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Mercury is a semantic-assisted, cross-text text labeling tool.

  1. semantic-assisted: when you select a text span, semantically related text segments will be highlighted -- so you don't have to eyeball through lengthy texts.
  2. cross-text: you are labeling text spans from two different texts.

Therefore, Mercury is very efficient for the labeling of NLP tasks that involve comparing texts between two documents which are also lengthy, such as hallucination detection or factual consistency/faithfulness in RAG systems. Semantic assistance not only saves time and reduces fatigues but also avoids mistakes.

Currently, Mercury only supports labeling inconsistencies between the source and summary for summarization in RAG.


Dependencies and setup


You need Python and Node.js.

Mercury uses sqlite-vec to store and search embeddings.

  1. pip3 install -r requirements.txt && python3 -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

  2. If you don't have pnpm installed, please install with npm install -g pnpm - you may need sudo. If you don't have npm, try sudo apt install npm.

  3. Compile the frontend: pnpm install && pnpm build

  4. To use sqlite-vec via Python's built-in sqlite3 module, you must have SQLite>3.41 (otherwise LIMIT or k=? will not work properly with rowid IN (?) for vector search) installed and ensure Python's built-in sqlite3 module is built for SQLite>3.41. Note that Python's built-in sqlite3 module uses its own binary library that is independent of the OS's SQLite. So upgrading the OS's SQLite will not upgrade Python's sqlite3 module. To manually upgrade Python's sqlite3 module to use SQLite>3.41, here are the steps:

    • Download and compile SQLite>3.41.0 from source

      tar -xvf sqlite-autoconf-3460100.tar.gz
      cd sqlite-autoconf-3460100
    • Set Python's built-in sqlite3 module to use the compiled SQLite. Suppose you are currently at path $SQLITE_Compile. Then set this environment variable (feel free to replace $SQLITE_Compile with the actual absolute/relative path):

      export LD_PRELAOD=$SQLITE_Compile/.libs/

      You may add the above line to ~.bashrc to make it permanent.

    • Verify that Python's sqlite3 module is using the correct SQLite, run this Python code:

      python3 -c "import sqlite3; print(sqlite3.sqlite_version)"

      If the output is the version of SQLite you just compiled, you are good to go.

    • If you are using Mac and run into troubles, please follow SQLite-vec's instructions.

  5. To use sqlite-vec directly in sqlite prompt, simply compile sqlite-vec from source and load the compiled vec0.o. The usage can be found in the SQLite-vec's README.


  1. Ingest data for labeling

    Run python3 -h to see the options.

    The ingester takes a CSV, JSON, or JSONL file and loads texts from two text columns (configurable via option ingest_column_1 and ingest_column_2 which default to source and summary) of the file. After ingestion, the data will be stored in the SQLite database, denoted as CORPUS_DB in the following steps.

  2. Manually set the labels for annotators to choose from in the labels.yaml file. Mercury supports hierarchical labels.

  3. Generate and set a JWT secret key: export SECRET_KEY=$(openssl rand -base64 32). You can rerun the command above to generate a new secret key when needed, especially when the old one is compromised. Note that changing the JWT token will log out all users. Optionally, you can also set EXPIRE_MINUTES to change the expiration time of the JWT token. The default is 7 days (10080 minutes).

  4. Start the Mercury annotation server: python3 --corpus_db {CORPUS_DB} --user_db {USER_DB}.

    Be sure to set the candidate labels to choose from in the labels.yaml file. The server will run on http://localhost:8000 by default. The default USER_DB, namely users.sqlite, is distributed with the code repo with the default Email and password as and test, respectively.

  5. Optional To add/update/list users in a USER_DB, see User administration in Mercury for more details.

The annotations are stored in the annotations table in a SQLite database (hardcoded name mercury.sqlite). See the section annotations table for the schema.

The dumped human annotations are stored in a JSON format like this:

    {  # first sample 
        'sample_id': int,
        'source': str,
        'summary': str,
        'annotations': [  # a list of annotations from many human annotators
                'annot_id': int,
                'sample_id': int,  # relative to the ingestion file
                'annotator': str,  # the annotator unique id
                'annotator_name': str,  # the annotator name
                'label': list[str],
                'note': str,
                'summary_span': str,  # the text span in the summary
                'summary_start': int,
                'summary_end': int,
                'source_span': str,  # the text span in the source
                'source_start': int,
                'source_end': int,
        'meta_field_1': Any,  # whatever meta info about the sample
        'meta_field_2': Any,
    {  # second sample

You can view exported data in http://[your_host]/viewer

Migrating data from old version

python3 export --workdir {DIR_OF_SQLITE_FILES} --csv unified_users.csv 
python3 register --csv unified_users.csv --db unified_users.sqlite

Technical details


  • A sample is a pair of source and summary.
  • A document is either a source or a summary.
  • A chunk is a sentence in a document.

[!NOTE] SQLite uses 1-indexed for autoincrement columns while the rest of the code uses 0-indexed.


Mercury needs two SQLite databases, denoted as MERCURY_DB, which stores a corpus for annotation, and USER_DB, which stores login credentials. One USER_DB can be reused for multiple MERCURY_DBs for the same group of users to annotation different corpora.

User database (USER_DB)

users table: the annotators

user_id user_name email hashed_password
add93a266ab7484abdc623ddc3bf6441 Alice super_safe
68d41e465458473c8ca1959614093da7 Bob my_password
  • The columnuser_name in users table is not unique and are not used as part of login credentials. An annotator logs in using a combination of email and hashed_password.
  • Password is hashed by argon2 with parameters time_cost=2, memory_cost=19456, parallelism=1. This is recommended by OWASP.

Mercury main database (MERCURY_DB)

Tables: chunks, annotations, config.

All powered by SQLite. In particular, chunks is powered by sqlite-vec.

chunks table: chunks, embeddings, and metadata

Each row is a chunk.

A JSONL file like this:

# test.jsonl
{"source": "The quick brown fox. Jumps over a lazy dog. ", "summary": "26 letters."}
{"source": "We the people. Of the U.S.A. ", "summary": "The U.S. Constitution. It is great. "}

will be ingested into the chunks table as below:

chunk_id text text_type sample _id char _offset chunk _offset embedding
0 "The quick brown fox." source 0 0 0 [0.1, 0.2, ..., 0.9]
1 "Jumps over the lazy dog." source 0 21 1 [0.1, 0.2, ..., 0.9]
2 "We the people." source 1 0 0 [0.1, 0.2, ..., 0.9]
3 "Of the U.S.A." source 1 15 1 [0.1, 0.2, ..., 0.9]
4 "26 letters." summary 0 0 0 [0.1, 0.2, ..., 0.9]
5 "The U.S. Constitution." summary 1 0 0 [0.1, 0.2, ..., 0.9]
6 "It is great." summary 1 23 1 [0.1, 0.2, ..., 0.9]

Meaning of select columns:

  • char_offset is the offset of a chunk in its parent document measured by the starting character of the chunk. It allows us to find the chunk in the document.
  • chunk_offset_local is the index of a chunk in its parent document. It is used to find the chunk in the document.
  • text_type is takes value from the ingestion file. source and summary for now.
  • All columns are 0-indexed.
  • The sample_id is the index of the sample in the ingestion file. Because the ingestion file could be randomly sampled from a bigger dataset, the sample_id is not necessarily global.
  • embedding is the embedding of the chunk.

annotations table: the human annotations

annot_id sample _id annot_spans annotator label note
1 1 {'source': [1, 10], 'summary': [7, 10]} 2fe9bb69 ["ambivalent"] "I am not sure."
2 1 {'summary': [2, 8]} a24cb15c ["extrinsic"] "No connection to the source."
  • sample_id are the id's of chunks in the chunks table.
  • text_spans is a JSON text field that stores the text spans selected by the annotator. Each entry is a dictionary where keys must be those in the text_type column in the chunks table (hardcoded to source and summary now) and the values are lists of two integers: the start and end indices of the text span in the chunk. For extrinsic hallucinations (no connection to the source at all), only summary-key items. The reason we use JSON here is that SQLite does not support array types.

config table: the configuration

For example:

key value
embdding_model "openai/text-embedding-3-small"
embdding_dimension 4

sample_meta table: the sample metadata

sample_id json_meta
0 {"model":"meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-70B-Instruct","HHEMv1":0.43335,"HHEM-2.1":0.39717,"HHEM-2.1-English":0.90258,"trueteacher":1,"true_nli":0.0,"gpt-3.5-turbo":1,"gpt-4-turbo":1,"gpt-4o":1, "sample_id":727}
1 {"model":"openai/GPT-3.5-Turbo","HHEMv1":0.43003,"HHEM-2.1":0.97216,"HHEM-2.1-English":0.92742,"trueteacher":1,"true_nli":1.0,"gpt-3.5-turbo":1,"gpt-4-turbo":1,"gpt-4o":1, "sample_id": 1018}

0-indexed, the sample_id column is the sample_id in the chunks table. It is local to the ingestion file. The json_meta is whatever info other than ingestion columns (source and summary) in the ingestion file.


Mercury implemented a simple OAuth2 authentication. The user logs in with email and password. The server will return a signed JWT token. The server will verify the token for each request. The token will expire in 7 days.

How to do vector search

SQLite-vec uses Euclidean distance for vector search. So all embeddings much be normalized to unit length. Fortunately, OpenAI and Sentence-Bert's embeddings are already normalized.

  1. Suppose the user selects a text span in sample of sample ID x.

  2. Get the type of the opposite document (source if x is in summary, and vice versa).

  3. Get the embedding of the selected text span.

  4. Send a query to SQLite like this:

       SELECT chunk_id, distance FROM chunks WHERE k = 5 AND sample_id = {x} AND text_type = {text_type} AND embedding MATCH '{embedding}' ORDER BY distance

    This will find the 5 most similar chunks to x in the opposite document. Note that embedding and distance are predefined by sqlite-vec.

Here is a running example (using the data above):

  1. Suppose the data has been ingested. The embedder is openai/text-embedding-3-small and the embedding dimension is 512.

  2. Suppose the user selects sample_id = 1 : "The U.S. Constitution." The text_type of this span is summary -- the opposite document is the source.

  3. Get the embedding of "The U.S. Constitution".

    embedding = embedder.embed(["The U.S. Constitution."], embedding_dimension=512)[0]
  4. Send a query to SQLite:

    SELECT chunk_id, distance FROM chunks WHERE k = 5 AND sample_id = 1 AND text_type = 'source' AND embedding MATCH '{embedding}' ORDER BY distance

    The return is [(2, 0.20000001788139343), (1, 0.40000003576278687)].

  5. Get the text spans of the chunks with chunk_id 2 and 1.

    SELECT chunk_id, text, char_offset FROM chunks WHERE chunk_id in (2, 1)

    The return is [(2, 'We the people.', 0), (1, 'Of the U.S.A.', 15)].

  6. The closest source chunk is "We the people" (chunk_id=2) which is the most famous three words in the US Constitution.


  1. OpenAI's embedding endpoint can only embed up to 8192 tokens in each call.
  2. embdding_dimension is only useful for OpenAI models. Most other models do not support changing the embedding dimension.

Embedding speed and/or embedding dimension

  1. multi-qa-mpnet-base-dot-v1 takes about 0.219 second on an x86 CPU to embed one sentence when batch_size is 1. The embedding dimension is 768.
  2. BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5 takes also about 0.202 second on an x86 CPU to embed one sentence when batch_size is 1. The embedding dimension is 384.


Label Studio for Doc/Summary Pairs






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