regions. Includes leading zeroes. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘01’ ‘02’ ‘04’ ‘05’ ‘06’ and 46 more 0 nuniq: 51
state character Full state name. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘Alabama’ ‘Alaska’ ‘Arizona’ ‘Arkansas’ ‘California’ and 46 more 0 nuniq: 51
census_region character Name of the US Census Region. Census Divisions are nested within Census Regions. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘North Central’ ‘Northeast’ ‘South’ ‘West’ 0 nuniq: 4
census_division character Name of the US Census Division. States are nested within Census Divisions, which are further nested within Census Regions. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘East North Central’ ‘East South Central’ ‘Middle Atlantic’ ‘Mountain’ ‘New England’ and 4 more 0 nuniq: 9
metroCat character 2013 NCHS Urban-Rural Classification Scheme for Counties ‘Large Central Metro’ ‘Large Fringe Metro’ ‘Medium or Small Metro’ ‘Non Metro’ 0 nuniq: 4
COVIDDeathsUCD numeric Count of deaths reported in the the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) with COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death (ICD-10 diagnosis code = U07.1). Obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 10 to 29168 141 mean: 309.564, sd: 952.339, nuniq: 727
deaths numeric Count of deaths reported in the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 10 to 202440 6 mean: 2733.623, sd: 7328.749, nuniq: 2030
suppressed numeric

Flag indicating whether output has been suppressed. The CDC WONDER data use agreement prohibits presenting or publishing death counts of 9 or fewer, or death rates based on counts of 9 or fewer.

1 = suppression applied, 0 = not suppressed.

Num: 0 to 0 6 mean: 0, sd: 0, nuniq: 1
expDeathsMean numeric Mean model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 5 to 157801 6 mean: 2320.354, sd: 6039.891, nuniq: 1891
expDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of the posterior interval for model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 1 to 152990 6 mean: 2214.583, sd: 5852.852, nuniq: 1875
expDeathsMed numeric Median model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 5 to 157800 6 mean: 2320.382, sd: 6040.116, nuniq: 1924
expDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of the posterior interval for model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 9 to 162427 6 mean: 2427.933, sd: 6223.277, nuniq: 1954
excDeathsMean numeric Mean estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -258 to 44638 6 mean: 412.318, sd: 1354.284, nuniq: 960
excDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -305 to 40012 6 mean: 305.361, sd: 1185.118, nuniq: 876
excDeathsMed numeric Median estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -259 to 44640 6 mean: 413.125, sd: 1353.925, nuniq: 960
excDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -212 to 49449 6 mean: 518.678, sd: 1530.6, nuniq: 1042
probPositiveExcess numeric Probability that excess deaths exceeds zero. Num: 0 to 1 0 mean: 0.938, sd: 0.182, nuniq: 385
relExcDeathsMean numeric Mean relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -0.958 to Inf 0 mean: Inf, nuniq: 3113
relExcDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -0.964 to 1.938 0 mean: 0.107, sd: 0.165, nuniq: 3054
relExcDeathsMed numeric Median relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -0.959 to 3.875 0 mean: 0.225, sd: 0.252, nuniq: 3043
relExcDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -0.951 to Inf 0 mean: Inf, nuniq: 3053
ratioMeanUCD numeric Mean ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -17.215 to 10.894 141 mean: 1.459, sd: 1.111, nuniq: 2986
ratioLowUCD numeric Lower 5th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -20.333 to 9.647 141 mean: 0.745, sd: 1.212, nuniq: 2735
ratioMedUCD numeric Median ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -17.267 to 10.912 141 mean: 1.466, sd: 1.112, nuniq: 2627
ratioUpUCD numeric Upper 95th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -14.133 to 12.118 141 mean: 2.151, sd: 1.15, nuniq: 2721
probPositiveNCExcessUCD numeric Probability that excess deaths not assigned to COVID-19 (as underlying cause), exceeds zero. Num: 0 to 1 0 mean: 0.706, sd: 0.345, nuniq: 807
COVIDDeathsMCD numeric Count of deaths reported in the the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) with COVID-19 as the contributing cause of death (ICD-10 diagnosis code = U07.1). Obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 10 to 31004 120 mean: 347.836, sd: 1040.48, nuniq: 793
ratioMeanMCD numeric Mean ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -13.59 to 10.011 120 mean: 1.285, sd: 0.976, nuniq: 3006
ratioLowMCD numeric Lower 5th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -16.053 to 8.865 120 mean: 0.653, sd: 1.066, nuniq: 2777
ratioMedMCD numeric Median ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -13.632 to 10.027 120 mean: 1.291, sd: 0.977, nuniq: 2656
ratioUpMCD numeric Upper 95th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -11.158 to 11.135 120 mean: 1.895, sd: 1.014, nuniq: 2767
probPositiveNCExcessMCD numeric Probability that excess deaths not assigned to COVID-19 (as contributing cause), exceeds zero. Num: 0 to 1 0 mean: 0.646, sd: 0.357, nuniq: 870
Name Class Label Values Missing Summary
year numeric Calendar year. Num: 2020 to 2022 0 mean: 2020.933, sd: 0.772, nuniq: 3
month numeric Calendar month. Num: 1 to 12 0 mean: 6.3, sd: 3.206, nuniq: 12
FIPSCode character 5-digit Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code that uniquely identifies United States counties. First 2 digits represent state, final 3 digits represent county within that state. Includes leading zeroes. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘01001’ ‘01003’ ‘01005’ ‘01007’ ‘01009’ and 3122 more 0 nuniq: 3127
countyName character Name of the county or county-like area. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘Abbeville County’ ‘Acadia Parish’ ‘Accomack County’ ‘Ada County’ ‘Adair County’ and 1859 more 0 nuniq: 1864
stateFIPS character 2-digit code that uniquely identifies United States states, territories, and outlying regions. Includes leading zeroes. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘01’ ‘02’ ‘04’ ‘05’ ‘06’ and 46 more 0 nuniq: 51
state character Full state name. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘Alabama’ ‘Alaska’ ‘Arizona’ ‘Arkansas’ ‘California’ and 46 more 0 nuniq: 51
census_region character Name of the US Census Region. Census Divisions are nested within Census Regions. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘North Central’ ‘Northeast’ ‘South’ ‘West’ 0 nuniq: 4
census_division character Name of the US Census Division. States are nested within Census Divisions, which are further nested within Census Regions. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘East North Central’ ‘East South Central’ ‘Middle Atlantic’ ‘Mountain’ ‘New England’ and 4 more 0 nuniq: 9
metroCat character 2013 NCHS Urban-Rural Classification Scheme for Counties ‘Large Central Metro’ ‘Large Fringe Metro’ ‘Medium or Small Metro’ ‘Non Metro’ 0 nuniq: 4
COVIDDeathsUCD numeric Count of deaths reported in the the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) with COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death (ICD-10 diagnosis code = U07.1). Obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 10 to 7270 76235 mean: 44.358, sd: 123.461, nuniq: 497
deaths numeric Count of deaths reported in the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 10 to 14256 19917 mean: 103.924, sd: 256.619, nuniq: 1567
suppressed numeric

Flag indicating whether output has been suppressed. The CDC WONDER data use agreement prohibits presenting or publishing death counts of 9 or fewer, or death rates based on counts of 9 or fewer.

1 = suppression applied, 0 = not suppressed.

Num: 0 to 1 0 mean: 0.212, sd: 0.409, nuniq: 2
expDeathsMean numeric Mean model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 0 to 5775 19917 mean: 87.232, sd: 203.373, nuniq: 1384
expDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of the posterior interval for model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 0 to 5494 19917 mean: 74.824, sd: 191.434, nuniq: 1315
expDeathsMed numeric Median model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 1 to 5770 19917 mean: 87.522, sd: 203.307, nuniq: 1381
expDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of the posterior interval for model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 3 to 6067 19917 mean: 101.225, sd: 215.477, nuniq: 1445
excDeathsMean numeric Mean estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -146 to 8480 19917 mean: 15.915, sd: 80.673, nuniq: 678
excDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -275 to 8189 19917 mean: 2.665, sd: 75.178, nuniq: 666
excDeathsMed numeric Median estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -147 to 8485 19917 mean: 16.385, sd: 80.756, nuniq: 668
excDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -71 to 8761 19917 mean: 29.031, sd: 87.582, nuniq: 688
probPositiveExcess numeric Probability that excess deaths exceeds zero. Num: 0 to 1 0 mean: 0.656, sd: 0.298, nuniq: 1001
relExcDeathsMean numeric Mean relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -0.643 to Inf 631 mean: Inf, nuniq: 76032
relExcDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -1 to 6.333 0 mean: -0.149, sd: 0.29, nuniq: 14593
relExcDeathsMed numeric Median relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -1 to Inf 0 mean: Inf, nuniq: 12041
relExcDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -1 to Inf 0 mean: Inf, nuniq: 13305
ratioMeanUCD numeric Mean ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -8.135 to 659.334 190 mean: 0.72, sd: 4.5, nuniq: 93321
ratioLowUCD numeric Lower 5th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -21.02 to 481.589 190 mean: -0.13, sd: 2.511, nuniq: 57107
ratioMedUCD numeric Median ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -6.962 to 673.192 190 mean: 0.671, sd: 4.475, nuniq: 25378
ratioUpUCD numeric Upper 95th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -3.536 to 832.761 190 mean: 1.717, sd: 7.032, nuniq: 49934
probPositiveNCExcessUCD numeric Probability that excess deaths not assigned to COVID-19 (as underlying cause), exceeds zero. Num: 0 to 0.238 0 mean: 0.009, sd: 0.018, nuniq: 185
COVIDDeathsMCD numeric Count of deaths reported in the the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) with COVID-19 as the contributing cause of death (ICD-10 diagnosis code = U07.1). Obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 10 to 7545 74110 mean: 45.309, sd: 124.409, nuniq: 532
ratioMeanMCD numeric Mean ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -7.667 to 629.369 190 mean: 0.706, sd: 4.372, nuniq: 93514
ratioLowMCD numeric Lower 5th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -20.848 to 455.449 190 mean: -0.142, sd: 2.396, nuniq: 57322
ratioMedMCD numeric Median ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -7.071 to 649.516 190 mean: 0.653, sd: 4.362, nuniq: 24935
ratioUpMCD numeric Upper 95th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -3.6 to 774.636 190 mean: 1.712, sd: 6.922, nuniq: 49946
probPositiveNCExcessMCD numeric Probability that excess deaths not assigned to COVID-19 (as contributing cause), exceeds zero. Num: 0 to 0.249 0 mean: 0.01, sd: 0.02, nuniq: 198
Name Class Label Values Missing Summary
year numeric Calendar year. Num: 2020 to 2022 0 mean: 2020.933, sd: 0.785, nuniq: 3
month numeric Calendar month. Num: 1 to 12 0 mean: 6.3, sd: 3.261, nuniq: 12
COVIDDeathsUCD numeric Count of deaths reported in the the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) with COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death (ICD-10 diagnosis code = U07.1). Obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 3662 to 96235 0 mean: 30836.433, sd: 25132, nuniq: 30
deaths numeric Count of deaths reported in the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 217972 to 347459 0 mean: 259143.267, sd: 36250.217, nuniq: 30
suppressed numeric

Flag indicating whether output has been suppressed. The CDC WONDER data use agreement prohibits presenting or publishing death counts of 9 or fewer, or death rates based on counts of 9 or fewer.

1 = suppression applied, 0 = not suppressed.

Num: 0 to 0 0 mean: 0, sd: 0, nuniq: 1
expDeathsMean numeric Mean model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 203016.531 to 254282.081 0 mean: 219325.589, sd: 14288.85, nuniq: 30
expDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of the posterior interval for model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 195291.1 to 243252.7 0 mean: 210226.165, sd: 13711.037, nuniq: 30
expDeathsMed numeric Median model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 202735 to 254421.5 0 mean: 219233.617, sd: 14305.039, nuniq: 30
expDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of the posterior interval for model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 211085.5 to 265685.3 0 mean: 228686.718, sd: 14990.42, nuniq: 30
excDeathsMean numeric Mean estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: 1434.549 to 105971.11 0 mean: 39817.678, sd: 29041.315, nuniq: 30
excDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -8401.25 to 96479.75 0 mean: 30456.548, sd: 28948.844, nuniq: 30
excDeathsMed numeric Median estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: 1375 to 106213 0 mean: 39909.65, sd: 29033.652, nuniq: 30
excDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: 10966.9 to 115119.15 0 mean: 48917.102, sd: 29098.085, nuniq: 30
probPositiveExcess numeric Probability that excess deaths exceeds zero. Num: 0.617 to 1 0 mean: 0.973, sd: 0.083, nuniq: 10
relExcDeathsMean numeric Mean relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: 0.007 to 0.449 0 mean: 0.181, sd: 0.125, nuniq: 30
relExcDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -0.037 to 0.392 0 mean: 0.132, sd: 0.121, nuniq: 30
relExcDeathsMed numeric Median relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: 0.006 to 0.45 0 mean: 0.18, sd: 0.125, nuniq: 30
relExcDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: 0.052 to 0.507 0 mean: 0.231, sd: 0.13, nuniq: 30
ratioMeanUCD numeric Mean ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.362 to 2.63 0 mean: 1.449, sd: 0.615, nuniq: 30
ratioLowUCD numeric Lower 5th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -2.294 to 1.622 0 mean: 0.802, sd: 0.765, nuniq: 30
ratioMedUCD numeric Median ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.37 to 2.642 0 mean: 1.455, sd: 0.622, nuniq: 30
ratioUpUCD numeric Upper 95th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.934 to 4.334 0 mean: 2.077, sd: 0.967, nuniq: 30
probPositiveNCExcessUCD numeric Probability that excess deaths not assigned to COVID-19 (as underlying cause), exceeds zero. Num: 0.033 to 1 0 mean: 0.793, sd: 0.31, nuniq: 24
COVIDDeathsMCD numeric Count of deaths reported in the the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) with COVID-19 as the contributing cause of death (ICD-10 diagnosis code = U07.1). Obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 6239 to 105339 0 mean: 34886, sd: 27037.674, nuniq: 30
ratioMeanMCD numeric Mean ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.23 to 1.935 0 mean: 1.207, sd: 0.44, nuniq: 30
ratioLowMCD numeric Lower 5th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -1.347 to 1.218 0 mean: 0.711, sd: 0.568, nuniq: 30
ratioMedMCD numeric Median ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.22 to 1.953 0 mean: 1.212, sd: 0.444, nuniq: 30
ratioUpMCD numeric Upper 95th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.789 to 2.867 0 mean: 1.688, sd: 0.624, nuniq: 30
probPositiveNCExcessMCD numeric Probability that excess deaths not assigned to COVID-19 (as contributing cause), exceeds zero. Num: 0.005 to 1 0 mean: 0.703, sd: 0.371, nuniq: 28
Name Class Label Values Missing Summary
pandemicYear character 12-month ranges beginning in March 2020, each representing one year of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Note that the most recent pandemic year be be incomplete due to data lags. If this is the case, the pandemic year will include fewer than 12 months, as indicated in this field. ‘Mar 2020 - Feb 2021’ ‘Mar 2021 - Feb 2022’ ‘Mar 2022 - Aug 2022’ 0 nuniq: 3
FIPSCode character 5-digit Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code that uniquely identifies United States counties. First 2 digits represent state, final 3 digits represent county within that state. Includes leading zeroes. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘01001’ ‘01003’ ‘01005’ ‘01007’ ‘01009’ and 3122 more 0 nuniq: 3127
countyName character Name of the county or county-like area. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘Abbeville County’ ‘Acadia Parish’ ‘Accomack County’ ‘Ada County’ ‘Adair County’ and 1859 more 0 nuniq: 1864
stateFIPS character 2-digit code that uniquely identifies United States states, territories, and outlying regions. Includes leading zeroes. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘01’ ‘02’ ‘04’ ‘05’ ‘06’ and 46 more 0 nuniq: 51
state character Full state name. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘Alabama’ ‘Alaska’ ‘Arizona’ ‘Arkansas’ ‘California’ and 46 more 0 nuniq: 51
census_region character Name of the US Census Region. Census Divisions are nested within Census Regions. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘North Central’ ‘Northeast’ ‘South’ ‘West’ 0 nuniq: 4
census_division character Name of the US Census Division. States are nested within Census Divisions, which are further nested within Census Regions. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘East North Central’ ‘East South Central’ ‘Middle Atlantic’ ‘Mountain’ ‘New England’ and 4 more 0 nuniq: 9
metroCat character 2013 NCHS Urban-Rural Classification Scheme for Counties ‘Large Central Metro’ ‘Large Fringe Metro’ ‘Medium or Small Metro’ ‘Non Metro’ 0 nuniq: 4
COVIDDeathsUCD numeric Count of deaths reported in the the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) with COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death (ICD-10 diagnosis code = U07.1). Obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 10 to 21128 2961 mean: 142.377, sd: 475.378, nuniq: 705
deaths numeric Count of deaths reported in the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 10 to 87034 146 mean: 841.742, sd: 2388.353, nuniq: 2217
suppressed numeric

Flag indicating whether output has been suppressed. The CDC WONDER data use agreement prohibits presenting or publishing death counts of 9 or fewer, or death rates based on counts of 9 or fewer.

1 = suppression applied, 0 = not suppressed.

Num: 0 to 0 146 mean: 0, sd: 0, nuniq: 1
expDeathsMean numeric Mean model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 2 to 59425 146 mean: 711.885, sd: 1931.819, nuniq: 2053
expDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of the posterior interval for model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 0 to 58010 146 mean: 670.553, sd: 1875.659, nuniq: 2005
expDeathsMed numeric Median model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 2 to 59433 146 mean: 712.058, sd: 1931.7, nuniq: 2059
expDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of the posterior interval for model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 5 to 60890 146 mean: 754.961, sd: 1988.055, nuniq: 2130
excDeathsMean numeric Mean estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -314 to 27608 146 mean: 128.976, sd: 514.764, nuniq: 912
excDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -467 to 26144 146 mean: 86.629, sd: 470.231, nuniq: 861
excDeathsMed numeric Median estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -310 to 27601 146 mean: 129.633, sd: 514.788, nuniq: 892
excDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -174 to 29023 146 mean: 170.99, sd: 561.366, nuniq: 963
probPositiveExcess numeric Probability that excess deaths exceeds zero. Num: 0 to 1 0 mean: 0.848, sd: 0.259, nuniq: 925
relExcDeathsMean numeric Mean relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -0.941 to Inf 0 mean: Inf, nuniq: 9216
relExcDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -0.954 to 7 0 mean: 0.05, sd: 0.229, nuniq: 7381
relExcDeathsMed numeric Median relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -0.941 to Inf 0 mean: Inf, nuniq: 6926
relExcDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -0.923 to Inf 0 mean: Inf, nuniq: 7146
ratioMeanUCD numeric Mean ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -7.235 to 12.132 2961 mean: 1.404, sd: 1.044, nuniq: 6401
ratioLowUCD numeric Lower 5th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -9.465 to 8.214 2961 mean: 0.468, sd: 1.172, nuniq: 4378
ratioMedUCD numeric Median ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -7.208 to 12.071 2961 mean: 1.412, sd: 1.044, nuniq: 3896
ratioUpUCD numeric Upper 95th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -5.5 to 15.786 2961 mean: 2.314, sd: 1.341, nuniq: 4457
probPositiveNCExcessUCD numeric Probability that excess deaths not assigned to COVID-19 (as underlying cause), exceeds zero. Num: 0 to 1 0 mean: 0.472, sd: 0.413, nuniq: 976
COVIDDeathsMCD numeric Count of deaths reported in the the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) with COVID-19 as the contributing cause of death (ICD-10 diagnosis code = U07.1). Obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 10 to 21961 2527 mean: 151.202, sd: 495.956, nuniq: 754
ratioMeanMCD numeric Mean ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -6.679 to 9.798 2527 mean: 1.194, sd: 0.87, nuniq: 6843
ratioLowMCD numeric Lower 5th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -8.308 to 7.143 2527 mean: 0.355, sd: 1.043, nuniq: 4670
ratioMedMCD numeric Median ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -6.654 to 9.833 2527 mean: 1.202, sd: 0.869, nuniq: 4079
ratioUpMCD numeric Upper 95th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -5.077 to 12.837 2527 mean: 2.009, sd: 1.049, nuniq: 4611
probPositiveNCExcessMCD numeric Probability that excess deaths not assigned to COVID-19 (as contributing cause), exceeds zero. Num: 0 to 1 0 mean: 0.447, sd: 0.393, nuniq: 997
Name Class Label Values Missing Summary
stateFIPS character 2-digit code that uniquely identifies United States states, territories, and outlying regions. Includes leading zeroes. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘00’ ‘01’ ‘02’ ‘04’ ‘05’ and 47 more 0 nuniq: 52
state character Full state name. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘Alabama’ ‘Alaska’ ‘Arizona’ ‘Arkansas’ ‘California’ and 47 more 0 nuniq: 52
census_region character Name of the US Census Region. Census Divisions are nested within Census Regions. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘North Central’ ‘Northeast’ ‘South’ ‘United States’ ‘West’ 0 nuniq: 5
census_division character Name of the US Census Division. States are nested within Census Divisions, which are further nested within Census Regions. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘East North Central’ ‘East South Central’ ‘Middle Atlantic’ ‘Mountain’ ‘New England’ and 5 more 0 nuniq: 10
COVIDDeathsUCD numeric Count of deaths reported in the the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) with COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death (ICD-10 diagnosis code = U07.1). Obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 569 to 924859 0 mean: 35571.5, sd: 127375.928, nuniq: 52
deaths numeric Count of deaths reported in the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 12194 to 7774273 0 mean: 299010.5, sd: 1068286.723, nuniq: 52
suppressed numeric

Flag indicating whether output has been suppressed. The CDC WONDER data use agreement prohibits presenting or publishing death counts of 9 or fewer, or death rates based on counts of 9 or fewer.

1 = suppression applied, 0 = not suppressed.

Num: 0 to 1 0 mean: 0.019, sd: 0.139, nuniq: 2
expDeathsMean numeric Mean model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 9526.845 to 6579767.662 0 mean: 253067.987, sd: 903903.79, nuniq: 52
expDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of the posterior interval for model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 9307.9 to 6462703.5 0 mean: 248520.019, sd: 887830.852, nuniq: 52
expDeathsMed numeric Median model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 9527.5 to 6579169.5 0 mean: 253035.029, sd: 903822.401, nuniq: 52
expDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of the posterior interval for model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 9749 to 6696820.8 0 mean: 257636.717, sd: 919971.74, nuniq: 52
excDeathsMean numeric Mean estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: 1106.52 to 1194505.338 0 mean: 45942.513, sd: 164496.584, nuniq: 52
excDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: 804.7 to 1077452.2 0 mean: 41373.783, sd: 148444.461, nuniq: 52
excDeathsMed numeric Median estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: 1120 to 1195103.5 0 mean: 45975.471, sd: 164578.278, nuniq: 52
excDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: 1413.1 to 1311569.5 0 mean: 50490.481, sd: 180557.662, nuniq: 52
probPositiveExcess numeric Probability that excess deaths exceeds zero. Num: 1 to 1 0 mean: 1, sd: 0, nuniq: 1
relExcDeathsMean numeric Mean relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: 0.079 to 0.293 0 mean: 0.174, sd: 0.053, nuniq: 52
relExcDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: 0.056 to 0.268 0 mean: 0.152, sd: 0.052, nuniq: 52
relExcDeathsMed numeric Median relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: 0.08 to 0.292 0 mean: 0.174, sd: 0.053, nuniq: 52
relExcDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: 0.103 to 0.319 0 mean: 0.196, sd: 0.054, nuniq: 52
ratioMeanUCD numeric Mean ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.693 to 2.127 0 mean: 1.339, sd: 0.287, nuniq: 52
ratioLowUCD numeric Lower 5th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.538 to 1.95 0 mean: 1.179, sd: 0.267, nuniq: 52
ratioMedUCD numeric Median ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.692 to 2.126 0 mean: 1.341, sd: 0.287, nuniq: 52
ratioUpUCD numeric Upper 95th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.85 to 2.483 0 mean: 1.498, sd: 0.322, nuniq: 52
probPositiveNCExcessUCD numeric Probability that excess deaths not assigned to COVID-19 (as underlying cause), exceeds zero. Num: 0.01 to 1 0 mean: 0.883, sd: 0.253, nuniq: 30
COVIDDeathsMCD numeric Count of deaths reported in the the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) with COVID-19 as the contributing cause of death (ICD-10 diagnosis code = U07.1). Obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 770 to 1046374 0 mean: 40245.154, sd: 144046.628, nuniq: 52
ratioMeanMCD numeric Mean ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.57 to 1.869 0 mean: 1.164, sd: 0.244, nuniq: 52
ratioLowMCD numeric Lower 5th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.443 to 1.713 0 mean: 1.026, sd: 0.237, nuniq: 52
ratioMedMCD numeric Median ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.569 to 1.869 0 mean: 1.165, sd: 0.244, nuniq: 52
ratioUpMCD numeric Upper 95th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: 0.7 to 2.057 0 mean: 1.301, sd: 0.264, nuniq: 52
probPositiveNCExcessMCD numeric Probability that excess deaths not assigned to COVID-19 (as contributing cause), exceeds zero. Num: 0 to 1 0 mean: 0.745, sd: 0.335, nuniq: 37
Name Class Label Values Missing Summary
period character Month range that the data represent. ‘March 2020 - August 2022’ 0 nuniq: 1
FIPSCode character 5-digit Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code that uniquely identifies United States counties. First 2 digits represent state, final 3 digits represent county within that state. Includes leading zeroes. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘01001’ ‘01003’ ‘01005’ ‘01007’ ‘01009’ and 3122 more 0 nuniq: 3127
countyName character Name of the county or county-like area. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘Abbeville County’ ‘Acadia Parish’ ‘Accomack County’ ‘Ada County’ ‘Adair County’ and 1859 more 0 nuniq: 1864
stateFIPS character 2-digit code that uniquely identifies United States states, territories, and outlying regions. Includes leading zeroes. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘01’ ‘02’ ‘04’ ‘05’ ‘06’ and 46 more 0 nuniq: 51
state character Full state name. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘Alabama’ ‘Alaska’ ‘Arizona’ ‘Arkansas’ ‘California’ and 46 more 0 nuniq: 51
census_region character Name of the US Census Region. Census Divisions are nested within Census Regions. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘North Central’ ‘Northeast’ ‘South’ ‘West’ 0 nuniq: 4
census_division character Name of the US Census Division. States are nested within Census Divisions, which are further nested within Census Regions. Place of residence of the decedents. ‘East North Central’ ‘East South Central’ ‘Middle Atlantic’ ‘Mountain’ ‘New England’ and 4 more 0 nuniq: 9
metroCat character 2013 NCHS Urban-Rural Classification Scheme for Counties ‘Large Central Metro’ ‘Large Fringe Metro’ ‘Medium or Small Metro’ ‘Non Metro’ 0 nuniq: 4
COVIDDeathsUCD numeric Count of deaths reported in the the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) with COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death (ICD-10 diagnosis code = U07.1). Obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 10 to 29168 141 mean: 309.564, sd: 952.339, nuniq: 727
deaths numeric Count of deaths reported in the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 10 to 187569 7 mean: 2491.744, sd: 6675.748, nuniq: 1972
suppressed numeric

Flag indicating whether output has been suppressed. The CDC WONDER data use agreement prohibits presenting or publishing death counts of 9 or fewer, or death rates based on counts of 9 or fewer.

1 = suppression applied, 0 = not suppressed.

Num: 0 to 0 7 mean: 0, sd: 0, nuniq: 1
expDeathsMean numeric Mean model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 4 to 146494 7 mean: 2108.354, sd: 5501.334, nuniq: 1846
expDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of the posterior interval for model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 1 to 143137 7 mean: 2019.95, sd: 5367.376, nuniq: 1817
expDeathsMed numeric Median model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 4 to 146433 7 mean: 2108.251, sd: 5500.039, nuniq: 1829
expDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of the posterior interval for model-predicted expected deaths count. Num: 8 to 149933 7 mean: 2199.09, sd: 5636.764, nuniq: 1882
excDeathsMean numeric Mean estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -258 to 41074 7 mean: 382.438, sd: 1235.66, nuniq: 942
excDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -310 to 37635 7 mean: 292.34, sd: 1111.236, nuniq: 882
excDeathsMed numeric Median estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -258 to 41136 7 mean: 383.383, sd: 1236.912, nuniq: 941
excDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of estimated excess deaths, calculated as (deaths - expDeaths). Num: -208 to 44431 7 mean: 471.465, sd: 1360.878, nuniq: 1004
probPositiveExcess numeric Probability that excess deaths exceeds zero. Num: 0 to 1 0 mean: 0.943, sd: 0.177, nuniq: 361
relExcDeathsMean numeric Mean relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -0.944 to Inf 0 mean: Inf, nuniq: 3112
relExcDeathsLow numeric Lower 5th percentile of relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -0.954 to 2.25 0 mean: 0.119, sd: 0.177, nuniq: 3041
relExcDeathsMed numeric Median relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -0.944 to 4.571 0 mean: 0.242, sd: 0.282, nuniq: 3001
relExcDeathsUp numeric Upper 95th percentile of relative excess deaths, calculated as (excDeaths / expDeaths). Num: -0.934 to Inf 0 mean: Inf, nuniq: 3041
ratioMeanUCD numeric Mean ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -15.702 to 10.105 141 mean: 1.397, sd: 1.081, nuniq: 2986
ratioLowUCD numeric Lower 5th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -18.6 to 8.941 141 mean: 0.742, sd: 1.171, nuniq: 2713
ratioMedUCD numeric Median ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -15.667 to 10.147 141 mean: 1.403, sd: 1.083, nuniq: 2604
ratioUpUCD numeric Upper 95th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as underlying cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -12.933 to 11.147 141 mean: 2.03, sd: 1.121, nuniq: 2695
probPositiveNCExcessUCD numeric Probability that excess deaths not assigned to COVID-19 (as underlying cause), exceeds zero. Num: 0 to 1 0 mean: 0.693, sd: 0.35, nuniq: 797
COVIDDeathsMCD numeric Count of deaths reported in the the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) with COVID-19 as the contributing cause of death (ICD-10 diagnosis code = U07.1). Obtained via CDC WONDER. Counts of 9 or fewer are suppressed. Num: 10 to 31004 120 mean: 347.836, sd: 1040.48, nuniq: 793
ratioMeanMCD numeric Mean ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -12.396 to 9.286 120 mean: 1.233, sd: 0.952, nuniq: 3007
ratioLowMCD numeric Lower 5th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -14.684 to 8.216 120 mean: 0.655, sd: 1.024, nuniq: 2749
ratioMedMCD numeric Median ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -12.368 to 9.324 120 mean: 1.239, sd: 0.954, nuniq: 2599
ratioUpMCD numeric Upper 95th percentile of ratio of excess deaths to COVID-19 deaths (as contributing cause), calculated as (excDeaths / COVIDDeaths). Num: -10.211 to 10.243 120 mean: 1.793, sd: 0.997, nuniq: 2743
probPositiveNCExcessMCD numeric Probability that excess deaths not assigned to COVID-19 (as contributing cause), exceeds zero. Num: 0 to 1 0 mean: 0.623, sd: 0.364, nuniq: 869


Estimating monthly excess mortality at the county level for the United States, March 2020 to February 2022






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